Nick Fury led Jiang Chen and others to a metal device.

The device looks like a switch.

There is a bulge in the middle.

If you twist it, it should activate the device.

"What's this?"

Captain America looked at the device and asked in confusion.

"This is the development of Ultron. You have to ask Ultron what it's called specifically."

"But I found out that if you turn on this device, you can lift all the towns in Sokovia."

"If it rises to a certain height and then falls, the earth will be destroyed."

Nick Fury said while looking at Captain America.

He looked serious and didn't look like he was lying.

Hawkeye was a little surprised and asked in disbelief:

"Lift an entire town? ?"

"This sounds obviously unlikely."

Nick Fury shook his head, looked at the device and said:

"In fact, there are countless propulsion devices composed of vanadium alloys underground."

"The core of the vanadium alloy has a magnetic field, which brings the rocks together, so it can drive the city upward."

The Red Witch covered her mouth in surprise and said:

"Oh my god, this is terrible, he wants to destroy all of Sokovia!"

Nick Fury shook his head and corrected:

"It’s not just Sokovia. It wants to destroy the entire planet."

After saying that, Nick Fury looked at Jiang Chen and said:

"That's why I said, you are very powerful and very lucky at the same time"

"If Ultron had just activated this device, I'm afraid our earth would be gone by now."

Tony Stark said to Jiang Chen half-jokingly:

"Of course, even if the earth explodes, you might still be able to survive. Jiang

Chen nodded and said:

"This might be true"...

Ultron is dead.

This battle was fought beautifully and perfectly.

Jiang Chen returned to New York, while Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver stayed in Sokovia to help the government rebuild their homeland.

Jiang Chen, who thought New York would be better, returned to New York only to find that it wasn't much better.

The whole of New York is also in a mess.

What fell on the ground were old and worn-out metals.

Many buildings around have collapsed.

It seems that this war should have plunged the whole world into panic.

When they arrived in New York, Tony Stark asked Happy to send Jiang Chen home.

He seems to be in much better spirits than before

"I suddenly thought of a great thing. After a while, I will ask Happy to pick you up and come to my house to have a look."

Tony Stark looked at Jiang Chen, as if he was giving it a try.

He didn't say anything about it.

This reminded Jiang Chen of the previous anti-nudity armor.

He quickly shook his head and said:

"It’s better not to use it."

Tony Stark took out his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on and said:

"I'm an inventor."

After saying that, Tony Stark seemed to be thinking about something, and then continued:

"The Ultron thing gave me a little inspiration, and your words also gave me a little inspiration."

"I plan to build a farm, build a house on the farm, and give Pepper a stable family after the war is over. Jiang

Chen said with a smile:

"That's not what I'm telling you."

Tony Stark lowered his head and looked at Jiang Chen, and suddenly sighed, as if he was about to leave, and then said:

"By the way, I know a guy who's pretty good. He quite admires you. I told him your home address."

"Maybe he will find you"

"He is also a person with super powers."

This made Jiang Chen look stunned.

Looking for me?

Young man??

"Tony, I don't think you can give my address to anyone?"

Jiang Chen looked at Tony Stark with a serious face and said.

Tony Stark shook his head, patted Jiang Chen's shoulder with his hand and said:

"You'll like him, he's a good prospect."

Nice seedling???

What does it mean????"

Jiang Chen looked stunned and didn't take this matter to heart.

He got in the car and chatted with Happy in the car for a while.

Happy said Anna was there Her home.

It seems that Happy likes Anna quite a bit. But this is good, after all, Jiang Chen can't take Anna with him all the time.

After staying home, Jiang Chen discovered that the houses near him had basically been damaged to some extent..

Only his house stood resolutely in it.

It still looked like it did before Jiang Chen left.

"You are really lucky! Happy said with a somewhat dissatisfied expression:

"You don’t know, the day after the robots broke out, they ransacked my house, even the safe."

"After looting, they also smashed my home."

"I seriously doubt that Ultron actually wants to destroy the world, it just wants to steal money."

Happy said with a helpless look.

It seemed that Ultron's incident caused him a lot of losses.

Jiang Chen spread his hands and said:

"There is no way around it. You can't envy good luck."

After saying that, Jiang Chen entered the room.

I have to say that after fighting Ultron, the ether particles in his body seemed to have become stronger.

This made him feel very excited.

He lay on the sofa and turned on the TV.

The extent of disasters in various countries was shown on TV.

On TV, various congressmen were discussing the incident about Ultron.

There were also things about superheroes and people with super powers.

Some people think that people with super powers are too harmful to the world. It should be controlled.

Some people think that humans cannot manage superpowers.

In short, there are a lot of discussions.

Then Jiang Chen was unfortunately named.

Although it was used as a positive teaching material.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Chen Chen looked out the door, stood up and opened the door.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Jiang? My name is Peter Parker. Mr. Stark told me your home address."

"I'm surprised that nothing happened to your family"

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Jiang, can you sign your name for me?"

"I saw you on TV and I thought you were very handsome. You could breathe fire. It was so cool."

"I can spin spider silk, have you heard of it?"

"They all call me Spider-Man"


Jiang Chen's heart:

You should let me interrupt!!!!

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