Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 85: Classmate Stark Whose Views Have Been Subverted

"How can it be?!"

In an ancient British castle thousands of kilometers away from the desert where Sal descended, a middle-aged bald man wearing a strange instrument and sitting in a wheelchair looked shocked.

The bald man's name is Charles. Xavier, also known as Professor X, the leader in the Mutant world.

Originally, he was using the brainwave strengthening device to search for new Mutants in the world, and was planning to see if he could attract more fresh blood to join the Xavier Genius Academy he established. However, he perceived the terrifying fluctuations in spiritual power in the Afghan desert. Curious for a moment, he controlled his mental strength and went over to investigate.

But, what did he see?

A monster that is bigger than a mountain range, and two men and one whose spiritual power is terrifying to the extreme!

It's okay to say that monsters with huge amounts of mental power should be slightly weaker than him.

But the mental strength of the two people, a man and a woman, Charles can only describe as Wang Yang.

From the bald woman's body, Charles could only feel a sense of vastness and awe, and also a deep mystery.

And the young man's mental power made Charles extremely frightened.

Thick, sharp, destructive, devouring, and the complete opposite of hot and cold...

With just a moment of contact, Charles had the illusion that he would die immediately.

For these two people, according to the strength of the Mutant world, they are definitely far beyond all the Mutants that Charles knows. They can only be defined as the strongest level five Mutants, Omega-level terrifying existences.

The definition of Level 5 Mutants has always been very vague, but this is already the most powerful type in the Mutant world. Charles could only temporarily define these two people as Level 5 when he accidentally noticed them.

Both the man and the woman were obviously aware of his spiritual peeping. Both of them had eyes that seemed to be able to see the essence through infinite space, giving Charles the feeling that he had been completely seen through.

Fortunately, although this man and woman were aware of his spiritual peeping, they had no intention of attacking him and just glanced at him lightly.

But even so, Charles didn't dare to continue to peep, his mental power quickly converged, and he planned to quickly end this unforgettable exploration activity and take off the brainwave strengthening device.

However, when his mental power was shrinking rapidly, Charles still couldn't help it.

Before all his mental energy faded away, Charles felt that there was another ordinary person near the man and woman.

After a slight pause, Charles' last mental power invaded the ordinary man's brain, briefly taking over his perception, controlling his stiff body, and through his eyes, he took one last look at the two figures in the sky.

"Lord Sal, I think we should go to Kamar-Taj first. After all, what happened here should have attracted the attention of many forces. I don't think you are interested in staying anymore, right?"

Feeling the spiritual power of that peek shrinking rapidly, Ancient One said to Thrall with a smile on his face.


Sal nodded slightly.

With Thrall's consent, Ancient One breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want the arrival of Thrall and the star beast to bring panic to the world, and she didn't want Kamar-Taj, which had been developing in a low-key manner (cffd), so Be noticed by the world.

As the Ancient One slowly stretched out his hand and outlined it in the void, strange magical energy surged. The sparks that had previously caused waves in the space appeared out of thin air, and then expanded rapidly.

Originally, Ancient One could easily open a space channel, but the channel she needed to open now was different from before.

The huge body of the starry sky beast requires at least a space passage connecting heaven and earth to squeeze in.

If you want to open the space channel to such an extent, not to mention the magic energy that needs to be consumed, the spiritual power to support the space channel is a big problem.

In the entire Kamar-Taj, except for the Ancient One, other great magicians are probably unable to achieve such a space passage.

When Charles's mental power left Stark's body, what Stark saw was a series of huge space portals.

Long after Thrall and the star beast disappeared and the giant teleportation portal closed, Stark was still immersed in this scene that subverted his three views.

As a defender of science, although Stark often fantasized about aliens, shapeshifting King Kong and the like, it was still difficult for him to accept it when he actually saw the behemoth in the starry sky.

Stark hadn't fully come to his senses until several military helicopters with live ammunition arrived in the sky.

"Mr. Stark, I am a staff member of the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency in Afghanistan. The drone searched for your information before and we rushed here immediately. Please follow me."

On the helicopter, a somewhat dull Stark faced a tall white man in a suit and tie. The department he mentioned was something Stark had never heard of.

"Mr. Stark, please believe that I am here to help you. You are absolutely safe now. We are fully responsible for your personal safety. There will be no problems until you return to the country safely.

Seeing Stark's expressionless face, the white man in a suit and tie was not impatient. He ordered the medical staff around him to help Stark deal with his injuries while using a calm tone to reassure him.

"You won't believe what I've been through before. If I tell you, you might think I'm a lunatic."

Under the comfort of the other party, Stark slowly came back to his senses and spoke in confusion.

However, the white man had a strange smile on his face.

"That's exactly why I'm here!"

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