"Yo yo yo, Purple Potato Head, it’s too obvious that you gave me gloves as a gift. Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don’t have any gaming experience."

Jiang Chen said as he put on the wireless gloves on his hands, and then put the three gems in. Now there is only one wireless gem left, which is the one in his body. He can only put all six gems in. It only works after entering the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos got up from the ground, patted the gray on his shoulder and glared at Jiang Chen:

"You took my glove and sunk my battleship."

Thanos himself is a philosopher on Titan, and he does a good job of controlling his emotions. His tone of voice is still very calm, but it is not difficult to hear that he is a little angry. A large part of the reason why he cares about his battleship is because of that A battleship is the home of Thanos.

Thanos has been fighting among planets since he was driven out of Titan. For him, the battleship is his home. Jiang Chen destroying his battleship also means destroying him. home

"You destroyed my home and took my stuff, you should be ashamed of yourself!"

Looking at the battleship slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea, Thanos' tone became more serious. He looked at Jiang Chen floating in the air. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't fly, he would definitely tear Jiang Chen into pieces!

"It makes me laugh when you say that. Jiang

Chen said, but the smile disappeared from his face.

"Look at the land you are standing on now, look at the bodies lying on the ground now, look at the sky here, you have to know that you were the first to destroy my home! It's you who should be ashamed!"

"Your so-called grand ambition is built by destroying one home after another. You will be sad if your home is destroyed, but why don't you think about how sad it will be if other people's homes are destroyed?"

"After all, you are a selfish, ruthless, cruel and despicable person, with only the concept of death in your mind!"

After saying that, golden and red rays of light intertwined and surrounded Jiang Chen's whole body.

He wanted to extract the ether particles from his body, and then use the power of the Phoenix Force to compress the ether particles into the form of a gem.

A gem's The power is only so great, and only six of them are put together in the Infinity Gauntlet to exert the maximum power.

He floats too high in the sky, and Thanos can't fly up, but Thanos knows that he can't let Jiang Chen succeed, otherwise he will I want to play with my own eggs

"You don’t understand my grand ambitions, but facts have proven that you will definitely lose."

Thanos said, instructing his men to stack them up one by one like a stack of Arhats. He wanted to step on them and snatch the gloves back.

"Jiang Chen wanted to use the power of the Phoenix to extract the power of ether particles from his body."

Stephen said to Wang while controlling the sea water:

"king! Go protect him! Don't let Thanos take the opportunity to steal the gloves!"

Wang Zheng used an energy whip to split an alien creature that rushed towards him in half. After hearing what Stephen said, Wang called several nearby mages and ran towards Thanos' position.

"All mages use scarlet necklaces to lock Thanos in!"

The king gave an order, and the mage who could hear him chanted a spell and pulled out a long yellow whip in his hand.

"What should I do if I haven't learned that yet?"

A mage asked weakly

"Then stay away from me Thanos!"

The king roared!

Thor held up the ax in his hand and walked to the king's side and joked:

"You are asking someone to come and make soy sauce!"

Wang was helpless, a little worried about his face, and complained in a low voice:

"How do I know that Thanos is coming suddenly? I can’t lose in a fight. It’s best to gather enough people first! Thor said proudly:

"All the people who come to Asgard are elite troops!"

After that, he continued:

"You hold Thanos down while I beat him!"

Thor took the ax and slashed at Thanos' back.

The king muttered unhappily:

"How can the People's Guards be compared with the army? This man is still a god. Is his IQ not enough?!"

After saying that, he threw the scarlet necklace towards Thanos' left foot.

As soon as Thanos climbed up to the first floor, he was restrained by more than ten scarlet necklaces, and he stood a little shaken.

Thanos was already heavy, This shaking made the soldiers of the Laohan even more unable to support themselves, and they collapsed directly towards the ground.

Thanos fell from a height and crushed a bunch of his men to death. At this time, Thor holding the ax was already heading towards Thanos. slashed his back.

Thanos turned around and caught Thor's ax with both hands. The two were in a stalemate with their strength.


Thor roared, and the situation suddenly changed, with lightning and thunder.

Captain America also rushed forward when he saw this, trying to increase his strength.

"Hulk! Hulk!!"

Thor yelled.

Obviously, Captain America and Thor were not strong enough, and Thor felt that this must be coupled with the power of Hulk.


Hulk was screaming angrily and didn't pay attention to them. He attacked Thanos' men crazily, threw them into the sky, and then smashed them aside, as if to vent his anger.

"Hulk!...I can't hold on any longer! Come quickly!"

Thor yelled. He and Team Killer had already tried their best. Their faces were flushed red, and veins burst out on their necks.

Thanos knew their plan, and he also knew that if Hulk If he came, he would really be hacked to death. He immediately threw Thor and Captain America aside with a strong force.

"You stupid, brutal and stubborn humans!"

Thanos roared, he was angry, picked up his double-edged sword from the ground and slashed at Captain America and Thor crazily.

Captain America and Thor had been dodging Thanos's angry machete, and the boulder was smashed. Thanos's machete chopped into pieces, fighter jets were chopped apart by Thanos, and the ground was slashed one after another by Thanos.

Thanos' power was too powerful, and no one could accept his sword, not even the Hulk.

Tonys Tucker saw that Thanos was going crazy and had killed many warriors and mages. He immediately fired an energy cannon at him. This energy cannon was fired with 100% power. Thanos was hit. The energy cannon was smashed to the ground with one blow, but when he got up

, Tony Stark found that there were no marks on his body. After fighting for so long, Thanos suffered so much damage, but there was nothing wrong with his skin. Some burn marks should be caused by Jiang Chen's Phoenix Power, which let Tony Stark know that Thanos's skin is almost indestructible. It seems that he can only concentrate the power of six gems to annihilate Thanos in one fell swoop.!

Tony Stark looked at Jiang Chen. The red light on his body became smaller and smaller, and was almost completely surrounded by gold...

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