Chapter 41 Jiang Chen’s Son Jiang Future

While Jiang Chen was swaying, his laughter was getting louder and louder unconsciously.

Janata was awakened by his inexplicable laughter in the middle of the night. She opened her eyes and asked with some confusion:"Jiang Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just thought of a good way to make money for milk powder."Jiang Chen returned to normal in an instant and replied with a faint smile.

Janata looked confused:"What milk powder money? Jiang

Chen joked:"Of course it's the milk powder money for that little guy in your belly!""

"Human newborns need to drink milk. In modern society, due to various reasons, many mothers are unable to breastfeed their children, so they give their children cow's milk or goat's milk."

"Children in cities cannot drink fresh cow's milk or goat's milk, because the shelf life of fresh milk is not long. In order to facilitate long-distance transportation, humans extract milk powder from cow's milk or goat's milk. The milk powder is soaked in boiling water. , and will turn into milk or goat milk for children to eat"

"For most people, milk powder is expensive, so humans habitually refer to the money earned by a family with a child as milk powder money, which means that the money is needed to buy milk powder for the child."

After listening to Jiang Chen's words, Janata suddenly said seriously:"I also want to make money for milk powder. Jiang

Chen laughed loudly when he heard this:"If we both go to earn money for milk powder, then who will take care of the child?".?"

He kissed Janata on the forehead and said seriously:"There is a saying in China that men are responsible for making money and supporting the family, and women are responsible for being as beautiful as a flower."

"As for you, you have a heavier burden on your shoulders. You are not only responsible for your beauty, but also for taking care of your children."After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he sighed quietly.

Because he knew that these were not easy tasks for the inexperienced Janata.

The next morning, when Jiang Chen and Janata sat face to face at the dining table, When having breakfast, Jiang Chen was surprised to find that Jianata's bulging belly had bulged again. Jiang Chen was a little shocked. Others were pregnant in ten months, but Jianata didn't get pregnant overnight, the baby would be born in three or two days. ?

Seeing how quickly Janata's belly swelled, Jiang Chen had every reason to believe that the baby would be born in less than a week, or even in these two days.

Sure enough, on the afternoon of the next day, when Janata was a guest at Hao Yiyun's house , she found that her stomach suddenly began to hurt, and she was sent to the Capital Maternal and Child Health Hospital by Hao Yiyun.

When Jiang Chen rushed to the hospital, Janata was undergoing emergency surgery.

Jiang Chen kept walking back and forth in the corridor at the entrance of the emergency room. Move around.

He doesn't know why he is so nervous. This is the first time he has been so nervous since he came to the Marvel world. At this time,

Jiang Chen is like an ordinary father waiting for the birth of his child, with his fists clenched and the palms of his hands He was covered in sweat.

The whole hour felt like a century had passed.

Just when Jiang Chen was getting a little impatient, the door of the emergency room opened, and a female nurse appeared holding a baby. before his eyes

"Are you Jiang Chen, Mr. Jiang?"The female nurse asked Jiang Chen

"Yes, I am Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice:"It's my wife in the emergency room. How is she now?""

"If you have a child, you can first think about what to name the child. Later, the hospital will need to register the child's birth."

Hearing the nurse say that the mother and child are safe, Jiang Chen instantly felt like hearing the voice of a fairy.

Jiang Chen hugged his child and smiled stupidly. The child in his hand seemed to be infected by his smile, and he also grinned.

"So cute!"Hao Yiyun came over and saw that the child was laughing instead of crying, and he also sincerely praised

"Thanks!"Jiang Chen said sincerely to Hao Yiyun.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything to thank her, but Hao Yiyun knew that it was because he sent his wife to the hospital.

In the end, the child was sent to the nursery by a female nurse. Jiang Chen Chen Ze and Hao Yiyun came to the ward where Janata was.

"Janata, thank you for your hard work!"Jiang Chen looked at Janata who looked a little pale, held her hand and said softly.

"Have you seen our children? How about you give him a name?"Janata said weakly.

"Can I call Jiang Weiwei? Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said,"I hope we all have a better future.""

"Well, it’s all up to you!"Janata smiled and nodded.

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