"I didn't expect that you would come to me so late?"

"Sorry, my house may be a little messy. I didn't know you were coming, so I couldn't clean it up before you arrived. I'm sorry."

Peter Parker looked at Anna standing outside the door and said in a panic. Then a crackling sound was heard in the room.

Anna tilted her head, walked in with a complicated expression, threw her schoolbag on the sofa and sat down. Peter Parker's home

"Fortunately, Mei went out today, otherwise she would have misunderstood."

Peter Parker said and walked to the sofa.

"Did it cause you any trouble? Anna raised her head and glanced at Peter Parker.

Peter Parker quickly said:"No, no.""

He scratched his head in embarrassment, then sat on the sofa and asked:

"Is there something wrong with you coming to see me so late? Anna shook her head and said:"I don't want to go home, but I don't know where to go, so I want to find a place to sit for a while. I will leave in a while."

Peter Parker nodded and asked,"Is it because of school?" He was a little embarrassed, and after a moment of silence he continued:"Actually, you don't need to pay attention to what those people said. It doesn't matter. I know that you and Mr. Jiang do know each other, and you and Mr. Jiang were together at the last party." Get up.

Anna looked at Peter Parker and asked,"Have you heard any rumors?" Peter Parker nodded and said:"

I did hear some, it's nothing more than some people saying that you don't know Mr. Jiang at all, Mr. Jiang is not your guardian, and……"

Peter Parker was silent, obviously embarrassed to say the next words.

Anna looked at Peter Parker blankly and said,"It's okay. What else did they say? You can tell me."

Peter Parker hesitated for a while and said,"It's nothing, I just said you were an orphan or something like that. I'm sorry." , I shouldn’t bring up this topic, but actually I’m in the same situation as you.……"

Peter Parker has always felt that he is not very good at talking, and he is even less good at talking when he meets a girl.

He didn't say anything bad, but he specifically talked about other people's sad things. This made Peter Parker a little annoyed. After saying a few words, he realized something was wrong and said quickly:

"Sorry, would you like something to drink? juice? Or coffee?"

"Forget it, it's too late now, let's go to the juice bar, okay? Anna shook her head and said:"

I know what they said, saying that I have no parents, but I am picked up and dropped off by luxury cars every day, and the school is made special. The teachers and principals don't care. They suspect that I may be trapped by some rich person." Something like that, right?"

Anna said that Peter Parker was a little restless and said hurriedly:

"You know, you don't have to pay attention to them. I don't know why high school students can say such vicious things."

"Some people may speak like this"

"Or... you just don't have to listen.

Anna said:"I didn't want to hear it, but now even you know it.""

Although Anna and Peter Parker are in the same school, they are not in the same class. Now even Peter Parker knows what those people said, and obviously knows how many people in the school can't stand her.

Peter Parker sighed and cautiously He said:"I heard that you got into a fight with someone today, can you tell me why? Anna smiled bitterly and said,"It's not a big deal. Anyway, I am a person who gives teachers and classmates a headache.""

Peter Parker said:"Don't say that.……"

Seemingly remembering something, Peter Parker asked again:"By the way, you said you are living at Mr. Jiang's house now, why don't you go back so late?"

Anna was silent and did not speak.

Peter Parker asked:"Are you blaming Mr. Jiang for not attending the parent-teacher meeting?"

Anna remained silent.

Peter Parker comforted:"Mr. Jiang is a superhero and should be very busy every day. Not to mention Mr. Jiang, good neighbors like me are very busy now, let alone Mr. General?"

Since the Thanos incident has passed I don’t know why there are a lot of robbers and thieves in the city. Peter Parker, who was quite leisurely at first, is very busy now.

"He's too busy picking up girls! playboy!"

Anna said angrily, her expressionless face began to have some waves.


Anna is the first person who can make Peter Parker not know what to say.

To be honest, if it weren't for Peter Parker being too shy and wanting to pick up girls, his relationship with Mary Jane would still be unresolved.……

"By the way, how's things going with you and Mary Jane?"

Just as Peter Parker was thinking about it, he heard Anna ask.

"I heard that you have known each other for a long time and you have always liked her."

Peter Parker asked helplessly:

"Ned told you that again, right? I knew he would be like this"

"He can't make you happy just because he likes you.……"

Peter Parker said, suddenly covering his mouth, realizing that he had leaked something

"What? You say Ned likes me?"

When Anna thought of the fat boy following Peter Parker, she quickly shook her head and said:

"I suggest you let him find someone else to like. We have no future."

Peter Parker shrugged and whispered:

"Brother, I'm sorry……"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"I think maybe Mei is back"

"But don't worry, Mei knows you. I told her that you are someone Mr. Jiang knows. Mei admires Mr. Jiang very much, even more than me."

Peter Parker said as he opened the door.

When he saw the person coming outside the door, Peter Parker was startled and said in surprise:

"Mr. Jiang?"

When Anna heard Peter Parker say Mr. Jiang, she immediately realized that the person he was talking about was Jiang Chen. She stood up and was about to run. She didn't want to run too fast and tripped over something. Just like that, there was a"pop" sound. Kneeling in front of Jiang Chen


Jiang Chen's voice sounded above Anna's head

"Actually, I don’t blame you. Your attitude of admitting your mistake should not be so sincere.……"

"I can't stand you being like this."

What was going on in Anna's mind at this time:^^*^*^*……

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