"So, what do you mean when you say he gained the power of a single universe?" Charles asked again

"This is just a general description. If you want to be more specific, you can understand that his power is the strongest in a certain universe." Stephen explained

"In a certain universe, his power is the strongest? ?"Tony Stark doesn't understand now either.

"This will be more complicated to explain to you because it involves the multiverse……"Before Stephen finished speaking, Tony Stark said excitedly:"Multiverse? That is to say, there are infinite or limited collections of possible universes?"

"A multiverse that includes everything that exists and may exist, all space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and physical constants that describe them, and is integrated by various parallel universes?"

"Isn't this a theory?"Tony Stark said

"This isn't a theory, Tony, it's real."Stephen said.

Tony Stark looked at Stephen in disbelief.

He is different from Stephen. Tony Stark is essentially an earthling. He has not learned magic. Although he is very smart, he has no understanding of the universe. There are limitations. Compared with Stephen, who has learned magic and been taught by Gu Yi's words and deeds, his understanding will be simpler.

But Jiang Chen knows that in the world of Marvel, there are not only single universes, but also multiverses. There are more.

According to the ranking from low to high in the Marvel world, they should be: Earth God, Heavenly Father, Single Universe, Multiverse, Super Universe, Almighty Universe, and Transcendent Universe.

"OK, let’s not discuss this issue first. Let's discuss his question. Tony Stark pointed at Jiang Chen and said to Stephen:"What's wrong with him now? Can you explain it?""

"I don't know if this is right, but my understanding is that the Reed Richards potion combined with his luck gave him great strength, but it also shaped the dark side of his heart. Stephen stepped forward and looked at Jiang Chen with some shock."Before, in the mirror world, I thought you suppressed me with magic, but what I didn't expect was that you suppressed me with your spiritual world." I"

"You brought me into your own spiritual world. I have to say that your current spiritual world is very powerful, and even I can't suppress it."

"But the disadvantage of gaining strength in the spiritual world is that it makes your dark side stronger."

"No one among us can help you. The only one who can help you is yourself."

Stephen's words made Jiang Chen fall into deep thought.

What he said was too similar to a character in Marvel, a man with the power of a million stars.


Does this mean that he has become a sentinel now? And gained the positive and negative energy of a million stars, infinite energy superposition, and the ability to distort reality? ? ?

Jiang Chen felt a little shocked, but also a little happy at the same time.

What shocked me was that I was a sentry. What I was happy about was that I was a sentry!!!

"If you say that, I roughly understand, I'll leave first."Jiang Chen said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen disappeared from everyone's sight.

The people in the Illuminati obviously didn't understand what Jiang Chen wanted to do, but seeing Jiang Chen leave like this, they looked at each other, They all look a little serious

"What do you think about this issue?"Tony Stark looked at Stephen, whose expression was wrong from the beginning.

"This problem is serious. Stephen said:"As an ordinary person, Jiang Chen has a good luck system that allows him to continuously gain abilities. This is undoubtedly a good thing for him, but the problem is that he is an ordinary person.""

"You are worried about his sanity."Charles understood Stephen's words

"right. No matter what kind of power or ability he gained before, at least he had a steelyard in his mind as a measuring standard. Everyone has different standards for good and evil. It is understandable that we may have disputes about him at first. But at least he is moving in the direction of justice, but now the other side of his heart has been magnified. I am not sure that he can still be the same as before."Stephen said

"So you're worried that he'll lose control like the Hulk and become a disaster?"Tony Stark asked.

Stephen nodded.

"Aren't you worried? If Hulk loses control, we at least have a way. As long as he falls asleep or calms down, he will turn into Banner, an ordinary person with no power. But what if Jiang Chen loses control? ? What should we do?"Stephen asked.

This made everyone silent.

After a while, Tony Stark said:"I don't think there is any need to worry so much. After all, Jiang Chen himself also lives on the earth."

"My duty is to protect the earth. If he does anything detrimental to the earth, I will act according to the rules."Stephen said.

Charles nodded and said:"Actually, I don't think there is any need to worry so much, and now we have to solve a very important problem. We have to deal with the fact that the Skrulls want to attack Earth."

When Charles said this, it reminded them of this matter.

"Just go for it."Tony Stark looked at Stephen and said:"I think it's a good idea to pay attention directly."

"Go directly to the planet of the Crusaders? Reed Richards chuckled and shook his head:"I think this is a bit too exciting.""

"There's nothing exciting about this. If a few of us join forces, won't we be able to defeat the Cruxians? And we only went there to warn them not to invade the earth, so there is nothing to be afraid of."Tony Stark said

"The Crux people are not that easy to deal with. How about we ask Jiang Chen to join us?"Black Bat King asked several people.

Having just seen Jiang Chen's ability, Black Bat King felt that calling Jiang Chen was a good decision to be on the safe side.

"I don't think it's necessary. Tony said it was just a warning. We don't need to be so scary. Should Jiang Chen be asked to go over and blow up their planet with one punch?" Reed Richards joked

"I think it's not bad, otherwise we can go directly tomorrow. Let's put aside Jiang Chen's matter first and look at it when we get back. His spirit is very strong, I think he can solve it."Charles nodded and said to several people.

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