Jiang Chen sat in front of the TV, watching Mandarin on the TV saying with a very cold expression:

"The next warning is coming soon."

As the TV screen resumed,

Jiang Chen frowned.

Killian's purpose was to get rid of the leader Matthew Ellis and control Rodriguez as a puppet leader.

Now he has launched an attack on Iron Man. Attack.

Blow up Iron Man's house.

The whole country M thought that Iron Man was dead.

The next warning?

Could it be that they were pretending to be Iron Man patriots who kidnapped the president?

Jiang Chen was thinking about it.

The next second, in his ear But there was a huge explosion.


This explosion caused the house where Jiang Chen was to shake slightly.

Jiang Chen stood up and was about to go out to take a look.

Then there were two more explosions.



This time The explosion sound came closer to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen frowned and hurriedly walked out of the room.

The moment he opened the door, smoke filled the entire block.

The temperature around him was rising sharply.

Various noisy sounds were heard in Jiang Chen's ears. Rings:

"Run! Come on...kid!"

"what is that? Is it the Explosive Man again? Oh my god? And Pyro?! That's Pyro!!!"

"So many burning people!! Why are there so many burning people?!"

"Mommy mommy……"

The explosion continues to spread.

Jiang Chen frowned and watched as seven or eight men and women wearing camouflage uniforms suddenly appeared on the street.

His face was calm and cold.

They were not dressed like people running for their lives.

It looks more like the outfits of dangerous people often seen on TV.

They were walking in the middle of the street.

He was holding a syringe in his hand.

Inject yourself into your neck.

The next second.

Those seven or eight people suddenly looked painful.

Five or six of them struggled to squeeze into the crowds on both sides of the street. boom!

With the sound of explosion.

A black mark was blasted on the ground.

Blood filled the air.

There were mutilated human remains everywhere.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

How is this going?

Killian's purpose is to become the leader behind Country M.

Bombing the neighborhood? why is that?

"Please, where are the heroes...save us?……"

"iron Man! Help us!...I know you are not dead……"

"Come and save us, a hero……"

Cries for help kept reaching Jiang Chen's ears.

The explosion came too fast and too violently.

Most of the neighborhoods were bombed to pieces and looked like ruins.

There were corpses and blood everywhere on the ground.

There were people injured everywhere.

Some of them were pinned down by the fallen railings, unable to move.

Some were shaken by the aftermath of the explosion and had their arms broken.

There were also some uninjured people running desperately through the streets.

The whole neighborhood was in shambles.

However, what surprised Jiang Chen was.

Among the seven or eight people who were injected with terminal virus patients before.

Two people actually became adaptors.

Is this a coincidence or has the Extremis virus been improved?

Suddenly, the sound of crying reached Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen frowned.

I saw a very young boy suddenly running into the middle of the road and stopped because of fear.

He looked around in panic, and then shouted in horror:

"Mom...Mom...where are you?"

At this time, the two Extremis Virus adaptors behind him were walking towards him.

One of the men glanced at the little boy contemptuously.

His body was glowing.

This action Jiang Chen was very familiar.

It looked like he was preparing to send out flames.

Jiang Chen quickly rushed forward.

He stood in front of the little boy and picked him up.


The next second, Jiang Chen heard an explosion next to his ears.

The explosion was not as loud as before.

But the power was definitely not small.

Jiang Chen put the little boy down.

Turning around, he saw a group of people wearing black clothes rushing towards him. Maria Hill came out.

The team was led by Maria Hill.

The person who came should be someone from SHIELD.

Maria Hill had no expression on her face.

As soon as she came out, she fired another shot at another adapter of the Extremis virus.


Another explosion sounded.

Another adaptor of the Extremis virus was submerged in the explosion again.

As the enemy disappeared, the panicked people around cried with joy and kept saying:

"hero! thank you all!"

"Thank you...thank you……"

The neighborhood slowly became quiet.

Maria Hill looked at the two rolling flames in front of her, obviously feeling a little proud.

The voices of other low-level agents came from behind:

"I thought it would be so difficult, but it turned out to be so easy."

"Yes, much simpler than aliens."

Then, Maria Hill said into the headset:

"Block A has been cleared. Jiang

Chen frowned when he heard what she said and said coldly:

"It's not that simple. Maria

Hill glanced at Jiang Chen indifferently and ignored him.

The low-level agent behind Maria Hill glanced at Jiang Chen with an unhappy expression and said:

"It's been burned like this, maybe it can be resurrected?"

"It’s just that with such a big fire, I don’t believe it can’t burn them to death!"

However, as soon as they finished speaking, the two flames that were burning shook.

Then, two red people who were burned by the fire came out.

They were really resurrected!

Maria Hill looked at those people in shock. The two people walked out of the fire.

At this moment, they were like two zombies.

There were still flames all over their bodies.

They roared and sent out a fatal signal.

In just one minute, the fire on their bodies slowly faded away.

Their bodies reappeared. It returned to its original appearance.

Maria Hill seemed to shake her head in disbelief.

This was the first time she had seen people return to normal after being burned in fire!

Is it possible that they still have the ability to regenerate?!

Although Maria Hill was frightened, she did not hesitate.

She spoke directly into the headset:

"Discovered a new ability for terminal virus patients to regenerate quickly."

As soon as Maria Hill finished speaking, she saw a ball of flames spraying towards her.

She quickly dodged to the side.

Although she escaped by chance

, the group of people she brought with her were not spared.

These two terminal virus patients were nothing but Breathing fire with a casual blow.

Maria Hill's entire team was almost wiped out.

"Iron Man is dead and S.H.I.E.L.D. is useless. I want to see who else you want to pray for. It's you."

One of the female terminal virus adaptors said with some pride.

However, before she could be proud for a long time, she heard a voice coming from her ear:


(Friends, if you like the flowers and tickets in your hands, please give me some tickets. Thank you and take a bow!)

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