Chapter 461 It’s time to apply for a new car from the Director.

Jack Cheng was very attentive to Director Nick’s advice. There is an old saying in China that the old is still the hottest. Compared with the old Director, he is still a lot younger. ah!

Saying goodbye to the extremely spicy old ginger... no, it was the old director. Jack Cheng felt that he had benefited a lot. He was thinking about whether to bring his treasured West Lake Longjing tea to the old director to taste.

Speaking of West Lake Longjing tea, it was Jack Cheng who saved a little girl in Chinatown last time. The little girl’s mother forced it on him to express her gratitude. It is said that it is the best tea brought back from China, and he hasn’t even had time to open it!

Jack Cheng wasn't thinking about whether he wanted to part with it or not. Anyway, he didn't drink much tea and didn't know how the tea tasted. He just wanted to give the tea to the old director and see how much more he could drink tea with the old director in the future. Opportunity to chat.

Such opportunities are not easy to come by, and Jack Cheng's careful observation revealed that Director Nick really likes to drink tea. Otherwise, as an M countryman, who would put a coffee table and tea sets in his office instead of coffee? Woolen cloth?

Thinking of this, Jack Cheng quickly made a happy decision in his heart.

On the way home in the evening, Jack actually went to the bookstore and bought a dozen books on negotiation. After returning home that night, he started reading those books, like an old director reading online novels.

For several days in a row, Jack Cheng always wore a pair of black lensless glasses when he went to work. His behavior made everyone at SHIELD full of questions.

It wasn't that he was pretending to be polite, it was actually because he had been reading too late these past few nights, and he had serious dark circles under his eyes.

After reading the book, Jack Cheng struck while the iron was hot and immediately went to guard Tony Iron Man.

It wasn't that he didn't want to go directly to the Stark Group to find Tony, but that he couldn't enter the Stark Group's gate without an appointment. He wanted to call and make an appointment, but the appointment failed several times in a row.

What Jack Cheng didn't know was that Tony was indeed very busy. He was either in the laboratory or on the way to the laboratory every day. Even his assistant Pepper, now the CEO of Stark Group, rarely saw Tony..

Only a few of Tony's friends are qualified to go directly to his laboratory to find him, and even if they do, Tony may not have time to talk to him.

If Tony was really busy, he wouldn't even have time to eat.

In order to see Tony, Jack Cheng also risked his life and stayed there for several days.

Until that night, he saw Iron Man Tony driving a Lamborghini super sports car, and it passed by his eyes with a squeak. Jack Cheng knew that his opportunity had come.

Before he had time to call a taxi, Jack Cheng got on his scooter and chased after him without thinking.

Looking at the direction of the supercar, Jack Cheng guessed that Tony was going to the city, or in all likelihood, he might even be going to a bar for a drink.

For a workaholic like Tony, when he goes out to drink, that is the best time to negotiate with him.

In order not to lose track of Tony's supercar, Jack Cheng's motorcycle reached the speed limit. If there weren't many vehicles on the road, he would have lost track of Tony's supercar.

Even so, he still felt that the scooter he was sitting on was a little slow, and he watched helplessly as the distance between him and the supercar grew farther and farther.

But for a small motorcycle, this speed is already the limit. Jack Cheng felt that the small motorcycle under him had a vague sense of being out of control, as if it might fall apart at any time.

He was filled with emotion. It seemed necessary to apply to the director for a new car!

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