The figure under the hood chuckled twice, and placed the pistol in the middle of the table, as if not afraid of being taken away by Wesley.

"I like Jin Bin's industry-those legal industries on the surface. Hell's Kitchen is a place where fish and dragons are mixed. Jin Bin used violence and blood to establish his power and rule, but the black hands and the Neon Hands Union, these The forces have always wanted to regain their territory, and have never given up."

The figure under the hood looked at the frowning Wesley, and said excitedly: "I want to get them all out, including Jin Bin!"

Wesley had a stunned expression on his face. He almost thought he had encountered a lunatic, eradicating Jinnian, and all the underground forces in Hell's Kitchen?

Even the entire New York bureau can't do it. Jin is alone, and there are thousands of thugs and villains under his hand who are working for him. If the underworld emperor tells him, he wants someone to disappear in New York. , That night the man’s body would be thrown into the bottom of the Hudson River.

"You will definitely think I am a lunatic now, and maybe you will consider making a phone call for me, such as a mental hospital, or more directly, the police station, or... Jin Bin," the figure seemed to have guessed Wesley "I don’t need you to do anything, because that would make this matter originally meaningless."

"I came to see you today for this conversation, just to let you know one thing, one thing that will make many people happy."

The figure paused, and then said: "Tomorrow night, Jin will not die, and his powerful bullseye will not be spared."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue sky, directly hitting Wesley, his brain seemed to crash, and even thinking about Ability stopped for a moment.

This lunatic is going to kill Kim and the bullseye? !

"When these two people die, you, as Kim's personal assistant, who is in charge of the crime empire for him, James Wesley, will become one of the most powerful people in Hell's Kitchen...".

"What you have to do is to wash yourself in the shortest possible time and become a legitimate businessman, a young upstart in Hell's Kitchen, do you understand what I mean? How easy it is to be the emperor of Hell's Kitchen!"

Wesley opened his mouth wide. He stared at the figure in the dark with a bit of a daze, thinking that he had really met a madman who was completely mad, and he unabashedly stood in front of him, talking about how to usurp the underworld emperor of New York. Isn't he afraid of telling Jin Bin about the industry and the territory?

"Go, you can go and tell Jin Bin that one day there will be a madman who will try to kill him and take everything from him.

You can also say nothing and watch a movie that is still interesting like a spoiled person. All of this is up to you. "

That figure could always guess Wesley's thoughts, as if he could read his thoughts, which gave Wesley the feeling of being completely seen through by the other party without any secrets.

"I look forward to your choice, Mr. Wesley, if you are really smart enough!"

The figure slowly retreated into the darkness. After a while, the room returned to silence, and there was no more sound, as if everything that happened just now was just Wesley's illusion.

The personal assistant of the underworld emperor looked at the pistol on the table with mixed emotions in his eyes.

It has been nearly a week since that great turmoil. Batman, who has prepared plans for everything, successfully solved Gotham City after paying some price, drove away Ten Rings, and restored Gotham City to its former "calm" again. .

The S.H.I.E.L.D civil strife finally ended with insight into the crash of the mothership, and Captain America once again rescued S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury cleared out S.H.I.E.L.D from the inside out, although he himself knew that it was impossible to clean the HYDRA undercover, at least he wouldn't be like a blindfolded donkey as before.

The contradiction between humans and Mutant was suppressed again with the disappearance of Mutant Brotherhood, but everyone knows that the contradiction will not disappear, but will only grow.

Because of Magneto's impassioned speech, more and more Mutant hearts ignited flames. They began to find various channels to join Mutant Brotherhood, so that Magneto's influence continued to grow.

Tony Stark was out of danger. Under the best medical conditions, he recovered very quickly, and he could even walk on the ground in less than a week.

Everything is developing, but a familiar figure is missing.

Zhou Luo.

What happened that night, Batman did not choose to make it public, but chose to take the responsibility alone and set foot in the footsteps of tracking down the new Joker, Zhou Luo.

Externally, he claimed that Zhou Luo had returned to his hometown-the ancient country in the east, but he would never say exactly where it was.

No one knew where Zhou Luo went, and Batman didn't know. He tried to track him down through the traces left by Zhou Luo, but soon he was disappointed. Zhou Luo is no less inferior to anyone in investigation and counter-reconnaissance.

The next day.

When night falls.

A huge figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a bright and round bald head, dressed in an exquisite tailored suit, always has a sincere smile on his face, and there is no horrible and intimidating imposing rain on his body.

It's hard to imagine that this amiable and amiable fat man with a bald head will turn out to be a talkative gold in the underground world.

A vigorous man wearing a black trench coat and tight leather pants stood beside him. He was called "¨"Bullseye". He was one of the few henchmen of Jin and he was a thug and a bodyguard, with a target drawn on his forehead. The pattern, that pair of eyes revealed a ferocious and evil meaning.

Bullseye used to be a notorious professional killer, and was later hired by Jin He (Qian Wanghao) as his chief assassin. Many underground bosses who disobeyed Jin He's rule died under this guy.

"Why didn't you solve Daredevil last time?" Jin Neng asked at the bull's eye, knowing that his subordinate rarely misses.

"A guy with a skull pattern on his clothes rescued him." Bullseye said fiercely.

"The Punisher... Hell's Kitchen is really getting more and more interesting."

Daredevil is a street hero who has recently emerged. Wearing a strange costume similar to a red devil, he fights criminals everywhere. Last month he smashed several of Jin's business in a row. He didn't care about the financial losses. Here, it's just that the underground emperor can't tolerate someone dare to provoke him.

As for the punisher, he was a more cruel fellow than Daredevil, and all the criminals caught by him could hardly survive. The opponent is good at using all kinds of firearms, and his skill is quite extraordinary. .

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