Chapter 498: Learn now and sell it to Jiang Weilai.

Even Jiang Weilai himself doesn’t know why he is so afraid of his father.

Although his father always smiled at him and never scolded or hit him, Jiang Weilai was afraid of him.

His father is like a bottomless abyss, which makes Jiang Lai, who is not afraid of anything, fear him in his heart.

Sure enough, after hearing Jiang Weiwei's words, Jiang Chen, who had been eating silently, laughed again.

He laughed and scolded:"You brat, you have learned how to flatter yourself. Is this the skill you learned from Wang Zhong?"

Yes, his son had the same expression as Wang Zhong when flattering him, which made him uncomfortable. No such doubt arises.

Jiang Chen didn't care much about his son calling his mother and Wang Zhong by their first names. Even if he wanted to call his own name, Jiang Chen wouldn't really scold him.

He has never emphasized to Jiang Weilai that he must call his father. However, Jiang Weilai is very conscious about this and has to be said to be self-aware.

"No, as far as flattery is concerned, Lao Wang probably can’t teach me anything. I learned all of this from TV, so I’m considered self-taught!"

It's not that Jiang Weilai looks down on Wang Zhong, but that he really can't teach himself.

Although Jiang Weilai watches TV every day, his TV viewing is completely different from ordinary people's.

He can learn a lot from TV. Useful things, of course, this is just his wishful thinking.

It is undeniable that Xiangfu is indeed absorbing human knowledge crazily while watching TV.

Let’s not care whether the things on TV are the essence or the dross, he learns things The speed is indeed breathtaking.

The most important thing is that Jiang Weilai can learn and sell now, summarize what he learned on TV, and immediately apply it to real-life scenarios.

For example, he talked about adults and children You must correct your attitude when communicating. This is the first lesson he learned from TV.

Another example is that he taught Wang Zhong how to be a qualified father.

He even had the skill of flattering, and he learned and sold it now, which was just right.

He is completely a model of self-taught.

However, Jiang Chen is completely free of charge to him, and he can let him go.

When he redeems good things in the Good Luck Mall, he will teach him well!

Jiang Chen does not ignore Jiang Wei. He also has his own plans.

It is a good thing for children to be curious and willing to learn. Jiang Chen doesn't really want to suppress his son's nature.

For now, let him be a carefree little fish and let him learn knowledge. Swim freely in the ocean.

When he is fattened, oh no, when he is mature, he can see the wider ocean.

When the time comes, the family will become immortals and live a life like a god. Isn’t it delicious?

Now Just let yourself bear the pressure!

Jiang Chen thought to himself, trying to accumulate lucky points is actually a stressful job!

Jiang Wei Lai's proud boast naturally caused the whole table to burst into laughter. The sound.

A meal at Jiang Chen's family was going on amidst laughter and laughter.

However, at this moment, Wang Zhong was a little bit unsatisfied at his dining table.

He didn't expect to have a drink with his old man all at once.

But. The old man’s words were a bit too annoying!

As soon as Wang Zhong entered the room, he heard the old man’s strange voice:"Hey, what kind of wind blew our dignified superpower team leader to the Wang family’s family banquet today?"

"Is it because the unit's funds are tight and the food can't keep up, or is it because the people under him are short of money and can't afford to hire their own team leader to go to a big hotel?"

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