After dawn the next day, Jiang Chen left China Overseas International Hotel. Naturally, he didn't know what kind of impact his stay had on China Overseas International Hotel.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't pay attention.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already appeared at Qidaling Great Wall in Kyoto.

The Qidaling Great Wall is so majestic due to its terrain, it looks like a giant dragon clinging to the winding peaks.

Standing on the Great Wall and looking out at the mountains, a refreshing"zero zero zero" feeling immediately lingers in my heart.

Jiang Chen walked leisurely along the Great Wall.

Even though it was early morning, there were still many people on the Great Wall.

There were some people running in the morning, some dancing and taking photos, and Jiang Chen even saw a group of old men and women doing Tai Chi on the Great Wall.

There are really many wonders in the world, especially in an ancient civilization like China, which can be said to be a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

Jiang Chen felt that even if there was a Tai Chi master among the old people practicing Tai Chi, he would not be surprised.

Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Since there are superheroes, mutants, and even gods in foreign countries, there is no reason why China does not have them.

The Chinese people have always kept a low profile, advocated peace, and kept things like superpowers secret, so that ordinary people have no idea whether there is such a thing as superpowers in this world.

Jiang Chen was the same before. It wasn't until he obtained the most powerful good luck system and a series of super powers that countless unknown things in this world opened to him.

Jiang Chen naturally understood that China had secret intentions for superpowers. As a country with a large population, this could avoid a lot of chaos and trouble.

But it will also hinder the research and development of super powers.

"Oh my God, is that person dead?"..."Do you want to call 120?"It's unclear whether 120 will be given, but 110 will definitely be given!"",

"If you jump from such a high tower, you will be disabled even if you don't die, right?"."Look, that man is fine and can still run. Is he a super?"

"I don’t know if he is Superman or not, but it is true that he did not bring a parachute. He may have learned Qing Gong. It is said that Qing Gong has been practiced in China since ancient times."

"Is Chinese Kung Fu real?"

Just when Jiang Chen was lost in thought, a series of exclamations brought his thoughts back to reality.

Soon, Jiang Chen understood what just happened from the comments of the people around him.

Just now, someone from the Great Wall He jumped from the city tower. The important thing is that it is said that the man was fine at all and could still run alive and well. 0......., you must know that the Great Wall here is at least seven or eight meters high. If ordinary people jump off, they will either die or be disabled.

Even the elite soldiers of the special forces are not completely guaranteed to move freely after jumping, let alone running away without being affected.

Jiang Chen walked to the edge of the city tower and followed everyone's gaze.

His eyesight is amazing, and ordinary people's vision range is limited. As a superhero of the same level, he does not have this limitation.

I saw the man who jumped off the tower before, flying through the forest as if walking on flat ground.

Sensing a weak energy fluctuation coming from the direction of the man, Jiang Chen raised his brows and looked attentively.

When the man's toes touched the ground, he touched the ground lightly, and before the whole foot fell, he flew away again, spanning several meters in one step, as light as a dragonfly touching water.

Not only that, he was surrounded by a small hurricane. He was in the hurricane, and he had a feeling of flying in the clouds.


If Jiang Chen's prediction is correct, this should be a superpower who can control the wind element.

This was the first time he saw a Chinese superpower. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,·

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