Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's plan of destruction is about to begin.

Now that the location of the non-nuclear warhead is sensed, it's easy to handle.

At Jiang Chen's level, so many combatants, including professional mercenaries, were nothing in front of him.

There is no need to go through five levels and kill six generals like the last time the Avengers went to get the staff containing the space gem.

First, break through the front line of defense, arrive at the underground bunker in a flashy way, and then Tony Stark takes the mecha. Jiang Chen had taken the"magic staff" in his hand and wanted to destroy the underground nuclear bomb.

These guards couldn't even find his location!

In addition, because the nuclear bomb is a special thermal weapon.

The strategic nuclear weapons everyone is talking about now are generally the second-generation"nuclear warheads."

This is what everyone calls the hydrogen bomb.

Its detonation principle is to detonate the hydrogen bomb first with an atomic bomb.

It is nuclear fission plus nuclear fusion - first the high-energy neutrons released from the atomic bomb react with lithium deuteride to produce tritium, and then the tritium and deuterium fuse to produce energy.

Since the fusion conditions of a hydrogen bomb require a high temperature of tens of millions of degrees11, which is many times higher than the detonation temperature of an atomic bomb, the hydrogen warhead is also called a thermonuclear warhead.

In the past, the famous"Big Ivan" that the Soviet Union tested on Novaya Zemlya in 1961 fell into this category.

Their power was far more powerful than the backward atomic bomb.

But the atomic bombs used to detonate hydrogen bombs themselves also require detonators.

Its components are relatively common.

It mainly includes the well-known detonators, ordinary explosives, and neutron sources, as well as energy sources, safety devices, release devices, fuzes, etc. The detonation control system composed of these is placed around the atomic bomb ammunition.

Generally speaking, destroying the ordinary explosives used to detonate the nuclear warhead inside the nuclear warhead leaves no conditions for the nuclear materials in the nuclear warhead, that is, the atoms used for fission and fusion, such as uranium, tritium, and deuterium, to undergo fission and fusion.

In this way, a large amount of energy cannot be released.

Even one hydrogen bomb is completely destroyed.

However, such an approach would inevitably have unreliable factors.

Because only that part of the device under the technical requirements is destroyed, if it is taken away by some people with ulterior motives, the remaining part can easily be turned into a weapon of mass destruction again.


Jiang Chen wants to completely destroy them.

To completely destroy it,

Jiang Chen can let his energy penetrate into the nuclear material carried by the nuclear warhead, and then directly change the properties of the atoms used for fission and fusion.

In this way, the nuclear warhead will be completely destroyed. but.

Jiang Chen has another way to destroy it.

Since his heart was filled with despair for this world, he didn't bother to think about the most reasonable and best way of doing things for people and things.

Jiang Chen looked down at the ground beneath his feet, the weather was sunny.

Dozens of heavily armed guards were pretending to be there.

It looked like it was just an ordinary day.

But as Jiang Chen pointed at a certain location on the earth, his finger moved.

Suddenly, the entire space became hot, and a faint vibration came from the underground.

People seem to hear the"rumbling" roar of the earth, like hundreds of millions of ferocious beasts roaring.

Suddenly, the middle-aged mercenary leader looked at his feet in disbelief and said in horror:

"Could it be!"

The next moment, the brilliance like the scorching sun illuminated the land!

The vegetation, roads, and factories on this land, including the dozens of militants and professional mercenaries with sharp weapons who were"working" in the factory, all of them... Everything, including the land, was directly vaporized by the astonishing high temperature and exploded into soaring smoke.

Then, the overwhelming air waves spread away from the center of the light.

The gas moved so fast, and the strong pressure caused it to pass through the air on its path. Everything was destroyed, no matter how thick the trees or how solid the walls were!

This thermonuclear bomb was detonated by Jiang Chen directly inputting energy from high in the air!

The violent energy swept through the cover and the trees around it Behind the grass, he was blocked in a circular area by an invisible"air wall". It was a cover that Jiang Chen set up using his own energy while detonating the nuclear warhead. With his current ability and ability to deal with darkness Although the control of power cannot compress the explosion of this hydrogen bomb into a small square inch with its own energy, it is still very easy to block its power within a radius of two hundred meters. Moreover, not only Blocking its temperature and air waves, including all kinds of long and short wave radiation energy when the hydrogen bomb releases energy. In this way, no matter how powerful the nuclear radiation is, it will only stay within this radius of two hundred meters, and there will be no subsequent After this cover, the radiation flowing out will not exceed a kilometer in diameter. In other words, Jiang Chen completely disappeared the nuclear warhead at the cost of at most one square kilometer. At the same time, he also eliminated a group of terrorists with ulterior motives from the world. Molecules. You must know that the various types of radiation produced when a hydrogen bomb explodes are exactly the same as those of an atomic bomb, and because it is more powerful, the radiation intensity is also higher. However, the radiation of a hydrogen bomb lasts for a shorter time. Trouble is the residue after the hydrogen bomb explosion and has a very long half-life; 37 In particular, the large-scale radioactive dust formed will harm the surrounding environment for a long time. Especially once it penetrates into the ground, underground water circulates, and cumulonimbus clouds in high altitudes spread everywhere It will cause nuclear radiation pollution in the area. People are usually most worried about this kind of pollution. For hydrogen bombs alone, it depends on its type.

""Standard type" hydrogen bombs can produce the long-term radioactive dust that harms the environment as mentioned before.

Only small atomic bombs used as fuzes, so the harm is relatively small.

However, this type of hydrogen bomb with enhanced power, called a"thermonuclear warhead" , there is also a layer of U238 shell on the outside.

When it explodes, it will undergo secondary nuclear fission, causing more serious long-term harm than any kind of nuclear weapon, so people also call it a"dirty bomb."

But this kind of bomb With high power and low cost, this hydrogen bomb is undoubtedly the main force of strategic nuclear warheads, especially large-yield strategic nuclear warheads.

Originally, this nuclear bomb was to contaminate at least 150 square kilometers of land.

This caused such a large area to be destroyed in hundreds of years. Not a blade of grass grows.

But now Jiang Chen has destroyed this nuclear weapon at the cost of just one square kilometer.

It also saves him the trouble of designing how to"reasonably and efficiently" dismantle it._Fei

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