There was a sound in the sky, and Professor X and Magneto made their debut.

As good friends and partners who love and kill each other, Professor X and Magneto can be said to be a pair of powerful CP superheroes with extreme contradictions.

As both mutants, the two once worked closely together, but then parted ways due to different ideas, but they never gave up persuading each other.

X advocates peace because he believes that ordinary people and mutants can live in peaceful coexistence on this earth.

Magneto did not reject humans at the beginning. He also conducted scientific research with Professor X and worked hard for the progress of human civilization.

It wasn't until he was persecuted and hunted by humans, his wife and children were separated, he became homeless, and finally lived in hiding that he began to hate humans.

So, he went around looking for mutants, and by brainwashing these mutants, he wanted to create a world with only mutants.

Since then, Magneto officially broke with Professor X and began a new life of fighting for their respective ideals.

However, I don’t know whether it’s because evil prevails over good, or because Magneto is plagued by bad luck. He always encounters people who are stronger than him again and again, and sometimes even the mutants he attacks will trick him without even realizing it..

Magneto felt bitter in his heart, but he couldn't say it. He had no choice but to continue to live a life of running around.

At the same time, X was in trouble and found Magneto. Magneto, who was in danger, took over Professor X's professorship and finally lived a peaceful life.

Life is always full of drama, and it is even more vivid in this world where there are many strong people. It is impossible to live a peaceful life, not even in this life.

When Wolverine came to the door, King Xuan's peaceful life ended.

Perhaps Magneto already has a warlike element flowing in his body, and calm has never been able to erase his warlike habits, so let's start fighting if they don't agree.


The result was self-defeating. Instead of persuading, the war became more intense.

Yes, there was an accident. During the process of possessing consciousness, X's sealed negative emotions were accidentally opened and merged with Magneto's consciousness.

As a result, Magneto, the"berserker" who merged the two consciousnesses, was born. This time, Magneto defeated many superheroes and mutants.

After this battle, Magneto X once again broke up on bad terms0.......

I don’t know if the two of them have contacted or cooperated again since then, but some connections once established cannot be severed, as if God had arranged it.

Just like this time, facing the crisis that the earth will be destroyed, Professor X and Magneto will have to fight to defend the earth, whether they like each other or not.

As a result, this thought-provoking scene appeared in front of us. The two people arrived hand in hand, more uniformly than the other people's scheduled companions.

X is indeed a culture. Even the wind that comes with it when walking is different from others. As soon as you pass by, there seems to be a breath of books.

Magneto, from his point of view, is also a poor man who has suffered 1.6. The situation has made him embark on a path of no return against mankind, and he has been labeled as a villain.

Well, in fact, his nature is not bad, he is a typical person who is forced to do something good, otherwise Professor X would not be able to persuade him to be good.

As for Magneto's true thoughts, only he knows best.

Many times, what a person really needs does not depend on what he is doing, but what he lacks. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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