Wade felt very hurt after losing money.

He was already helpless when there was a lucky girl who could modify the probability.

As a result, another man with 100% good luck came.

Wade looked at his long legs, shook his head, and said to Peter Parker:

"It's time for us to go and deal with that parasite problem"

"I get paid to do things for others. If it weren’t for the fact that I like you very much, I wouldn’t help you."

"Of course, I am referring to another kind of like"

"I'm not GAY, I want to make that clear."

Peter Parker stood up, gestured to Wade and said:

"You have to know that you infected me with that thing"

"If it hadn't been for you, my classmates would not have been infected, let alone me."

Wade and Peter Parker said"Zero Eight Zero" while walking towards the door.

Jiang Chen got up and walked towards the door. Nina Thurman followed, patted Jiang Chen and asked:

"Are you a mutant too? Jiang

Chen shook his head and said:

"I am an earthling."

Nina Thurman nodded. She didn't know where to put her hands. She shook her hands back and forth and said:

"You are so funny. After saying that

, he smiled at Jiang Chen and asked:

"Me too, do you like watching NBA? Jiang

Chen raised his eyebrows, nodded and said:

"I like it, I usually only watch the first five minutes"

"So you only watch the opening act?"

Nina Thurman thought about it roughly, five minutes, didn't that mean the cheerleaders had just finished their performance?

"That's it."

Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face.

Just as Nina Thurman was about to continue talking, she heard Wade calling her

"It's time for us to finish our mission, Miss Good Luck. A trace of regret flashed across Nina

Thurman's face. She looked at Jiang Chen and shrugged, saying:

"What a shame, I hope we can meet again next time."

She walked towards the door. After taking two steps, she turned back and said:

"Two lucky people always meet."

After saying that, she left the villa

"Is love luck considered a type of luck?"

Charles came over in a wheelchair and looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on his face.

"If love luck can be considered a type of luck, then your luck is really enviable."

Charles said jokingly, then he pointed to the door and said:

"There is a very beautiful woman looking for you outside the door"

"Like how you like it."

Before Jiang Chen could react, he saw someone walking in hurriedly.

The person who came was the Scarlet Witch - Wanda

"You must have a solution."

Seeing Jiang Chen, Wanda grabbed his hand, tears welling up in her eyes, looking very painful.


Charles, who originally had a calm look on his face, was suddenly startled, as if recalling some painful memory.

The expression on his face changed from surprise to seriousness.

Jiang Chen knew that he must have relapsed into his old habit.

He used his own ability to pry out Wanda's heart.

Sure enough, after hearing Charles say these two words, Wanda turned to look at him in surprise and asked:

"how do you know? Do you know Tianqi?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but be startled when he heard the name Tianqi.

The name had an impression in his mind, but it wasn't very clear. He only knew that he was one of the first mutants on the earth, and he was very powerful.

"You guys come with me."

Charles pushed the wheelchair with a serious expression.

He took Jiang Chen and Wanda into his office, took out a stack of information from the drawer of his desk and opened it.

"This is all the mission information of X Police"

"The president told me your request."

"Although you don’t want to interfere, you still need to know this information."

"There is a mission here about Apocalypse."

Charles pointed to an Egyptian mummy-like face on the information and said:

"He is Apocalypse, one of the earliest mutants in history."

Seeing the face in the photo, Wanda covered her mouth and said with a painful expression:

"it's him."

Charles sighed and recalled a past event.

When he was young, that is, when he still had hair.

Apocalypse was resurrected by the Egyptians, and the people there called him the Almighty God.

After he woke up The first thing he did was to assemble an army of mutants in an attempt to dominate the entire earth.

Not only is Apocalypse very powerful, he can also enhance the abilities of others 0........

All the abilities of mutants have been enhanced in his hands.

"So how did you deal with him then?"

Wanda asked with some urgency.

"It's Qin."

Charles looked at Jiang Chen.

Indeed, no matter how powerful Apocalypse is, he is just a mutant after all, and cannot be compared to the Phoenix Power contained in the universe.

"Qin broke out once a long time ago"

"That was the first time she awakened, and I lifted the mental prison on her"

"It took me a long time to seal her memory again."

Charles shook his head, his expression was very helpless, and continued:

"We thought that was the time that destroyed him"

"But he didn't expect that the White Queen rescued him and hid him"

"We have been looking for his whereabouts, but to no avail"

"He is in Eastern Europe, Erdova."

Wanda said, her eyes becoming more and more angry, and everything in the room began to float.

The information with the photo of Apocalypse's face on the table was flipping quickly

"Wanda, calm down."

Jiang Chen put his hand on her shoulder. His tone of voice was somewhat comforting.

"He captured Erdoba and his next target was Sokovia."

Wanda is obviously a little angry.

As long as things involving her hometown or family are involved, Wanda's emotions are stronger than ever.

Through Wanda's description, Jiang Chen probably knows 4.7 her purpose of coming to him.

Val Most of them are kingdoms in Eastern Europe near Sokovia.

Because the problem of coexistence between mutants and humans is getting worse in various countries.

Although it was proposed at the joint summit that humans and mutants should coexist harmoniously, Waldo did not implement it.

They introduced The policy of expelling mutants was implemented.

This caused the mutants to begin to resist and used their own power to resurrect Apocalypse.

After waking up, Apocalypse felt that he would start his own rule.

First he led the mutants to occupy Waldo, and now he leads the mutants to try to occupy it. Sokovia.

Because the Avengers are there, we are still in a fierce battle for the time being.

"His goal is not just Eastern Europe, his goal is the entire planet"

"We need you, Jiang Chen."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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