Jiang Chen put down the spoon in his hand, stood up and walked towards the warning place.

The expected bullets did not hit them overwhelmingly. Everyone released their hands from their heads and looked at the flying armor weapons falling on the ground with confused expressions.

"What happened just now? Did he do something?"

Xing-Lord asked in surprise, and stood up involuntarily.

"he?...Maybe it's because he's so lucky……"

Kitty Pryde was obviously a little surprised when she saw this scene, but she was better than Star-Lord. After all, she had been following Jiang Chen for a while, and her endurance was constantly increasing.

"Too much luck? What does it mean?"

Gamora stood up and looked at Rocket Raccoon and asked

"I...I don't know. Nothing I have learned can be related to this. Is there any inevitable connection between good luck and the discontinuation of flying armor weapons?"

Rocket Raccoon jumped down from the stool and swayed behind them with his back on his back.

"Maybe there is, maybe someone has just invaded their system, causing the flying armor weapon to stop running, or because they pressed the wrong button, or maybe there is a problem with their own flying armor weapon system. In short, who knows?"

Henry McCoy analyzed rationally and followed Jiang Chen's pace towards the security area.

"Prepare to attack, call for support, hurry up……"

The guards at the security office were already panicking. It only took a while for these flying armors to be turned off, but it would take about ten seconds to turn them on.

It turns out that this kind of thing has never happened before. Why did it suddenly become like this?

"Now that we have batteries, we need safety bracelets! Otherwise we won't be able to pass through that door! Rocket

Raccoon said, looking around to see who he should look for to grab the safety bracelet.

"give it to me."

Gamora said with a sharp look.

At this moment, the guards guarding the prison had rushed out. They picked up their guns and rushed towards Jiang Chen. A guard bore the brunt and stood in front of Jiang Chen. He Lifting the gun and preparing to fire, he saw that the flying armor had been successfully activated. After a bunch of crazy firing bullets, the guard fell to the ground. The picture was very bloody. The guard was shot by the flying armor and was almost bloody. His whole body was covered with blood. Blood, only the hand wearing the safety bracelet that controls the entrance and exit is complete.

"Sorry, it wasn't me who made the first move. Jiang

Chen said, taking off the safety bracelet from his hand and throwing it to Rocket Raccoon

"got it."

Rocket Raccoon took the safety bracelet, tightened it tightly on its thin paw, and said to Gamora as he walked:

"I like him"

"You know, I've never seen anything like this"

"God, if I could have such luck, I think I would be rich"

"Are you really lucky? How good is it?"

"Can you win a lottery ticket? Is the probability of becoming a lieutenant general 100?"

Star-Lord was shocked by Jiang Chen's talkative nature, which was completely exposed. He ran up to Jiang Chen in a few steps and said a lot of words in Jiang Chen's ears. A guard rushed over from the front, holding a gun and facing him. Holding Jiang Chen's gun, he was knocked downstairs by the guards who rushed out from the facade.

"Oh, this is the fifth floor! You are so cruel to your partner, I wouldn't be like this. Star

-Lord said, and kicked the guard who rushed out downstairs.

After kicking him, he danced excitedly and said to Jiang Chen:

"This feels great. It’s the first time I’ve done nothing, and I’m so swaggering around in battle."

"This feels so cool. Do you often feel like this? kindness?"

"Can you dance? My favorite is the one that is obsessed with this feeling, Blue Swede, have you heard the 1973 single? Want to dance together?"

He didn't know where he took out his Walkman and tape, turned the volume up to the maximum, and then danced in front of Jiang Chen to the music. In Jiang Chen's memory, the people who came out with their own BGM were very handsome. Only Star-Lord didn't know why he looked like a fool.

Well, this is not a derogatory term, it just proves that he is amiable.

Jiang Chen ignored Star-Lord and walked directly towards the security area.

The guard inside the security area was already panicking, he thought Close the door. The door is made of special glass. Once closed, it is difficult to open. At least it can hold up the time.

··Asking for flowers·····

He presses the button

"Shet! Why is the door stuck? Quickly close……"

What made the guard desperate was that the door that was supposed to close with the push of a button was actually stuck. No matter how hard he operated, the door would not close.

"Hey, make room."

There was a voice behind him, and the guard felt his whole body tremble. When he turned around, he found that there were already people standing behind him.

A branch suddenly wrapped around his waist.

The tallest tree man standing inside gave him a friendly smile. arrive:

"I'm Groot."

There was only a sound of"ah", and the guard was thrown out.


Rocket Raccoon climbed on top of Groot, jumped onto the console, closed the door, and then pressed a bunch of buttons on the computer. He seemed to be nervously operating something, with a very nervous expression on his face.

"You better come out or we'll fire!"

The sound passed into the guard room. Katie Pryde looked through the glass and looked at the first floor that was already full of guards. They pushed in four or five small guns and pointed them at the guard room, shouting at them. road

"are you ready? Don't let anything go wrong at this time."

Star-Lord said anxiously.

Henry McCoy on the side also started to help Rocket Raccoon.

"He wants to turn off the artificial center of gravity, so that everything else except here will be weightless."

"I just have to say that this procedure is a bit complicated and it will take a little time for both of us."


As soon as Henry McCoy finished speaking, a cannonball blasted over.

The guard room shook violently. Fortunately, the glass here was made of special material. It was only a little cracked by the cannonball, but not a little. Completely shattered, otherwise this cannon will explode and everyone in the guard room will be finished.

"We don't have time, hurry up……"

Gamora said anxiously. boom!

Another shot hit the glass on the other side.

At this time, the glass on both sides has cracked. Another bomb from either side will explode into the security room... Xi..._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation, analysis

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