Chapter 483 The Invincible Grandmaster

Although no one said it, the old family leader Wang Tianyou didn’t understand everyone’s mentality at the moment.

Because he had always thought this way, he hurriedly thought about retiring and pushing Wang Chao to the stage.

Thinking of this, Wang Tianyou was ready to add another dose of strong medicine.

He continued:"After Wang Chao became the Grand Master, his status in the Dragon Kingdom was so high that almost no one dared to offend him."

Wang Tianyou changed his tone and said:"However, the Dragon Kingdom is so big, there are always some people who don't know the heights of the sky. This is not the case in Kyoto." A big family, second only to the top ten families, got into trouble with him. The reason was that a young man in this family got into trouble with Wang Chao, and Wang Chao had both of his legs broken."

"However, this eldest son was the son of the head of a big family. His legs were crippled. As a big family in Kyoto, how could he endure it? So he tried his best to get revenge on Wang Chao. There was even a grandmaster who owed this A favor from the big family was also asked to deal with Wang Chao"

"Of course, not only did the revenge fail, but the entire family was also involved. The head of the big family died on the spot, and the core members of the family also fled to death. The huge family fell apart in an instant, and the grandmaster was seriously injured by Wang Chaocheng and fell to the level of grandmaster. realm"

"The other grandmasters of the Dragon Kingdom felt that Wang Chao was too cruel and they should be lenient to that grandmaster, but they also didn't think about it. If someone wants to kill you, wouldn't it be right for you not to fight back and just sit back and wait for death?"

"Although the Dragon Kingdom government feels that it is a pity to lose a grandmaster, it will not blame a strong man who is no longer a grandmaster. Even a grandmaster can kill a more powerful grandmaster."

"But the other grandmasters don't care so much. They may be jealous that Wang Chao is too young and are afraid that they won't be able to suppress him in the future."

"The three grandmasters challenged Wang Chao together. Just when everyone thought Wang Chao would not agree to the challenge, he unexpectedly accepted the challenge and challenged three at the same time. As a result, one of the three grandmasters died and two were seriously injured, while Wang Chao was slightly injured."

"The last remaining grandmaster of the Dragon Kingdom sent a message that he was ashamed of himself and claimed that Wang Chao was already invincible at the grandmaster level and below. Unless someone beyond the grandmaster appeared, no one could beat him now. But don’t forget, he is still invincible. He is very young, and no one knows how long it will take for Wang Chao to break through to the master level. This is the most terrifying thing."

After everyone in the Wang family listened, they no longer knew what to say.

After Wang Chao picked M Country and Dragon Country, although it was a bit unpleasant to challenge Dragon Country, it was almost the same.

Originally, everyone thought that the Grandmaster was an invincible existence.

However, there was no such thing. What comes to mind is that other grandmasters will still be defeated or die.

And in the case of 3V1, some grandmasters will die at the hands of Wang Chao.

Only Wang Chao is the invincible grandmaster who can kill the invincible grandmaster.

There are still existences in this world that surpass the grandmaster. Is it?

If not, then Wang Chao can be said to be invincible in this world.

And he is likely to be the first being to surpass the Grandmaster in the future.

Can the Wang family really restrain him?

The master of a family can bind him Do you want to live there?

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Wang Chao is willing, he can form a big family that is number one in Kyoto at any time.

The old family leader Wang Tianyou was filled with emotions, but he had no time to think too much.

Because there is another important thing today Things need to be discussed.

It also gives the Wang family an opportunity to show their heritage as a big family.

Maybe Wang Chao will take this point of affection into consideration in the future and help the Wang family.

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