Chapter 455 Looks like an old woman

"Yes."Jack Cheng affirmed

"And as far as I know, the genetic medicine seems to be related to the research results of Dr. Banner. It is very likely that his research results have been stolen, which is the genetic medicine that will be sold at the underground auction in China."

Jack became a treasure trove:"In addition, Dr. Banner and Iron Man Tony intend to go to China to participate in this underground auction. This is the news we got from Stark Industries yesterday."

These two brats, after the Ultron incident, are like wearing the same pair of pants. Many times they do things very closely, Director Nick thought to himself. They form gangs, and Director Nick can turn a blind eye. One eye, but many times, I don’t tell myself before something happens, which is a bit of a headache.

After something happens, I am like an uncle cleaning up the scene, handling the follow-up for them, like a wiper for a child. The old ladies with their butts hide their merit and fame.

And those gorgeous scenes that are in the limelight and praiseworthy are all them standing on. These are not important. For someone as old as Director Nick, those things that are in the limelight are not What he pursues, what he needs is stability and unity.

Of course, it would be best if the people above don't scold him. Even if they scold them sometimes, he can do his own thing and turn a deaf ear to their words. No matter what!

As long as things are done beautifully, they won't really pursue them afterwards.

But after Dr. Banner transformed into the Hulk, the big guy was incredibly destructive. Every time he went to war, the streets of New York were destroyed. The level will rise in a straight line.

Afterwards, Dr. Banner still didn't remember what he had done, and the compensation had to be borne by SHIELD. After he vented his anger, he was fine and beaten. It's cool.

Now that they are tired of fighting in New York, are they going to go to China to cause trouble again?

If trouble occurs, everyone knows that Dr. Banner who transformed into the Hulk and Iron Man Tony are from M country, an international Disputes are unavoidable.

Director Nick is in a dilemma. In country M, they damaged things and had to be compensated by the bureau. When they cause international disputes abroad, the government of country M also has to assign responsibility to the bureau. If one is unhappy, the bureau's funds will be lost. It's also a headache to reduce it.

Although Iron Man Tony is willful, his family has a big business, so he can be given a fortune when the time comes, but Dr. Banner is a poor guy. What can he use to compensate for it? He can't really be mortgaged. To the Chinese government, right?

If Natasha is here, she might be able to appease Dr. Banner so that he will not fall into anger and transform into the Hulk whenever he encounters a conflict. But where is Natasha now?

Director Nick said I also wanted to know.

Jack Cheng was like a roundworm in Director Nick's stomach. At this moment, he suddenly said:"Someone saw Natasha in Kyoto, China.

Director Nick's expression suddenly froze:"What did you say?" Seeing that the director looked wrong, Jack Cheng took two steps back and whispered:"According to where I am, there is news that Agent Natasha is in China.""

Director Nick took a deep breath, preparing for the worst, and then asked:"What news?"

"We did find traces of Natasha in China, she is still alive!"Jack Cheng said quickly

"Even if he was discovered, it would be...what, you said he is still alive?"Director Nick was originally muttering dejectedly, but suddenly he seemed to have a reaction, his eyes widened, and he asked loudly.

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