Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 46 Shocked The Whole Audience! 【Seventh Update】

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

In the suffocating silence, Sal's voice sounded clearly, as calm as a lake frozen for thousands of years, without any emotional fluctuations.

His frenzied attack was unexpectedly received by Thrall in an understatement, causing the madness in the mountain giant's eyes to quickly dissipate, and a trace of fear appeared.

When he gradually regained his senses, the mountain giant realized that he was afraid. Facing Thrall who could resist his attack with just one finger, he felt a coldness that penetrated into his bones.

"I...I didn't..."

In this extreme depression, the mountain giant felt that his body, which was as solid as gold and iron, was shaking uncontrollably. He hesitated and tried to explain.

However, against Thrall's will, will there still be a chance?

Nebula particles flowed out from Sal's feet where he stood in the air, and spread throughout the arena in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the mountain giant was shivering all over, and the earthy yellow light on his body suddenly dissipated.

His greatest reliance, the connection with the land of Sakaar has been completely severed.

The mountain giant's eyes were full of horror. He simply couldn't understand why he was standing on the ground of Saka but couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation of the earth's veins, nor could he get any power from the earth.

Looking down from the arena, the mountain giant at the moment looks like he is standing in the boundless starry sky. The ground beneath his feet is no longer the earth, but a bright star map.

And Thrall is the controller of this brilliant star map.

"I gave you a chance, but since you don't want to cherish it..."

Thrall stared at the mountain giant calmly, and there was a hint of regret in Thrall's voice.


The star map flipped, the world was turned upside down, and the body of the mountain giant was completely engulfed in it.


Everyone's ears echoed with the mountain giant's last fearful roar before he was swallowed up by the star map, and his body was no longer visible.

The fearful roar from the soul before the mountain giant disappeared made everyone shudder.

At this moment, everyone felt like falling into an ice cave.

But within a very short breath or two, the nebula particles subsided like a tide, and the scene of the arena became clear again.

Everything is the same as before the battle ended, the only difference is.

The previously ferocious mountain giant had completely disappeared.

In the moment just now, Thrall used nebula particles to build a powerful field. In this field, the connection between the mountain giants and the earth was completely cut off.

Without the support of the earth, the mountain giant's ability became rootless duckweed, and the almost 'immortal' power of communicating with the earth in his body was completely unable to be exerted. Under the terrifying devouring ability of the nebula particles, it directly turned into a pure Energy becomes Thrall's boost.

Facing countless pairs of astonished eyes, Sal glanced around calmly and gradually raised his body.

Facing Sal's eyes that were as deep as cold pools, everyone who looked at them couldn't help but their hearts beat faster, and they quickly lowered their heads, not daring to face Sal at all.

The cheering stopped completely, and everyone was too afraid to kick. All that was left in their hearts was awe and awe.

The mountain giant who completely disappeared taught everyone a lesson with his life.

The will of the Son of the Creation God does not tolerate any disobedience or violation!

Even Gao Tianzun, who was at the top of the stand, looked a little restrained. He lost his usual laughter and became much more solemn. When facing Sal's gaze, he showed a bit of respect.

After looking around, Thrall's eyes finally stopped at the Balor Fire Demon not far away from him, covered in blood and with a sluggish breath.

At the moment, the Balor Demon looked at Thrall with too many things in his eyes.

Respect, adoration, awe and.

A deep plea and a desire that burns like blood and fire.

This look that contained so much made Sal's face move slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised an undetectable arc.

Through the eyes of Balo Yanmo, he could detect the incomparable obsession and unwillingness in Balo Yanmo's heart.

Although Thrall didn't know the past of Balor Fire Demon, the look in his eyes spoke volumes.

After a slight pause, Thrall raised his palm and pointed at the Balor Balor on the ground.

A nebula particle turned into majestic divine power and surged out from between Thrall. Before Balor Balrog could react, he was hit by this blue beam containing majestic divine power.


For the Balor Balrog, who was only planet-level and seriously injured, the divine power contained in Thrall's finger was endless. The sudden bulging feeling filled his body, making him feel like his body could not bear it and exploded. The illusion came, and then he roared lowly.

This divine power is pure and majestic, exuding an aura that makes all living beings worship it, and it contains a very small trace of Thrall's essence.

But just such a burst of divine energy was enough to bring the seriously injured Barbossa back to life and undergo earth-shaking changes.

Bathed in the light of divine power, all the previous injuries of Barbossa, who was roaring in a low voice, were rapidly recovering one by one. Even the broken arm with exposed bone stubble was also rapidly growing and recovering.

An increasingly powerful momentum was brewing in Barbossa's body.

At this time, how could everyone still not understand that Barbossa was extremely lucky. As a loser, he was favored by the son of the creation god, and he did not hesitate to use his divine power to help him recover from serious injuries and dying. status restored.


On Barbossa, whose body had fully recovered, the devil's true form was revealed again, the blood and fire were rekindled, and huge amounts of horns continued to grow.

Above Barbossa's head, a strange flame symbolizing the origin of the devil was burning fiercely. In the core of the original blood-red flame, there was a trace of blue light, which looked extremely strange.


After the energy from Thrall's finger was completely absorbed by Barbossa's metamorphosis, Barbossa roared to the sky. The roar was filled with unparalleled excitement and joy, and the strong momentum exploded wantonly, much stronger than before.

This powerful aura erupted, almost forming a real storm, which continued to spread, and even the auditorium outside the arena was greatly affected.

Audiences with a certain level of strength and keen eyesight can find that in the storm that envelopes Barbossa, there is a demonic shadow that towers over the sky and keeps roaring and roaring, which is heart-stirring.

In this storm, the Balor Fire Demon spread his arms and roared at the sky.

The terrifying power in his body gave Barlow the Fire Demon a strong feeling. If he faced the demon leader who almost killed him in his current state, he could crush him and kill him effortlessly!

After the storm of momentum dissipated, a tall body half-knelt on the ground facing Sal's direction.

"Lord Thrall, my real name is Dila Azok Rama, and I want to be your most loyal subordinate!"


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