I can’t worry about so much anymore, success or failure depends on this.

Even if the energy does not meet expectations, you can only take the risk and give it a try.

Iron Man Tony Stark gave the little naughty order to detonate the earth's core in a somewhat urgent tone.

At this critical moment, I saw fiery red light spots flying from the sky above the earth.

Although the superheroes are not clairvoyants, they are all people with amazing eyesight. They soon discovered that they were pieces of black meteorites.

The meteorites, which at first could only be seen as light spots, rapidly grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to fall towards the location of the absorption system.

Iron Man Tony Stark thought that Jiang Chen had noticed their plan to"pretend to attack the Earth", and his already anxious heart became even more anxious now.

He shouted urgently at the little naughty man again:"Jiang Chen is taking action, 000, hurry up, hurry up!"

At this moment, Iron Man Tony Stark had lost his calm.

Otherwise, with his clever wisdom, he would have been able to analyze that if Jiang Chen, who owned the Reality Stone, really wanted to use the meteorite to make a move, the meteorite would not have fallen over such a long distance, causing fire to appear from the friction.

The little naughty boy is still receiving the last bit of energy converted by the absorption system.

In just a few words, the vanguard of the meteor shower suddenly fell.

What an extremely coincidence is that most of the first wave of meteorite rain fell on the location of the absorption chamber.

The top of the thermal energy absorption chamber had already been smashed through. A group of meteorites turned into flaming boulders and fell on the thermal energy absorption chamber. The heat storage integrated device on the wall of the absorption chamber lit up in an instant, extremely dazzling.

In the flexible buffer impact chamber not far away, you can't see the glowing scene of the heat storage integrated device.

But think about it and you know that as long as the flexible buffer device can withstand such a huge force like a meteorite impact, it will be an extremely terrifying energy..If this energy can be absorbed and transformed, the pure energy that will dissipate for a moment and detonate the earth's core will be available in minutes.

If others can think of it, so can the genius inventor Iron Man Tony Stark..He didn’t care whether this was Jiang Chen’s conspiracy or not, he shouted,"Little naughty boy"

"Wait, be careful first. After absorbing and transforming this wave of energy, we will soon have the pure energy to detonate the earth's core."

Just after Iron Man Tony Stark finished shouting, in less than a minute, the absorption system showed that the energy absorption and conversion had reached the upper limit.

Iron Man Tony Stark was overjoyed, a kind of superheroes and mutants and The army of agents also showed joy.

Then, Iron Man Tony Stark tremblingly issued new instructions to the little naughty boy.

Target the core of the earth, release energy, and detonate the core.

Under the guidance of the little naughty boy, a huge wave of Pure energy passes through the channel of the Kola ultra-deep borehole and shoots directly into the ground unimpeded, pointing directly at the core of the earth.

The process of energy shooting is silent, but when the energy reaches the core of the earth and collides with it, The whole earth began to tremble violently.

On the surface of the earth, countless volcanoes, whether they had erupted before or not, all erupted at this moment.

Even scientists have concluded that the so-called stable zone is not in two places. In the area between the continental plates, there are also many places where spectacular volcanic eruptions have begun to form. The sky above the earth is gray, typhoons are roaring, tsunamis are raging, black rainstorms are washing over the world, and buildings are like paper, one after another. The collapse of the earth plunged mankind into panic.

In an instant, the entire earth fell from a prosperous place to a scene of doomsday.

After the launch of this"pretend to attack the earth" plan, the scene of the earth's destruction officially began.

As for the final , no one knows whether it will protect the earth or destroy it._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share!,·

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