It wasn’t until the psychedelic sound disappeared that everyone finally came to their senses.

The pros and cons naturally stood opposite each other and looked at each other.

It would be easy to say that the two parties had a conflict and started fighting under a certain environment, but in this unfamiliar environment, they suddenly said that they wanted to fight, and they were fighting in groups. This made both groups feel embarrassed. middle

"Is it okay if I don’t want to be on this side?!"Loki stood up and said with a speechless face. These words fell into the ears of the ice giant Laufey without any bias.

"You have to know that the blood of our Jotunheim is left on you. Whether you admit it or not, you will eventually be the king of Jotunheim!"Lauffy said with some dissatisfaction.

"Is that so? But I'm not interested in Jotunheim at all."Zero Zero Zero""

Loki said helplessly

"not interested? Do you know what a great country we are in Jotunheim? Could it be that you have been in the Immortal Palace for a long time and been raised by the enemy for a long time, and you don’t even know your own surname?"

Lauffy raised his head and said angrily

"All I know is that I am the prince of Asgard, my name is Loki, and my father is Odin. Is there any problem with this?"

Loki looked at Laufei with a mocking look on his face.

"No! You are my son! It's the king of Jotunheim!"

Lauffy roared angrily. After speaking, he suddenly looked at Thor and shouted:

"You Asgardians, that's you! Take my son away! If it weren't for you, my son wouldn't recognize a thief as his father now!"

Valkyrie whispered in Thor's ear:

"I think your brother said these things on purpose. Thor nodded helplessly and said:

"He often does this unscrupulously because he thinks I am too idle and wants me to die!"

"how! What are you whispering about? People from Asgard?! Don’t you even dare to respond to me now?!"

Lauffy mocked

"Hey! Big Ice Cube, what are you shouting about now? You have already died once, and I don’t know who brought you out, but as my defeated general, is it a bit too arrogant for you to speak like this? kindness?"

Thor squeezed into the middle of the crowd and yelled at Laufey

"Why do you say that? Is it true that people who die once are losers? Tony Stark! Aren’t you dead long ago?"

I don't know if Thor's words stimulated Killian, and Killian also stood up.

Although he had some thoughts to help Laufey, his enemy was always Nistake. After so many years, he has never forgotten it. It was what Tony Stark did that night that caused him to become like this

"Do I think this is a pot coming from the sky?"Tony Stark was speechless. He also walked to the front, looked at Killian and said:

"It's been so long, why are you doing this now?"

"It's been a long time? ? ? How long? It's like yesterday before my eyes, do you know how much I hate you? You will never understand how painful it feels to be looked down upon and stepped on!"

Killian yelled hysterically at Tony Stark.

"It's more troublesome for you than for me." Thor said to Tony Stark

"I think so too."Tony Stark whispered

"Asgardians! I want you to pay for my dead people! Jotunheim should be the master of the Nine Kingdoms!!!"

Lauffy said, throwing an icicle directly at Thor.

Thor quickly dodged over, and soon, Laufey raised his hands, everyone's feet began to freeze, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly. , as the temperature dropped, Laufei's size became larger and larger, and gradually even became more disgusting.

"Tony Stark! This time, prepare to die too much!"

Killian roared, spitting out a ball of flame from his mouth and spraying it towards Tony Stark. At this moment, Stephen stepped forward and drew a Seraphim Shield, blocking all Killian's flames. Come down.

Although blocked, Killian's high temperature caused the ice created by Laufey to begin to melt.

As Killian sprayed flames crazily, the surrounding temperature began to drop by 0.......

This is not a good thing for Laufey.

King Laufey can skillfully manipulate ice and weather, and he also has a certain degree of witchcraft. But when he's exposed to extreme heat, his otherwise massive body will begin to shrink. Only cold weather will return him to his normal size.

Therefore, Killian's flame was obviously a very troublesome thing for Laufei. Seeing his body growing and shrinking, Laufei said angrily to Killian:

"Hello! Boy! You go and fight next to me! Don't let your flames affect my body!"

"If you do this again, I will freeze you into ice cubes!"

Killian stopped breathing fire and said to Laufey a little politely:

"My friend, you can't be so unreasonable. Just because you want revenge, you can't stop me from taking revenge. Laufei snorted coldly and said:

"friend? You stupid human being, who is your friend? Our lineage of Frost Giants is so noble, how can it be compared to mortals like you?!"

"I have to say, your enemy is really annoying!"After Laufey said this, Thorstak said. In addition to Tony Stark, Black Widow and Hawkeye also stood up.

Black Widow:"I have to say, these words are really unpleasant. What happened to humans?"

Captain America:"Humanity is immortal!"

Lauffy snorted coldly: 1.6"Even if you go together, you may not be my opponent!"

After a little trial, the two factions entered into a fierce battle. Both sides were people who had hatred before. In fact, it was easy to start a war, but they just lacked a fuse.

Loki's words successfully angered Laufei, thus making the two sides more hostile. Pai stood in a team situation

"Fight for the glory of mankind!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted, and with the crazy attack of Hatred, a fierce battle was about to break out.

All kinds of fancy skills appeared in this huge space. The two sides fought, and there was chaos, just like a large-scale group fight. The battle between good guys and villains, the battle between villains and villains

"You will all be defeated by me!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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