But even so, their power will be greatly limited.

Coupled with the close monitoring of the Holy Place Magician and the prestigious reputation of the Supreme Magician, the strongest among these alien creatures dare not act recklessly.

"You said he is a dangerous person, why should you bring this kind of person to Kamar-Taj?"

As the supreme magician disciple, Mo Du stepped into this bronze hall.

"Some of the qualities in him make me feel familiar." Ancient One said with a smile.

"Kaecilius." Mordo whispered a name.

The guy who betrayed Kamar-Taj for the first time in hundreds of years, stole the forbidden magic for dark sacrifices, caused a bloody tragedy in Kamar-Taj, and became the dark believer of Dormammu.

"Zhou Luo is very capable, even stronger than Kaecilius. He is the kind of guy who never follows the rules, and in character, he is not the kind of rigid person."

After Ancient One has finished debugging, he sighed.

She found that a riot was brewing in the dark dimension, and those minions from heaven or hell began to rush out of the cracks in the material world.

Thinking of Mephisto, who is preparing for the reincarnation ceremony, it is hard not to contact the evil spirits and evil gods who are plotting an amazing conspiracy.

Maybe he died of this disaster? The supreme magician's heart was covered with a haze, she had a foreboding that the end was approaching, but she didn't know when it would happen.

"Even if Kaecilius betrayed you, I won't." Mordor said sincerely.

"I long for the strength to defeat the enemy, and it is you who gave me strength to overcome the darkness in my heart, and let me learn to follow my own law."

"Darkness will never be eliminated, we just learned to coexist with it." Ancient One shook his head.

This disciple of her has a firm belief in her heart, and she also has immense trust and respect for Kamar-Taj and the Supreme Magician.

It's a pity to follow the rigid rules too much, and it is difficult to jump out of the limited world and see the true self.

Kaecilius was originally a good choice, but his inner wounds were too deep.

After discovering the secret of Ancient One's life-sustaining by absorbing the energy of the dark dimension, he believed that everything about Kamar-Taj was a lie, and instead embarked on the degenerate path of following Dormammu.

"Don't worry about Zhou Luo, he is the variable I use to influence the future, and I will personally stare at him." Ancient One said softly.

Mordu seemed to want to say something, but he swallowed his throat again. He didn't want to go against the will of the Supreme Magician.

Even if he didn't like the smile on his face, he didn't seem to be a young man with the same shape.

But since the owner of Kamar-Taj has spoken, he can only show compliance.


It took Zhou Luo about three days to visit Kamar-Taj.

During this period, he made a call to New York, saying that he wanted to take a long vacation so that they don't need to worry.

As for the destruction of the Hell's Kitchen, it has been quietly settled under the powerful banknote Ability.

In the middle of the night on the fourth day, Zhou Luo walked into the dark night to one of the most important places in Kamar-Taj, the library.

There are countless ancient books in it, even records from ancient times can be found in them.

There are countless powerful spells. Every magician can explore the mystery of the universe and truth here.

Kamar-Taj has many rules, one of the most well-known is that knowledge can be shared.

As long as you have qualified Ability, even the collection of the Supreme Magician can be read and learned, but there are very few magicians that can do this.

A rather serious round-faced fat man received Zhou Luo. With Ancient One's acquiescence, he was naturally not rejected.

The fat man who looks unsmiling and has no sense of humor is the "king" in the movie and the librarian of Kamar-Taj.

Although he has watched movies, Zhou Luo knows that this guy is also funny, but after all, he is facing a real person now.

The last magician who took on this role has been separated by Kaecilius and used to carry out bloody and cruel evil sacrifices.

"You can flip through the books here, but you can't damage them. If any page is missing, I will trouble you." Wang Mianrong said solemnly.

Zhou Luo smiled casually, not taking this threat to heart.

He walked among the many bookshelves, and he couldn't seem to see the end at a glance.

The ancient classics are connected into the history of magic, and the secrets that are buried or forgotten can be found in these books.

His eyes scanned a copper book bound to a shelf with delicate chains.

The round jewel in the center of the cover shimmers with dim light.

That is the Book of Cagliostro, also known as the Book of Darkness or the Book of Time.

It records the secrets of how to enter the dark dimension, and there are also incantations that drive the eyes of Agomadha.

"Look slowly first."

A smile was drawn at the corner of Zhou Luo's mouth, and he randomly pulled out a heavy classic from the side bookshelf.

The days of study are always short and long, because once indulged in it, it is easy to ignore the rapid passing of outside time.

"Hello, my name is Mordor, and Master Ancient One asked me to guide your study."

Looking at the black Mordu in front of him, Zhou Luo responded with a polite smile, perhaps infected by the peaceful atmosphere of Kamar-Taj, his personality has become much calmer recently.

"I heard that the occult energy in your body can be steadily constructed, so we will directly start the next step of learning, occult weapons.

The secret weapon is to construct the secret energy into the form you want and use it as a weapon. "

Although he had a bad impression of Zhou Luo, Mordu still taught him meticulously.

"In theory, you can construct any type of weapon, but generally speaking, the more complex the weapon, the more difficult it is to construct.

It is best to choose simple weapons such as sticks, swords, and knives, and at the same time you have to consider your proficiency with these weapons.

Next, I will introduce the two most commonly used weapons, the secret shield and the secret long whip.

The construction methods of these two weapons are very simple, which is optimistic. "

While talking, Mordo folded his hands together, making a very complicated gesture as if pulling a flower.

The golden secret technique energy danced wildly in his hand, and as he opened his hands suddenly, several golden silk threads were stretched out like ramen noodles.

"This is the secret long whip, it can basically be used as a normal whip.

But it is more powerful, can also cause spell damage to the enemy, and can move with the user's will to a certain extent. "

After Mordu finished speaking, he flicked the secret long whip, slapped it, and smashed a wooden figure as a target. .

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