There is a reason why Hussere deliberately chose to trade in the open-air restaurant of Qinggong Building.

Since he is wanted, he knows that he may be exposed anytime and anywhere, so he must find an escape route in advance.

The Qinggong Building open-air restaurant at the top of the sixth floor is a very advantageous place for him.

As a wind superpower, Housele uses the sixth floor as a springboard. Whether he is going to other buildings or jumping directly, it is easy.

Others may not be able to do it. Even if the special department has someone with the same ability as him, at least he doesn't have to worry about being under siege. This is his advantage.

However, it is not as good as God.

What Houssere never expected was that he didn't know what kind of evil he ran into today. Even when he could escape, he always encountered ghosts hitting the wall inexplicably.

Yes, as many Chinese people know, this situation is called a ghost beating a wall.

Houssere was a little desperate. His biggest reliance was to use the wind superpower to escape.

In fact, the buyer of this transaction came to him precisely because of his ability.

However, his biggest reliance was broken at this moment.

It broke without any reason or precaution.

In fact, Houssele also has a little-known superpower, which is the earth superpower. This superpower makes him resistant to beatings.

But what's the use?

When he is besieged by elites from the special department downstairs, can he still count on Patai to help him solve the problem?

What's more, it's true that I can withstand beatings, but I can't withstand modern hot weapons.

Houssere became even more desperate when he thought of the special department elites downstairs waiting for him to be arrested.

There was a burst of noisy shouts and screams. Several men in black wearing special clothes came to the open-air restaurant, and the crowd began to rush towards the exit.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Houssere's eyes flashed with a stern look. He took out a pistol, ducked into the restaurant bar, and used the bar to protect himself.

At this time, a scream came from under the bar, which scared the man in black and woke up Housele.

I saw Houssere grabbing it under the bar, and lifting it up, a girl appeared in his hands. She was the waiter at the bar of the restaurant before..

Houssere grabbed the girl's hair with one hand and put the gun to the girl's head with the other hand.

The girl didn't know whether it was because she was in pain or being beaten. Her pretty face was pale and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She cried and murmured in horror:"Don't kill me, don't kill me……"

Jiang Chen couldn't bear to see the girl who was lively and cute before and now looked frightened and embarrassed..

"Let go of that girl and let me be your hostage!"

Jiang Chen opened his hands, raised them above his head, and said loudly to Hou Selei.

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Hou Selei

"Don't be impulsive!"

Several shouts suddenly came from the direction of the man in black.

Hussere was so startled by these shouts that he turned to look at the man in black.

He said with a stern expression:"Don't push me. If you push me too hard, no one will get better."

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Chen who was walking slowly. He saw that Jiang Chen had no weapons in his hands, so he didn't say anything more.

As for Jiang Chen's suggestion of changing hostages, Housele did not agree. Why should he change hostages? Isn’t it nice to hold two hostages?

Just when Jiang Chen was about to reach Houselei’s side, with a thought in his mind, the Reality Stone opened.

Just as Houselei was about to subdue Jiang Chen, he saw Jiang Chen twist his backhand and pull him away from the one holding the gun. He grabbed it in his hand.

Hussere was in pain and pulled the trigger on Jiang Chen's chest.

He only heard"Move it."

Jiang Chen threw him over his shoulder and threw Housele to the ground. He stepped with his right foot and stepped on the ground, unable to move.

"Are you here to catch him?"

Jiang Chen pointed at Housele, who was lying on the ground, panting, and said calmly to a few people in black.

Until this moment, the few people in black woke up like a dream.

"Yes, he stole something from our organization and is wanted."

A young man in black quickly walked up to Jiang Chen and nodded gratefully.

Then, he squatted down and punched Housele on the ground.

Jiang Chen discovered that, When the young man punched, there was an energy wave and subtle thunder and lightning power.

Housserei, who was lying on the ground, suddenly twitched.

Another superpower!

Jiang Chen took back his foot that stepped on Housserei and said nonchalantly:"He stole it. What do you have?"

"Cosmic Cube."

The young man blurted out without thinking.

Another middle-aged man in black came over and happened to hear the young man's words. He glared at the young man fiercely.

The young man immediately realized that he had spilled the beans and quickly kept silent.

Jiang Seeing this, Chen smiled and said nothing more, but his heart became a little solemn._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!,·

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