Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Open A Single Chapter To Explain The Levels Of Strength And Levels Of Power.

The power levels in this book are Marvel’s normal power divisions.

[Planet Level]: Not to mention this, it contains a large group of miscellaneous fish.

[Level Sub-God Father]: Thanos, Sirte, etc. are all at this level.

[Level God Father] (also called God King Level): Thor’s father Odin, the main god of Greek mythology Zeus, etc. all belong to this level, that is, the kings in the mythological systems of major civilizations on the earth. Thanos without Infinity Gauntlet is Level Sub- God Father is a bit stronger than the Earth God.

[Level Single Universe]: The representatives of this level of strength are: 1. The Celestial God Group, aliens created by Eternity, one of the five gods of the Marvel universe, whose strength defeats all the earth gods. 2. Silver Surfer, etc.

[Multi-universe level]: The five gods of the Marvel universe (Planet Devourer, Death, Eternity, Infinity, and Annihilation) are the five gods that make up the entire Marvel universe. Phoenix force is a special force that comes from the Phoenix and has the ability to modify history and erase existing existence. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet also falls into this class.

[Super Universe Level]: The Living Tribunal, granted by the Almighty God OAA the right to supervise the balance of all multi-universes, is almost omnipotent.

[Almighty Universe Level]: OAA, the apex of the entire Marvel universe, the omniscient and omnipotent god. The transcendent, a special existence that transcends everything, can bestow its conscious judgment on any existence. Those that he thinks are strong will become stronger, and those that are weak will become weaker. In addition to OAA and the Beyonder, Thanos is also at this level when he has the Heart of the Universe. Therefore, the reason why Thanos is a super villain in the Marvel universe is mainly due to his equipment.

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