As soon as Mandarin finished speaking, he launched the ice storm as quickly as possible.

In an instant, the entire office except where Jiang Chen stood was frozen by ice.

The temperature suddenly dropped.

Only the place close to Jiang Chen is still warm.

No hesitation at all.

Mandarin quickly activated the vortex's movement skill again.

Everything seemed so smooth.

Jiang Chen also seemed to have no reaction.

He stood motionless.

At this moment, Mandarin seemed to see the hope of success, which made him smile proudly. go to hell!

Mandarin roared in his heart!

Just when he moved as fast as he could to stop in front of Jiang Chen and prepared to launch the cutting beam.


He only felt his feet slip.

Somehow, his body fell backwards uncontrollably.

Damn it, the ground is too slippery...

It took Mandarin a moment to react.

Be sure not to drop it!

Mandarin's consciousness supported him and he struggled a few times.

By the way, he showed off his amazing waist strength in front of Jiang Chen.

Then with a"dong" sound in a 360-degree rotation, he sat down in front of Jiang Chen.

This sitting made Mandarin stunned.

But it wasn't just Mandarin who was confused.

And all the lawmakers in the conference center watching this scene right now.

They all discussed with puzzled faces:

"What happened to Mandarin? Why did you sit down?!"

"Could it be?! Does he want to release more powerful power?!"

"I think so! Why else would he sit down suddenly?! The fire man must be in danger now……"

Everyone is guessing this.

Even the people trapped in the darkness speculated this way.

But the truth is...

Mandarin slipped.

This made Mandarin feel fucked up inside.

He raised his head and looked speechlessly at Jiang Chen who was standing in front of him, shaking his head and sighing.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Jiang Chen say in an emotional tone:

"You have a nice waist, and it looks like your sword is still young!"


I want to say that I didn’t do this on purpose. Does anyone believe it?

I’ve been playing with my rings for so many years.

In the end, he fell on the witchcraft he cast...

The ground after freezing was too slippery...

Why the hell did I just let the ground freeze?!!

I can just use the vortex skill and then fire the cutting beam... so angry!

Just fall down in front of the enemy.

More importantly, I have struggled a few times, but I still can't stand firm.

It felt like those few struggles I just had were like dancing.


Mandarin took a deep breath, pretending not to care and patted the dust on his body that was not there at all.

The more embarrassed you are at this moment, the more you need to stand up calmly and calmly.

Thinking of this, Mandarin slowly stood up from the ground.

As soon as I stood up, my legs trembled again.

Mandarin swayed left and right before finally regaining his balance.

As soon as he stood firm, Mandarin put his hands behind his back, raised his head and chest, and returned to his original proud look.

"Were you performing fancy wrestling just now?"

"A difficult 360-degree turn?"

Jiang Chen looked at Mandarin and asked jokingly.

Mandarin raised his chin and did not answer.

Silence is better than sound at this time.

Since there is no way to argue the facts, silence is the best way.

"It's a good performance, although it's funny"

"It's a pity that it's not exciting enough, I can only give it four points."

Jiang Chen glanced at Mandarin, his brows twitching slightly.

After saying that, a huge burst of energy suddenly burst out from all over his body.


The huge shock shattered the glass of the entire office building.

Mandarin didn't have any trace of it. Prepare to be hit by this strong concussion.

A cutting-like pain surged up all over his body.

Before he had time to react to what was going on, he was shocked by this concussion and flew directly out of the window.

This time At this time, Mandarin was falling rapidly.

The floor of Stark Company was not low.

It would not necessarily be a good thing for Mandarin to fall like this.

Thinking of this, Mandarin immediately used the vortex skill to form a powerful Whirlwind held himself up in the air.

This finally gave him a chance to breathe.

Mandarin, who was shocked by Jiang Chen's energy, was not feeling well all over his body.

Such power was too terrifying.

If it weren't for the magic in his body that was powerful enough, it would be impossible for him to withstand Jiang Chen's moves.

This surprised Mandarin.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen was just a person who would only survive by luck.

However, Mandarin was surprised What Lin didn't expect was that the power in Jiang Chen's body was so terrifying!

It's not like Mandarin had never seen an adaptor of the Extremis virus.

But his power was far less terrifying than Jiang Chen.

But there was something Mandarin didn't know.

Jiang Chen passed After many battles, the strength and speed are constantly improving.

"I just moved my muscles a little bit."

Mandarin said pretending to be calm.

He dragged his exhausted body and tried hard to stand up in the whirlwind.

"Now, I'll show you a real storm!"

Mandarin roared with all the strength in his body.

The whirlwind under his feet began to intensify and gradually grew larger, devouring everything around him crazily.

Dense cracks appeared on the ground swept by the whirlwind.

There were flying sand and rocks everywhere, and people had not yet recovered from the fear of being swallowed by darkness.

But the terrible whirlwind was coming again

"Oh my God, what is this?! Is it the end of the world?"

"Such a powerful force?! Can Pyro beat him?!"

"I don’t know, it’s very confusing! You see this man can control the weather and create cyclones."

Everyone was talking one after another, with panic on their faces.

Initially, they were filled with hope when they saw Pyro's appearance, but when they saw how powerful Mandarin was, everyone became timid.

"There's no way Pyro can defeat Mandarin! Mandarin is so strong!"

"yes! He is so terrible! This power is too terrifying!"

"Oh, God! Why do people like Mandarin exist?!"

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