Tony Stark’s illogical words successfully confused Jiang Chen.

"Anyway, you come with me first, it's too late."Tony Stark said and stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Chen.

"Just get a raise."Jiang Chendao

"Add, let's go, let's go!!!"Tony Stark dragged Jiang Chen and walked out, leaving Lorna Dane, Wanda and Anna standing there in shock.

"The Skrulls wanted to occupy the earth, but we discovered it. The five of us went to the Skrull planet to warn them, but they were all captured."

Tony Stark pulled Jiang Chen and hurriedly walked out of the house, while explaining to Jiang Chen:

"Stephen and I teamed up and finally escaped. But the other three people were still imprisoned on the Skrulls' planet, and we went to rescue them"zero-zero"."

After Tony Stark finished speaking, Stephen continued:

"Skrulls can transform into anyone else at will, not just into someone else, but as a clone. Their clones looked like even Tony Stark's artificial intelligence couldn't tell the difference. We were also deceived by them when we went there before. They first arrested Reed Richards, and then they disguised themselves as Reed Richards and took all of us into the pit."

"It must be said that their IQs are very high and they are very smart. Stephen looked at Jiang Chen seriously and said:

"Things are serious this time. If the Skrulls are not stopped, a Star Wars war is likely to break out between our two planets."

"We may be facing a fierce battle later."Stephen said seriously.

"Yes, the enemy is very cunning, and we can’t wait any longer."Tony Stark looked at Jiang Chen and said

"Can we directly blow up their planet?"Jiang Chen asked.

Of course, this was not asked by him alone, but also by the negative personality void in his body.

Tony Stark looked shocked:"Have you become so violent?

Jiang Chen shook his head and said,"Does it matter?" I don't like to show mercy to those who want to invade my territory. Stephen glanced at Jiang Chen, then looked at the stunned Tony Stark and said,"I think this is not good. Taking the initiative to provoke conflicts between stars is not a good thing for the earth."

Jiang Chen smiled evilly and said,"Then let's kill one by one, or kill a group by a group." After saying that ,

Jiang Chen was about to go into the portal. Tony Stark stood in front of Jiang Chen worriedly and stopped him, saying:"Charles and the others are still locked up inside. If you attack their planet rashly, Charles and the others will have trouble." Troublesome."

Jiang Chen said impatiently:"It's really annoying."

Tony Stark said helplessly:"We underestimated the Skrulls. We originally wanted to go over and give them a warning, but we didn't expect the result to be like this."

Sighing, Tony Stark continued:"Let's take the spaceship and go directly to them." Jiang Chen shook his head and said:"Actually, there is no need to go to such trouble. I can take you to teleport directly." Tony Stark nodded.

Said:"If that's the case, that would be great."

Considering that Tony Stark is an ordinary person, and the armor he is currently developing cannot breathe for long in the universe, the Skrull planet is still some distance from the earth. distance. So Jiang Chen directly put on the Infinity Gauntlet. Using the power of the Space Stone, a portal was opened and transported to the Skrulls' planet.

After a while, Tony Stark and Stephen saw the three Charles appearing in front of them.

This means that Jiang Chen opened the space portal and teleported directly to the prison where Charles and the others were imprisoned? ? ? ?

When Charles saw Jiang Chen and the others, he looked stunned and said in shock:"Why did you suddenly appear here? Stephen, Tony, haven't you two already escaped?"

Tony Stark was a little embarrassed when he saw the three of them, He stretched out his hand and waved:"Hi, I'm here for you."

Reed Richards was also a little shocked and said:"It's really surprising that you just appeared out of thin air. I didn't know that you could still do it." Teleportation between universes?!"

Stephen shook his head and said:"In fact, it is the ability exerted by the space gem, which allows people to travel freely among all spaces........"

Reed Richards exclaimed:"This is really magical."

Jiang Chen said dissatisfied:"This is obviously my credit. You must know that the space gem requires humans to open the portal. If it weren't for my good luck, how could it be possible? Is it possible to go directly to the topic so quickly?"

Reed Richards nodded and said:"This sentence is true, otherwise we should go back quickly, it will be very troublesome if the Skrulls find out." He remained silent. Black Bolt shrugged and said,"You've finished talking, because we have been discovered."

As soon as Black Bolt finished speaking, the door outside the prison suddenly opened, and then a group of Skrulls rushed out, knocking Jiang Chen out. surrounded by people

"*()()"That group of people spoke some alien language that Jiang Chen couldn't understand, and held firearms in their hands. They all looked like bats, with pointed and long ears, and their faces were all green. It's not accurate. Said, the body is all green.

Although the body parts look very similar to humans, the appearance is still very strange.

"Is it just such a group of little guys who don't care about life and death that caught you?"Jiang Chen said in a cold tone.

"Yes and no, they are just soldiers."Stephen said

"Yes, when we went to see their king before 1.6, their king was too treacherous, and these soldiers were easy for us to deal with."Tony Stark said with some confidence.

Jiang Chen sneered, and just as he was about to take action, he heard a sound of"pah pah pah", and then the Cruise people surrounding them suddenly gave way to a path, and a The Cruz man, who looked no different from anyone else, walked towards Jiang Chen while applauding.

"Hello, my name is Abel and I am the general here."

"I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Your name is Jiang Chen and you are a superhero on earth. If it is convenient, I think we can chat for a few words and you can see how it goes."

The Skrull named Abel said to Jiang Chen, his expression full of sincerity._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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