Jiang Chen never expected that he would see Gu Yi's soul when he walked out of the bathroom?!

Ancient One, Supreme Mage.

The most powerful person on earth, his strength cannot be underestimated.

But why would such a person appear in my room?

And what did she mean when she said someone was chosen by fate?

"I can't see your past, but I can see your future."

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking,

Gu Yi's words brought his thoughts back.

She had a faint expression on her face and was a little pale. She was floating in mid-air, wearing a white mage uniform.

To be honest, Seeing this in the middle of the night, Jiang Chen still felt extremely panicked.

It felt like watching a live-action ghost movie.

"You are lucky, as if you are the one chosen by fate"

"Although I don't know why you are so lucky."

Gu Yi looked at Jiang Chen and said with a slight frown.

Her face was very pale and very clean.

So even the slightest movement can be seen immediately.

Because I cheated.

Jiang Chen thought to himself Yes.

One hundred percent good luck is my exclusive cheat, the most powerful system!

It does not belong to this world at all, it is a unique system that I have brought with me.

If Ancient One can know about this cheat or something, then he will really be damned Got it

"Why did you come to me?"

Jiang Chen looked at Gu Yi and asked seriously.

If Spider-Man worshiped him and came to him to ask for his autograph, then Jiang Chen would understand.

But Gu Yi??

Jiang Chen wouldn't think that as a Supreme Mage, he just came to him. I just wanted to praise him

"I come to you because soon you may be faced with a choice"

"For you, it is lucky but also unfortunate at the same time"

"Your future has endless possibilities, and I hope you choose the right path."

Gu Yi said to Jiang Chen sincerely.

Choice? Lucky? Unlucky?

After listening to Gu Yi's very sincere words, Jiang Chen only felt a pain in his brain. After practicing like this for a long time, he has survived Characters who have been around for a long time have a problem.

That is, not only are they unable to understand what they say, but they also tend to only say half of what they say.

"You have very powerful energy, and its ability can even change the entire world"

"It's just that you are very unfamiliar with them and cannot grasp the core."

Just as he was thinking about it, Gu Yi's words brought Jiang Chen's thoughts back.

Jiang Chen felt helpless.

As an ordinary person, although he got the terminal virus, the terminal virus only made him much better than ordinary people.

Marvel In this world, some people live for hundreds or even thousands of years. They understand more than he does. Isn’t this normal?

Gu Yi continued to say to Jiang Chen:

"But once you gain power, you don't even need these gems anymore."

What does it mean that such gems are no longer needed?

This made Jiang Chen a little confused.

But he didn't have time to think about this. It was too long ago, so we would wait until later.

But now he suddenly realized something.

Gu Yi has The person who owns the Time Stone is also a Supreme Mage.

As the owner of the Time Stone, she should know some of its secrets.

"You know the power in me, and you know the Infinity Stones

"I think you should know how to develop it."

Jiang Chen looked at Gu Yi and asked tentatively.

If the power of the Reality Stone could be developed, it would be easy to change the world.

"Sorry, I really don't know this."

Gu Yi shook his head, looked at Jiang Chen with a sincere face and said:

"I also have an infinite rough stone. Although I have studied it for a long time, I have not been able to fully understand it."

"The energy in the original stone is too complex. Each stone has different abilities and can be activated in different ways."

"The power you gain is an ether particle and one of the infinite stones."

"It is so powerful that it can even change the entire world"

"But it is also the most difficult to control among all the infinite stones."

As he spoke, Gu Yi suddenly waved his hand.

Immediately, a green, illusory light beam appeared in Jiang Chen's room.

"The Infinity Stones create the flow of time that you feel"

"Six Infinity Stones are required to pull each other to maintain balance. One missing one may create irreversible branches."

Gu Yi looked at Jiang Chen and said.

The expression on his face was very dull.

Six gems pulling each other?

Gu Yi's words made Jiang Chen seem to understand something.

No wonder the power of ether particles will increase when it encounters the power of the mind gem.

"Since you said so, in order to maintain balance, you can also consider giving me the infinite rough stone in your hand."

Jiang Chen gave Gu Yi a friendly smile.

Time gem.

You can use the time gem to change time and even see the future!

"You should make your abilities stronger first, and then consider infinite rough stones"

"Although infinite rough stones are very powerful, they are useless if you don’t develop them."

"If you want to know how to use it, you can go to my sanctuary"

"Although I don't know exactly how to use it, there are ancient books out there that may mention it."

Gu Yi looked at Jiang Chen with an expression similar to a smile and said:

"My name is the Ancient One and I am the guardian of the earth."

After saying that, Gu Yi's soul disappeared.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

I went there and was struggling with how to develop the ability of the gem.

Gu Yi came.

With this luck, it will not change the reality in the future. A matter of minutes!

Jiang Chen felt a little excited in his heart.

But then he thought about it.

Suddenly he realized something.

Where is Gu Yi's sanctuary????!!!

Gu Yi didn't say anything.

The problem is, he can't seem to remember it himself??


After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen simply didn't think about it anymore.

Anyway, with his 100% good luck, it doesn't matter if he wants to go to Ancient One's sanctuary. Difficult.

It's just the choice Gu Yi mentioned before, or something. What does it mean?

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out, so he simply fell on the bed and slept.

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