Isn’t that the location of the Power Stone on Xandar?

"Katie, do you know this pass exists?"

Jiang Chen looked at Katie Pride and saw her shaking her head in confusion. He roughly understood that she didn't know about this matter at all. So what should we usually do when this kind of situation occurs?

Call us. Who? Or should we just leave?

Jiang Chen looked confused. At this moment, another spaceship appeared in front of him.

"Unknown spaceship, please stop moving forward and show your pass allowing you to travel to Xandar."

The reminder sound sounded once.

Jiang Chen thought that he should turn around and leave.

He looked down at the row of buttons in front of him and didn't know which one to press. Anyway, he just pressed it casually. Doesn't that mean he was lucky?

Jiang Chen was right He pressed a certain red button.


A beam of light was emitted from the spaceship, and then the beam exploded quickly after contacting a spaceship. Such an explosion made Jiang Chen's own spacecraft shake. Suddenly, Jiang Chen saw a spaceship in front of him being shot down.

"Oh my god? Why did you attack?"

Katie Pride looked at Jiang Chen, her delicate face full of surprise.

"It has been identified as a dangerous spacecraft and the arrest will be started immediately."

There was another voice, and then Jiang Chen found that he was surrounded by spaceships.

"Your space journey is coming to an end……"

Katie Pryde sighed.


【Kitty Pryde, a mutant, also known as Phantom Cat, comes from the earth, can penetrate any object, has no pass, and shoots down an unmanned patrol plane.】

【Henry McCoy, mutant, alias the Beast, comes from Earth, can transform into a beast mentality, has no pass, shot down an unmanned patrol aircraft】

【Jiang Chen, unknown race, alias Fireman, from the earth, is his ability good luck? ? Well, it can also breathe fire and shoot down an unmanned patrol drone]

Colin Prison.

A huge military base-like building located in mid-air is the Klin Prison, which is known as a maximum security prison and is mostly about galactic criminal gangs.

"I can't believe I just went to sleep and handed the ship over to you and a moment later I became a prisoner."

At this time, Henry McCoy, who was wearing a yellow prison uniform, had a very bad tone. Of course, Jiang Chen could understand him. It felt like a policeman was suddenly imprisoned as a prisoner, which was very unpleasant.

"This dress is so ugly!"

Katie Pryde lowered her clothes and said displeasedly, her fleshy face bulging.

Jiang Chen was somewhat accustomed to such things. He would come to the Xandar planet. It has something to do with the power gem.

But the power gem is too straightforward.

At least the other gems can be used with hands, at least without any problems.

But the power carried by the power gem is even than Thanos. The direct contact of hands, simple and direct violence, makes people's scalp numb when they think of it.

Jiang Chen was led forward by two people.

After passing through the passage made of metal, he came to a reasonably In a large space.

It is more like a bar than a prison.

The noise filled Jiang Chen's ears. Surrounded by strange-looking creatures like them, wearing yellow prison uniforms, they saw Jiang Chen Several people walked towards it, looking a little excited, and kept shouting:


"You can't survive here!"

"Look how thin they are, I can crush them with my bare hands!"

Such an atmosphere reminded Jiang Chen of a place like an underground boxing ring or a martial arts competition.

The people who led them there, who looked like prison guards, didn't seem to pay much attention to these shouts. It seemed that they should only be responsible for taking care of the people here. No one escapes from prison. As for the life and death of these creatures in this prison, they will not care.

"You have to hand over what you have on you."

A person named Frieda said as she brought Jiang Chen and others back to an office. The name tag hanging on his chest had his name and rank written on it.

Katie Pride stretched out her hand She put it in her pocket and then took it out, saying that she had nothing.

Henry McCoy seriously took out all the snacks, chocolates and other things in his pocket.

"I can’t believe you, a man, like to eat these?"

Frieda teased. She opened a piece of chocolate from the snacks he took out, took a bite and put it in her mouth. She looked at Jiang Chen and said:

"'s your turn. Jiang

Chen raised his eyebrows, looked at Frieda seriously and said:

"I just showed it to you and you said it’s okay."

Jiang Chen's words made Frieda stunned for a moment. Not only him, but also Henry McCoy and Katie Pryde were a little confused.

"You absolutely didn't, I swear"

"Sir, I really do."

Jiang Chen's serious words made Frieda start to feel a little suspicious. He touched his head and said:

"Then you can show me one more time"


Jiang Chen put his hand into his pocket and slowly turned it out. At this moment, he heard a"pop" sound.

I don't know what happened inexplicably. It looked like he was fighting with someone.

This This kind of thing happened often in Klin Prison. Generally speaking, Frida should have been used to it.

But something was different today (Nuo Qian Zhao), they smashed up his office.

"Shet! These people really need a lesson!"

"Someone, take them to the cells!"

Frieda yelled, took the electric baton and went out.

In Jiang Chen's left pocket and right pocket were a mind gem and a time gem respectively.

If you take these out, they must be kept in Xandar, only a fool would do that. Really take it out.

If it weren't for the fact that he was lucky, Jiang Chen would have been ready to modify reality.

"You hid something secretly!"

Henry McCoy whispered in Jiang Chen's ear, sounding particularly dissatisfied.

"You know I get hungry fast because I'm a beast, but I don't have any snacks now and I'm sad"

"I can give you my share of food."

Jiang Chen smiled and took some snacks on the table before leaving._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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