Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 62 The Stunned Giants Of Jotunheim And Thor

Jotonheim, the eternal frozen kingdom among the nine realms controlled by the gods.

There is a completely different scene here from the Fire World.

The world of fire controlled by Sirte has been continuously burned by flames for countless years. The ground is dry and cracked, and the whole world is like a furnace of huge amounts.

Jotonheim, on the other hand, is extremely cold. Under the dim sky, everything is dark and cold. The cold wind is blowing wildly, and there is no grass growing on the earth. There are only countless sharp and weird cold fingers pointing to the sky, as if some kind of monster has died. The bone stubble left behind.

Like the Fire World, Jotonheim also has a ruler, the Frost Troll King Lauf.

The purpose of Thrall's trip is to come to the Frost World. On the one hand, "460" is trying to conquer the sin of labor.

On the other hand, he is infinitely close to the real Level God Father, and he only needs that little last chance.

This opportunity is the ultimate cold power that can only be born in Frost World!

But at this moment, Frost World was uncharacteristically different. Instead of the silence and dead silence that it had been for countless years, a fierce battle was taking place.

All the frost trolls in the entire Frost World became extremely angry and violent, endlessly rushing out of their caves and swarming towards an extremely chaotic area.

There were six people in total surrounded by countless frost trolls.

Thor, the god of conspiracy Loki and the foursome of Sif, Volstagg, Hogan and Fandral.

At that moment, the six people were all trapped in a hard fight under heavy siege, and Volstagg's chest was bright red, as if he had been penetrated by some kind of sharp weapon, and he almost completely lost his combat effectiveness.


The sound of the giant ice breaking sounded, and an extremely huge rhinoceros-like frost beast released its seal from the ice, let out a thundering roar, and rushed towards the six people crazily.

Under this terrifying power, all the frost trolls got out of the way. Those who reacted a little slower were also thrown into the air by the frost in their panic.


Everyone who was already trapped in the siege felt even more nervous when they saw this powerful frost beast approaching. Fandral let out a loud roar and led everyone to evade in a hurry.

Even the huge amounts of the Frost Troll are like a weak baby in front of this giant frost beast. They have no doubt that if they are hit by this monster head-on, even with the powerful physique of the people in the God's Domain, they will only be shattered to pieces. end.

Among the six, only Thrall, who holds Mjolnir, has reached planet-level strength. With the powerful artifact in his hand, he constantly stirs up huge gravel and lightning, driving back the crazy frost trolls while facing huge amounts of frost behemoths.

However, the frost behemoth's terrifying brute strength and powerful defense will not last long even if it controls Mjolnir for a while.

In order to intercept the large number of pursuers, Thor exploded with all his strength at the moment, but under the desperate impact of the opponent, he was already in a panic and could be overwhelmed at any time.

Under the dim light of the sky, all Thor could see were pairs of scarlet, bloodthirsty eyes that kept approaching, as if they would not stop until they tore him into pieces.

As the eldest son of the Father of God, Thor felt a kind of despair for the first time. He could only wave the artifact in his hand desperately, using up waves of divine power to block the opponent's constant attacks.

However, although he is called the God of Thunder, Thor's strength is there, and his divine power will eventually be exhausted.

Frost World is the home of the Frost Trolls, and the number of Frost Trolls here is endless!

Just when Thor was surrounded by more and more frost trolls, his divine power dried up and he was about to suffocate.


In the sky of an extremely cold world with almost no skylight, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, like a sudden explosion of fireworks in the deep night sky, illuminating the entire world in an instant...

The crazy frost trolls slowed down their attack.

In the dazzling light, the space slowly shattered, revealing an increasingly huge amounts of cracks, and there was a faint roar in it, with breathtaking power.

Under the surprised gazes of countless frost trolls, when the crack opened to a certain extent, a ferocious giant claw filled with flames suddenly stretched out from the middle and grabbed the edge of the crack.

A roar rang out, and the giant claws covered with sharp scales under the flames suddenly tore apart, and the space crack suddenly expanded, becoming dozens of times larger in an instant.

Soon, a ferocious monster that was much larger than the frost giant appeared in the blazing flames, with huge amounts of flames flashing in its pupils, overlooking the countless frost trolls on the ground.

This monster that walked out of the torn space interrupted the battle on the ground. The powerful pressure on its body made all creatures, including Thor, feel a strong pressure.

Arrogant, ferocious, sharp, fiery...

Among the terrible pressure, there are all kinds of shuddering auras.


The fierce cold wind blew 3.3, and the huge monster that appeared in the sky suddenly twitched its nose and sprayed out a lot of blazing flames, which lasted for a long time even in this extremely cold world.

This guy was the starry sky beast who had just led Thrall through the space node from the world of fire. He suddenly appeared in the extremely cold world of Ice from the ever-burning flame world, which made the starry sky beast's nose feel a little uncomfortable. , sneezed under conditioned reflex.

However, this scene always seems to be somewhat inconsistent.

The majestic appearance, the extremely offensive fangs and claws, the powerful aura and coercion, but a sneeze wiped out all the effects created.

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