As an agent who was born in former SL Stalingara, he was taught various techniques by SL intelligence personnel since he was a child.

Black Widow became extremely interested in the man in front of her.

She felt that the man in front of her must not be simple!


Black Widow immediately agreed and signaled the dealer to deal the cards.

This time, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the dealer decided to give Black Widow cards with full 21 points.

So when shuffling the cards, the dealer deliberately wanted to deal 5 cards to Black Widow. There were marks behind the cards.

Because Jiang Chen was still watching the crowd, the marks couldn't be too obvious.

Until all the preparations were in place, the croupier glanced at the Black Widow with confidence and nodded.

The Black Widow took a deep breath. Taking a breath, I thought to myself:

I must get back all the money I lost!

That is my mission fund!

Thinking of this, Black Widow immediately said:

"500000. Jiang

Chen said with a smile:

"I follow."

After saying that, he seemed to have thought of something, and then continued:

"Add $200 by the way."

Black Widow looked at Chen Rang, raised her lips and said:

"Don't worry, I'll keep the underwear for you."

Just in case, Black Widow asked Jiang Chen to open the cards first.

20 o'clock.

The onlookers exclaimed and immediately started talking:

"He must be so lucky, could he be cheating?"

"No way, look at him not touching the cards the whole time!"

"Maybe he is some kind of master!"

Black Widow had a playful expression on her face. She didn't care what the people on the side said.

She deliberately turned over the cards very slowly, as if to let Jiang Chen see more clearly.

A、5, 4, 9...

Jiang Chen knew that in the League of Women Haters, the Black Widow was best at playing psychological warfare.

When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation.

If it were before releasing the cards bit by bit like this, Jiang Chen would really be a little unbearable.

Black Widow didn't even look at the cards, she kept staring at Jiang Chen with a very confident expression.

After the cards were dealt, Black Widow raised her eyebrows, looked at Jiang Chen and asked:

"How about it."

Jiang Chen frowned, looking very confused.

He calmed down and said to the black widow:

"What a shame, just a little more."

Black Widow was stunned, obviously not understanding what Jiang Chen meant.

She lowered her head.

It was actually 22 points!

The previous cards were A, 5, 4, 9... which added up to 19.

If the last card was 2, Then there is no doubt that it is 21 points.

But the last card of the Black Widow turned out to be 3!

This means that the Black Widow lost this round again.

"How can it be?"

Black Widow and the dealer called out at the same time.

Black Widow looked at the dealer, the expression on her face was obviously not calm.

The dealer on the side also had a confused face, thinking.

I obviously marked it, no. That might be the case!

The dealer quickly took back Black Widow's five cards and took a sneak peek.

Then he was surprised to find that each card did have his own mark on it.

So there are only two types left. Possibility:

Either I made a mistake in my calculation.

Or I made a wrong mark.

It is impossible to make a mistake. As a senior agent of SHIELD, I have been lurking in various casinos for a long time. How could I let such a low-level Wrong?!

That means you made a mistake in marking?!

Damn it, this mistake is also very low-level!

At this time, the croupier looked at Jiang Chen, and his heart was like ten thousand sheep running through him, and he couldn't figure it out.

Jiang Chen smiled He took the chips back and said happily:

"Oops, I was so lucky today. I actually won a million with two hundred."

The Black Widow, who had originally planned to stop, became furious after hearing what Chen Rang said.

She took a deep breath and said to Chen Rang:

"One more round. Jiang

Chen looked at Black Widow, smiled, and said hesitantly:

"I'm afraid it won't be good if this happens again. A small gamble will make you happy, but a big gamble will hurt your money and your body.……"

Seeing Jiang Chen say this, Black Widow naturally knew that he was playing hard-to-get with her, raised her lips and said:

"There's nothing bad, I'm not afraid of it, what's there to be afraid of? Jiang

Chen nodded and said:

"Okay, let’s play one more round, just one round."

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