Seeing a large number of spaceships suddenly appearing in the sky and launching towards Jiang Chen and his spaceship, Henry McCoy began to feel a little unable to deal with them.

The spacecraft did not receive any general damage due to Jiang Chen, but the impact of the artillery fire also put them in a very embarrassing state. It was because the smoke was too heavy, which somewhat affected their front sight.

Although Henry McCoy had used all his strength to bombard the enemy, and the force attack of the spaceship was also quite powerful, there were still a large number of people driving the spaceship towards Jiang Chen as if they were desperate.

"Oh my god, are these people desperate?"

Katie Pryde looked at the people outside and said with some surprise.

She didn't expect that for just 10 million and promotion, someone would actually come and arrest them alive.

"Is it okay to lose your life for such things?"

"If they lose their lives, they won’t have the chance to enjoy these things!"

Katie Pryde suddenly felt sorry for those people for some reason.

"This is caused by their national conditions"

"Then the grandmaster is the founder, which is equivalent to the god of this world. He manages everything according to his mood."

"You have to know that the people in their entire country are very poor now. Forget about being poor, the key problem is that they are not only poor, but also oppressed. There is no strength to resist, so they want to take every opportunity to climb up without being oppressed."

Jiang Chen said calmly.

Henry McCoy was almost speechless. Now in such a situation, are you talking about other people's national conditions??

"Help! If we don't help, we will really die!"

Henry McCoy begged while quickly controlling the steering wheel.

God knows how worried and nervous he is when driving the spacecraft!

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, the spaceship can't be hit. There's no need for us to fight."

"We just need to shoot out all the spaceships in front of us, and then rush towards what looks like a neutron star!"

Jiang Chen said, patting Henry McCoy's shoulder.

He was actually not worried about the problems Henry McCoy said. Anyway, it was impossible for them to shoot them down. So if we fight with them now, that would be It is better to fly directly towards the vortex that looks like a neutron star and not waste time.

They live here anyway and have a lot of time, but our time is very precious.

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Henry McCoy was speechless in his heart. He also knew that he would fly directly towards the vortex, but it would be difficult! At this time, Henry McCoy didn't know that Jiang Chen had already found a bottle of red wine and a bottle of red wine from the main cabin. Three cups came over

"How about a glass of red wine to celebrate our success?"

Jiang Chen asked Henry McCoy

"Jiang Chen!"

Henry McCoy was a little angry. He quickly controlled and roared:

"It's fighting now! You won't help! What the hell is drinking red wine?!"

"Can't you see I'm very busy? Busy dodging enemy shells?"

"Otherwise, do you think that if I didn't hide, I would be able to avoid every shell attack so safely?"

"In principle it is possible"

"After all, as long as there is a one percent probability, you can escape"

"Oh, by the way, teacher, don't turn it over so quickly, it will affect my pouring of wine."

Henry McCoy originally spoke so loudly to attract Jiang Chen's attention and stimulate his inner sense of crisis. Wouldn't he not only fail to arouse his inner sense of crisis, but also be reprimanded by him?

"If you were to say that, I would fly on autopilot. You make me feel like an idiot."

Henry McCoy's resistance was fruitless, and now he is planning to give up treatment.

He feels that Jiang Chen is really too arrogant sometimes!

This is very bad!

"I think this is a good idea, you can try it."

Jiang Chen nodded in agreement.

He had already poured a glass of wine in his hand and handed it to Katie Pryde.

Henry McCoy thought Jiang Chen was probably crazy. Flying automatically at this time?

Is this the same thing ? What difference does it make if you run on a battlefield under heavy gunfire?

"Your behavior makes me wonder if you have been a little wanderlust recently!"

"Even if you don't value our lives, you should value your own life anyway!"

"You are being seriously irresponsible by saying this!"

While Henry McCoy was speaking, there was already a spaceship in front of them that fired cannonballs at them.

Although the distance was far away, the speed was faster.

Henry McCoy was surrounded on both sides, so It was impossible to hide from the situation.

He realized the danger only after he finished speaking.


Henry McCoy cursed angrily. He sneered in his heart.

He also said that he wanted to fly automatically, and that was enough now. It's dangerous, this man! Is he not aware of the current situation at all?!

Henry McCoy was thinking rapidly about where to dodge and which position is better. The more anxious a person is, the more confused his mind will be.

At this moment, the cannonball was about to hit their plane.

Damn it! Then it can only hit the next spaceship. Whose spaceship is stronger!

Henry McCoy thought to himself, deeply Taking a breath, I made an extremely impulsive decision.

((Nuo Haohao) Just as he was about to hit a spacecraft next to him, an extra cannonball appeared in front of them from nowhere in the sky.

The cannonball hit the cannonball flying toward them with lightning speed.

Bang committee!

The two shells collided with each other in front of them, and then exploded with a huge explosion.

Gun smoke filled a small area of ​​the sky. Although the aftershocks caused the spacecraft to shake slightly, the spacecraft did not suffer any damage.

".Holy shit!"

Henry McCoy cursed in surprise.

Can this still happen?!

Isn't this a little too much??! If you are lucky, you can do whatever you want, right?!

Henry McCoy raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen , the mouth is open enough to fit an egg.

"Would you like a glass of wine, Henry?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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