"But before that, you first find the location of that woman, and then we will capture that woman and bring her to Thanos."

The Dead Blade General said, but his eyes never glanced at Superstar from beginning to end.

Superstar looked embarrassed and said hesitantly:"But, shouldn't this matter be notified first?……"

Before he finished speaking, the Dead Blade General said angrily:"Do you have to inform him about such a trivial matter?! As your leader, am I no longer able to decide such a thing?!" The superstar lowered his head and said nothing.

General Deathblade glanced at her and said:

"If you want death, then you have to know what Thanos wants. Only by knowing this can you get what you want."

After that, he hugged Proxima Centauri and walked towards the spacecraft.

The super giant bowed and left the spacecraft again.


In Wakanda, T'Challa stood on the endless grassland in a black suit, next to him was Captain Okoye of the Royal Guard.

"Our people are ready, and the border tribes have also joined this operation and are fully ready for war."

T'Challa looked at Captain America and put his hands in his pockets.

The Sokovia Treaty divided the Avengers to a large extent, which is something everyone knows well. Although T'Challa did not sign the treaty, But a large part of this is because he is the king of Wakanda, and it is impossible for him to sign various documents set by Country M.

From a large perspective, the relationship between T'Challa and the US team is considered to be over. easing

"There have been many media reports on the news. I think you know the current situation."

"We need your help."

Captain America stretched out his hand with a very sincere tone.

Country M will not support them. Captain America knows this very well and even if it supports them in sending people, it will be useless. The only ones who can help them are T'Challa and his country."

"This is inevitable. Even if you don't say it, I know the purpose of your coming. T'Challa also extended his hand, and the two shook hands politely.

T'Challa asked Captain America:"Do you know how big the enemy is?" Captain America shook his head and said:"I'm not sure. We have to think about it from many aspects. How big are we now?""

T'Challa said:"There are the King's Guards, the Border Tribes, the Dora Guards, and him.……"

As he spoke, T'Challa pointed his finger behind Captain America.

Everyone turned around and saw that the person coming was Bucky, the Winter Soldier, Stephen's comrade. During an operation at the end of World War II, he and the captain fell into the sea and were frozen.

At first, Hydra discovered and thawed him, installed a mechanical arm on his broken arm, and brainwashed and trained him to become the"Winter Soldier", an agent loyal to Hydra. After that, Bucky became the Winter Soldier. As Hydra, he completes various impossible tasks around the world, recovers his memory after many battles with Avengers members, and joins the Avengers.

Stephen saw Bucky striding forward and hugged him and said:"Old friend, how are you?"

Bucky shrugged and said casually:"It's not bad, it's the end of the world anyway."

Stephen smiled and said:"Yeah, destroy it." Hegemon's target is the earth. This battle is related to the life and death of the earth. It can also be called the end of the world."

"No, no, no, to be precise, the earth is only part of his goal. Are you going to fight Thanos without making up your homework?"

As soon as Captain America finished speaking, he was interrupted by someone.

A yellow circle appeared in the air behind him. It was Stephen's pass door. Tony Stark walked out of it, and his words were as mean as ever.

"Wanda? Why are you here?"

Tony Stank saw Wanda in the crowd at the first glance.

He was also very surprised as to why Wanda no longer stayed with Jiang Chen but came to the US team. Even if she really had a quarrel with Jiang Chen, Shouldn't we go find him too?

"I think you would have a better relationship with me than with this old man."

Tony Stark said dissatisfied.

Wanda smiled:"A lot of things happened, I can't explain them at the moment."

Although he smiled, he just pulled down the corners of his mouth. His expression did not change significantly, and there was even a hint of bitterness. Just as

Tony Stank was about to speak, Stephen interjected:"The old school is the classic, don't you know?"

Tony Stark said unhappily:"Interrupting is a very disrespectful thing.

The back and forth between the two people made T'Challa's head hurt, and he quickly said:"You go in first.""

After that, he took the lead and walked towards the inside of the Wakanda dome.

Outside Wakanda is a desolate scene, mostly grassland, with sheep and the like grazing on it, and the houses are also sparse, but entering the dome ( After the Isolation Barrier), Wakanda was another scene of scientific development.

Originally, the United Nations believed that Wakanda was just a poor and backward small African country. After T'Challa, that is, after Black Panther was announced to the world as king, Only then did they realize that their country's technology is one of the best in the world.

After the group entered the dome, Tony Stark said unhappily to Peter Parker:"I wouldn't want to come here if I didn't have to."

Everyone knew what he meant.

Stephen had no choice but to step forward and stop T'Challa and said,"Okay, actually, the purpose of our coming is not to sit down and drink tea with you and talk about how to deal with Destruction. I don't care about this, but I hope you will go to New York with us.

T'Challa asked confused:"New York?" This is obviously impossible, my people are all in Wakanda."

Peter Parker was a little excited and couldn't help but stepped forward and said:"Techara... No, Mr. King, that's it. I must tell you, because Thanos' current goal is the rough stone, I don't know if you can clear it. clear"

"The reason Thanos came to Earth was for the six rough stones. He didn’t simply want to destroy the Earth, he wanted to destroy half of the universe."

"But if you want to destroy half of the universe, you need six rough stones."

"To put it simply, if Thanos collects all six rough stones, then he can destroy half of the universe."

T'Challa's IQ is still very high. After Peter Parker said this, he generally understood it.

"So we have to stop Thanos from getting the rough stone?"

"right! Now we know the whereabouts of the four rough stones, and they are all in the hands of one person"


"Jiang Chen!"

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