Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 65 Louder Than Your Voice?

As soon as the starry giant beast opened its mouth, only its own roar could be heard in the world. All the Giants of Jotunheim on the ground closed their mouths, and some of the weaker ones were stunned.

What the hell is this one? Not only can it hit, but it also roars like thunder.

In the excitement, the starry sky beast roared with no intention of shutting up, and the sound became louder and louder. In the entire Frost World, large areas of ice burst and began to collapse on a large scale.

The roar of the giant beast in the starry sky is so terrifying!

"Ah...enough is enough!"

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Thrall slapped the giant beast in the starry sky on its head, interrupting its increasingly loud roar. Otherwise, this guy would have been allowed to keep roaring like this.

It is really possible that the Ice world will be shaken to a large extent by it.

Regarding Thrall's instructions, the starry sky beast did not dare to disobey, and immediately shut its mouth.

This roar also made 763 steal the limelight. It was quite satisfying. Seeing countless pairs of awed and frightened eyes on the ground, the starry sky beast looked at ease.

"Lauf, don't you use your voice now?"

Thrall's eyes moved slightly and fell on Lauf, the lord of Giants of Jotunheim with a stinky face in the center of countless stunned Giants of Jotunheim.

"I want to clarify two points. First, I did come from the Fire World, but I have nothing to do with Sirte. If I have to say it, that guy has been killed by me now. It is complete."

"Second, don't mention war or not in front of me, otherwise you will end up like Sirte. My patience is limited. If you don't learn well, I will destroy this world for you."

Facing Lauf, the Lord of Giants of Jotunheim, Thrall looked calm, but his words were still as arrogant as ever.

But despite such arrogant words, Sal still said it calmly, with a vaguely aloof aura about him that made even Lauf feel a little suffocated.

Under Sal's condescending gaze, the scarlet color in Lauf's eyes became more intense. He stared at Sal's figure in the sky, with overwhelming anger brewing in his chest.

I don’t know what day it is. First, the second-generation official from the God’s Domain came to his territory with a few brats to cause trouble. Then there was another intruder who was even crazier than Thor. He was completely ignited. Lao's murderous intention.

Now, Thrall's incomparable arrogance has successfully transferred all of Lauf's resentment towards Thor and others onto himself.

Moreover, Lauf simply wouldn't believe what Sal said.

Although the young man in front of him seemed a bit mysterious, he would not believe it if he could completely kill Sirte or kill Lauf at the Flame World home court.

"Very good, intruder. I gave you the opportunity to get out of Jotonheim. Since you don't know how to cherish it, today, I will kill you first and then send these brats from the God's Realm to die while I take over the God's Realm. After breaking through, the rage of the Giants of Jotunheim will completely freeze the entire world of fire!"

Lauf's voice was like the cold wind blowing from the depths of the thousand-year-old ice abyss, carrying overwhelming anger and suffocating murderous intent.


As Lauf's words fell, a huge icicle burst out from the ground where Lauf was standing, carrying Lauf's body soaring into the sky and shooting toward the cfbb above the starry sky beast.

As the Lord of the Giants of Jotunheim, Lauf's strength is comparable to Sirte, the Lord of Fire. He is also the being with the highest combat power among the Level Sub-God Fathers.

Moreover, after Sirte was defeated by Odin, he lost the most important Eternal Fire, which made him languish for countless years. Although Lauf was also defeated, his strength was not greatly affected, but he lost an artifact, the Casket of Ancient. Just Winters.

Lauf, who soared from the ground, waved his hands quickly as he rushed to kill Thrall. As the cold wind howled, thick and sharp ice edges condensed out of thin air. There were more and more of them, and the range was also extremely expanded. Only a few In the blink of an eye, it already occupied half of the sky.


With an angry roar, sharp ice edges all over the sky were shot towards the starry sky beast and Thrall like shells.

Feeling the powerful attack coming, Thrall laughed a little.

When Lauf said something to him, Sal would always say it himself. Unexpectedly, Lauf said it first because he was so crazy today, which immediately made Sal dumbfounded.

However, Thrall did not ignore the angry attack launched by Lauf in anger. Before the ice in the sky came, the nebula barrier had already been propped up, firmly protecting him and the starry sky temple curtain.


On the surface of the nebula barrier, there is no dazzling light flashing, only the dark annihilation light flowing slowly, which looks ordinary and does not have much soul-stirring feeling.

However, the extremely cold ice edge fell down and hit the huge amounts of nebula barrier. Not only did it fail to break through the nebula barrier, there was not even a huge impact sound, and dark rays of light flashed through. The icy edges mysteriously disappeared.

The powerful wave of icy ice in the sky disappeared under the nebula barrier, which surprised everyone and gave them an unreal feeling like a dream.

As the lord of Giants of Jotunheim, Lauf is quite powerful. In order to defeat him, Odin even paid the price of an eye. Now he is angry and posts the anime Skyrim. Why does it look like a joke?

On the ground, countless Giants of Jotunheim couldn't believe it, Thor couldn't believe it either, and the five people behind Jie'er had already opened their mouths...

"With this level of attack, what kind of war are you talking about? Lauf, is your brain frozen?"

In the nebula barrier, Sarna's joking voice sounded again at an inappropriate time. .

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