About the deeds of the sentinels.

Her father told Janata a long time ago when she was still young.

Sentinel has the energy of a million suns to explode at the same time, and is known as the number one master in the single universe.

The former Sentinel had"abnormal-level" energy given to it by a mysterious professor. At that time, the Sentinel was just an evolved form of a high school student.

But even so, a character like Uncle Tun can walk in the multiverse.

The deity group did not dare to despise him.

A long time ago.

He once helped the Fantastic Four defeat Doctor Doom, was a non-staff ally of the X-Police, and became friends with the exiled Hulk at the time.

However, his happy life was shattered by the arrival of the"Void".

The most terrifying thing is that the"Void" that drove the Hulk crazy and massacred 1 million Manhattan residents was actually another evil personality of the Sentinel, its energy. The twisted face. Under the control of"The Nothing", the Sentinel even killed his wife. In the world of Marvel, there are many universes.

There have been many big deeds in the universe.

These deeds are only like the Life Tribunal and OAA. Only those who have absolute power to change with their heads can change or record.

Before the appearance of Sentinel, he was definitely a very BUG-level figure in the universe, possessing (accb) the energy of a million suns to explode at the same time. Sentinel once fought with the strongest form of Green The giants fought to a draw.

They also easily tore Spider-Man's old enemy"Carnage" and the God of War Ares in half.

Before that, a very powerful character appeared in the universe.

That is, the Green Hulk.

At that time, the main character The Avengers of the world.

That is, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and Mr. Fantastic thought that the Green Hulk was too dangerous. They sent him into space. Unexpectedly, the giant drifted to a planet and settled down on this planet. Hulk also found his partner and created his own kingdom. However, due to an accident, a super bomb from the earth fell on the Hulk's planet. The explosion of the bomb destroyed everything about the Hulk. The extremely angry Hulk The giant thought it was the heroes on Earth who were responsible, so he angrily returned to Earth for revenge.

All the heroes were maimed by the Green Hulk, and people had no choice but to ask for help from the Sentinels.

In the end, the Green Hulk was The Sentinel has returned to its original form.

The Sentinel, which possesses the energy of millions of stars and millions of void negativity, would not be able to fully release the energy of these two millions if it were not for the fact that these millions of stars and millions of negativity suppress each other.

Presumably the earth would have been It has been destroyed.

Even the later OAA could not completely change this ending.

However, even if the current Sentinels are far from being able to exert the energy of the explosion of millions of stars, they are far more than other heroes on the earth. They have to What I want to mention is that in the past time, the Sentinel went berserk and turned into nothingness and instantly killed the God of War Ares and the Evil God Loki and destroyed Asgard with one blow. The villain Tyrant Messenger could easily split the planet in half with an axe.

However, he encountered Sentinel...Taken with one hand...

Because the sentry's ability is too strong.

Plus the void's abilities he can't control.

So later.

He still attacked the earth.

This matter was known to Gu Yi at that time.

She used her cosmic consciousness to find the Living Tribunal.

Finally, under the judgment of the court of life.

OAA took away all these memories.

Return everything to its original state

"It seems that what happened back then has happened again."Janata said

"Yeah, it happened again."Uncle Tun nodded.

Sure enough, time in the universe is regular.

Even if OAA is enough to erase everything, he can't erase the eternal time theorem in the universe._Read the novel without underlining Please download Feilu Novel AP

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