Marvel: My Super Ability Is Good Luck!

Chapter 450 The Origin Of The Thor Clan

Chapter 450 The Origin of the Thor Clan

"The king asked you to come here this time, not to watch you quarrel, but to tell you something very important, including all the lovers present here." God King Odin sorted out his thoughts and said seriously.

His voice was not loud, but extremely penetrating, so that everyone present could hear him clearly, even the Warrior standing outside the palace could hear it.

"Do you know where my Thor family comes from?" God King Odin asked a question that made everyone puzzled.

"Aren't we Thors of Nordic origin?"

"Aren't we Thors from Earth?"

"We Thors were not created by God?"

All the soldiers in the palace were discussing for a while, but no one dared to raise their heads~ to accept the words of God King Odin.

At this time, Thor said loudly: "Father Qizuo, I also heard about Thor's ancient Legendary on Earth. Is there any relationship between the two?"

"Yes, the two are indeed related." God-King Odin gave Thor an appreciative look.

He went on to say: "Some of you lovers must have already guessed something. My Thor family is indeed from the earth, but it is not from northern Europe, but from the east. To be precise, it is from the ancient eastern country Huaxia on the earth. 17

"How can it be?"

As soon as God King Odin said this, the audience was in an uproar, and all the soldiers in the palace, including the two princes, showed expressions of disbelief.

Yes, no one would believe this. A group of blond-haired and blue-eyed Thors are descendants of Eastern Chinese people. First of all, it doesn’t make sense from the most obvious physical characteristics.

If this secret hadn't been passed down from generation to generation by the rulers of the Thor clan, God King Odin would have found it hard to believe it. He was absolutely shocked when he was told this secret by the previous generation of God Kings.

God King Odin motioned for everyone to be quiet, and continued: "The Thor family indeed originated from China on Earth, and the ancestor was the ancestor of Lei Zhenzi, who taught the Taoist sect of China."

God King Odin didn't care whether the soldiers could understand or not, and slowly revealed some mysteries about the origin of the Thor clan in ancient times.

"In ancient times, in the territory of China on the earth, the two religions of Taoism and Taoism were fighting against each other. There was an unprecedented war in Huaxia Taoism, which was called the "Battle of Conferred Gods" in history. The number is also heavy losses."

"And Lei Zhenzi, the ancestor of my Thor family, also participated in the battle of the gods. After that battle, Lei Zhenzi's ancestors became holy directly."

0 looking for flowers......


"At that time, the Heavenly Court was first built, and a stele was erected, and the list of "Fengshen List" was written on the "Fengshen List". The list is full of meritorious creators in various fields. Lei Zhenzi's ancestors were supposed to be on the list after the war, but they were preempted by others.


instead. "f

"In a fit of anger, Senior Lei Zhenzi went to the west of the earth, which is what you call Northern Europe, to live in seclusion and practice, and then his cultivation level will go up to a higher level."

"In order to verify his cultivation, Lei Zhenzi's ancestors went to the Nordic gods, challenging the elite and those in power in each god's domain along the way, winning many battles, and winning many battles, until he met a woman.


Having said this, God King Odin sighed, I don’t know if it’s because the hero is sad about the beauty pass or what?

"He got beaten by a woman?" Thor wondered.

God King Odin took a deep look at him: "You can say yes, or you can say no.

"The woman is just a mortal in that side of God's Domain, but she blocked Lei Zhenzi's challenge. Do you think Lei Zhenzi was defeated by her?"

"Senior Lei Zhenzi fell in love with that woman at first sight. In the end, he replaced the ruler of that side of God's Domain, married her, and founded the Thor clan."

"This is the origin of my Thor family." Having said that, King Odin stopped. .

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