Jiang Chen saw that the Green Hulk was chasing Tony Stark. He pressed the device on his chest and slowly put on the suit. In an instant, Jiang Chen stood up and punched Hulk directly.

The Hulk's skin is very hard, and it will not change anything when hit with normal force, and will even be directly rebounded by it. However, the Green Hulk's skin is harder than the normal Hulk's skin, so it is almost impossible to hit it with normal force. move.

But Jiang Chen, who had the Sentinel Potion, was different. His punch directly made a dent mark on Hulk's body, and then Hulk was knocked aside by this huge force.

Tony Stark successfully dodged a bullet

"Thank you, oh my god, I can’t believe what I would have done if I had just been caught by the Hulk."Tony Stark said in shock.

"It's okay, just stay calm."Jiang Chen comforted Tony Stark.

At this moment, another earth-shattering roar came from the Green Hulk. Obviously, it was angered by Jiang Chen.

"Hulk! destroy!"

The Green Hulk gave an order, and all the green monsters that came to Earth 07 with him rushed up. There were quite a few of them, and they were different in height, short, fat, thin, and different in strength.

They were not facing Tony. Stark and Jiang Chen rushed over, but ran directly towards the city.

Jiang Chen didn't know how these green monsters came here. Hulk was obviously thrown into space, so why did he feel like he was here with Hulk? It was like a bunch of babies were born in space.

Looking at the hordes of Hulk army, Stephen shouted:"No!"

Then he said to the king:

"Quick, go to the sanctuary and find all the magicians!"

The damage caused by Thanos made it impossible for the earth to fully recover within ten years. Now the old injuries have not healed, and the Hulk is coming again. If we let it go now, I am afraid that the earth will really be destroyed by the Hulk.

Because he destroyed it before Many people died during the Tyrant Period. Now there are not so many magicians in Stephen's sanctuary. Thor is not here. There are also many casualties among the Asgardians. They may not be able to participate in this battle for the time being.

Wakanda and the others I don’t know if it’s possible, but judging from the current situation, it’s not particularly optimistic.

"What should we do? She -

Hulk asked nervously as she looked at the Hulk army.

Her family still lives here, but she must stop Hulk as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, She-Hulk became a little angry and turned to Tony. Snitak said:"It was you who wanted to banish it, and now it only has infinite hatred for humans! We can't stop it!"

Tony Stark looked at She-Hulk and said: If we don't banish it, the result will be the same. As soon as it goes crazy, it will destroy the entire world, and no one can stop it!"

"Who said that!"

She-Hulk said angrily:

"If it weren't for you, what happened this time wouldn't have happened, and what happened to Ultron last time was the same. You are just too arrogant!"

She-Hulk's words touched a sensitive part of Tony Stark.

It's been a long time since Ultron happened, but even so, Tony Stark still couldn't let it go. He blamed himself, but he thought he didn't Wrong, he has done so many things, and his original intentions are all right, but the results always seem to be screwed up by him for some reason.

He actually doesn't care what others think of him.

Call him a playboy, but he is arrogant. It doesn't matter whether he is conceited or conceited.

But he feels very guilty about the consequences of every incident. The most guilty thing is about Ultron.

"I know I did some not so good things, but I don't think I was wrong!"Tony Stark stood in front of She-Hulk and said seriously:"My purpose is to protect the earth, just like when I became Iron Man, my original intention was to protect the earth. You can say that the results were not satisfactory, but I think I'm not wrong. If I were given another choice, I would still do it. She

-Hulk was very angry at Tony Stark's words and said angrily:"You are simply unreasonable!""

Jiang Chen saw the two of them arguing with each other and said hurriedly:"You should deal with the Hulk now, not your own people."

The two of them may feel that Jiang Chen's words are reasonable, and they are not convinced at any time, but they still calm down.

At this time, the Green Hulk was smashing the ground crazily, destroying the repaired and unrepaired buildings in the city. Hao The destruction speed of the Hulk army was very fast, and after a while, Las Vegas was once again turned into ruins.

Jiang Chen rushed over to fight with the Hulk, and Stephen quickly went to help when he saw this.

She-Hulk and Tony Snow Tucker and two people also stepped forward to help. Several people bombarded the Green Hulk with all kinds of fists. Although the Green Hulk was injured, he felt that this attack was hard on him. It didn't hurt, but it made it even angrier.

It raised a huge stone with its hand and smashed it at Stephen.

Jiang Chen stepped forward and smashed the big stone with a punch, and then from A bigger stone was lifted from the ground and hit at Green Hulk.


The stone hit Green Hulk's head and was shattered from the middle. Mud and smoke filled the sky. Green Hulk His body was now covered with 783 mud.

"Fight the Hulk!"

The Green Hulk shouted, and rushed towards Jiang Chen. During the running process, it clenched its huge hands into fists, and without any hesitation, it smashed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen Chen twisted his neck, moved at high speed and rushed forward, bursting out the power of millions of stars to meet the Hulk's punch.


Huge power exploded, and the Green Hulk fell to the ground after being punched by Jiang Chen. After going out for a long time, its huge body was destroyed by tall buildings one by one.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also received a lot of impact due to the power of this punch, and fell backwards. Jiang Chen, who should have fallen to the ground, Chen didn't know which of Hulk's men caught him when he was carrying him. When he fell, nothing happened. When he got up, he realized that there was a green monster underneath him.

"It’s not my fault, but your boss’s fault."

Jiang Chen said to the corpses of those green monsters, shrugged and moved towards the battlefield.

The power of the Green Hulk was obviously beyond Jiang Chen's expectation. It can even absorb the power of millions of stars. So far it seems , it seems that the only thing that can defeat the Hulk is the power of the void.

But the trouble is that the void has always wanted to dominate Jiang Chen's body, and now if the void is really allowed to come out, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu novel AP

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