Chapter 458: Let your thoughts diverge.

Who is willing to risk his life when he can easily perform tasks when he can travel around the mountains and rivers?

Isn't it nice to drink tea and chat with the Director-General here? Um, it seems there is no tea here!

Well, if we can chat and get a mission to travel around and see all the great places in China, Jack Cheng would be happy to do it.

In fact, that's what he was doing. He didn't mention the underground auction. Even if he did, he would bring up Natasha's matter.

However, Director Nick obviously would not let him get around so easily.

Director Nick also knew that if the conversation continued like this, the clever boy in front of him could talk to him for a whole day. He really had no intention of going around in circles with Jack anymore and simply went straight to the point.

"I'm going to let you go to China! He looked deeply at Jack and said,"This mission is related to the underground auction.""

After saying that, he exhaled a breath of turbid air in his chest. Talking to this guy was so tiring, it was like negotiating. When

Jack Cheng heard the previous sentence of the Director, his eyes lit up. He thought his plan to travel to China was successful, but when After the last sentence came belatedly, he was like a deflated rubber ball.

Director Nick was sitting on the leather rocking chair. Seeing Jack's dejected look, he suddenly felt refreshed. He even wanted to smoke a cigar at this time. Celebrate.

After touching his pocket, he suddenly realized that he had quit smoking for several years.

Well, talking about this, I have to thank the online novel from China. Director Nick thought too much and couldn't sleep at night. At that time, he could smoke two packs of cigarettes a night.

However, cigarettes can refresh his mind, but they also often make him feel chest tightness. When his personal doctor learned about his situation, he advised him to smoke less, or even quit smoking, but for someone with a strong addiction to cigarettes, How easy was it for Director Nick?

By chance, Director Nick came into contact with China's online novels. From then on, he couldn't stop. After quitting smoking, he quickly became obsessed with China's online novels. If he doesn't read online novels for a while every night, Director Nick felt weak all over, and even fell asleep easily and became prone to insomnia.

But Director Nick read online novels differently from others. He did not care about the refreshing feeling in the novels, but paid great attention to the cultivation of Taoism, alchemy, and becoming an immortal and a Buddha in the novels..

It’s not that he wants to soar in the day, he also knows that these are fictions, influenced by his profession. When he reads them carefully, the things in the novels can always bring him a lot of inspiration and enlightenment. It’s almost like divergent thinking. , so Director Nick has already formed a habit of reading Chinese online novels at night to let his mind wander.

Looking at Jack with a miserable look on his face, Director Nick's mind began to wander again:"Of course, I won't do it this time. You are left alone to perform tasks."

At this point, he paused and said:"I will let you perform this mission together with Dr. Banner and Iron Man Tony."

Director Nick said confidently:"Of course, you will be the main one and they will be the auxiliary ones, because I don't intend to tell them the content of SHIELD's mission, and based on my understanding of them, they will automatically cooperate with us. This mission of S.H.I.E.L.D. After speaking, he looked at Jack Cheng with a smile on his face and said,"Are you confident that you can complete this mission?""

"have!"Jack Cheng said seriously.

Let me see your momentum:"Are you confident to complete this mission?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"Jack said forcefully.

But he added in his heart: If you can't complete the task, I will punish myself and take you to travel all over China's great rivers and mountains!

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