39. Nick Fury’s helplessness, the video store in Hell’s Kitchen [2/4] (please ask for flowers)

On Lu Yan's side, he walked smartly.

But what happened in the Pyramids country,

Obviously, no rest was drawn because of his departure at this time.

The real situation is just the opposite.

Although Apocalypse is dead

However, this matter in the Pyramids country, on the contrary, has attracted more attention worldwide.

Especially at the last moment, the picture displayed on closed-circuit television.

The scene where the huge meteorite hit.

It is deeply imprinted in the minds of countless people around the world.

It is precisely because of this.

Countless people are asking questions at this time, wanting to know the final result.

I want to know who won the final victory in that seemingly stalemate.


The military forces of various countries that originally surrounded the Pyramids country.

At this time, after receiving the order, it was the first time he rushed into the capital of the Pyramids country.

The specific pictures of the previous fighting between the two sides have been continuously posted back to the Internet.

Half a month ago, the extremely prosperous capital of the Pyramids country was completely in ruins.

In the center, the crater that was hit by the meteorite was more than 500 meters deep.

It silenced countless people.

People who originally felt despised for Mutant.

It was only at this time that it was discovered in horror.

The other party actually already possesses the energy similar to a nuclear bomb that can change the world!


So at this moment, although Apocalypse is dead.

The crisis is temporarily lifted.

But about Mutant.

It has once again become a global hot topic.

Countless people, as well as the government.

At this time, I started to think seriously about how to get along with Mutant.

But this time, the vast majority of people actually agreed with the policy of being tender to Mutant.

This naturally made most Mutants happy.

Apart from joy, I am more grateful for Lu Yan.

Everyone is not stupid, and naturally knows who is behind this situation.


But right now, whether it is the military, the people or the government, they want to find the whereabouts of Lu Yan.

The end result is nothing but the sea,

Lu Yan seems to have evaporated from the world.

There is no more news.


S.H.I.E.L.D here.

Nick Fury, who is only a small agent at the moment, has grayed out his hair because of this.

He even went to Xavier school several times for this matter.

Want to know about Lu Yan.

But whether it is Professor X or Mystique, they are silent about Lu Yan.

Don't mention it at all.

In addition, before, what the TV filmed was only a blurry figure.

As a result, Nick Fury's understanding of Lu Yan is really too little.

Only limited to black hair and Chinese descent, these two characteristics.

But there are too many Asians with black hair and black eyes this year

Not to mention in other places, just in the United States, there are tens of millions!

And who can guarantee that Lu Yan will return to the United States after the Apocalypse incident ends?

If he returned to Asia, it would be more like finding a needle in a haystack.

There is no frontal photo.

It only has a rough body shape, and its Ability characteristics.

Unless Lu Yan uses the example in person again.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to find him again.

Because of this, even after the Apocalypse incident, the S.H.I.E.L.D side immediately launched an emergency plan to search for Lu Yan.

However, the vast majority of S.H.I.E.L.D executives are not optimistic about the results of this matter.

In less than half a month, I just ignored it.

Only Nick Fury still insists.

And after insisting on it for more than two months.

Today... the last clue has been cut off.

That is the Tahiti Project!

Nick Fury finally found out about Lu Yan from the Xavier school.

I really thought Lu Yan's parents were the research members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But come back this time to check.

It was discovered that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D, there was no record of the Tahiti plan at all!

In other words...

This is simply the fake news compiled by Lu Yan! !

It was too late to think about where the other party took out the panacea that would make Professor X stand up again.

Huge amounts of loss have already occupied Nick Fury's heart at this moment.

It was Nick Fury, who could not help but retreat at this moment.

Shaking his head and sighing again.

Hesitation repeatedly, the final decision is still a decision, and the search plan is temporarily suppressed.

Collect all the information about Lu Yan.

Going out again, driving his old-fashioned Cadillac.

I'm ready to go to the bar next door to have a drink and relax.

Drive through the familiar Eighth Avenue.

Nick Fury came to the Clington area.

It's definitely, there is another name that people all over the United States talk about, and that is-Hell's Kitchen!

Don't get me wrong, he is not here to investigate the case.

This was off work time, and he made a special trip to relax.

Although the Hell's Kitchen is confusing, it's a mixed bag.

But there are also many good things, such as his favorite spirit, only the bar in Hell's Kitchen can be tuned out.

The car stopped and came to the familiar bar.

Nick Fury glanced at the familiar street, then pushed the door.

On this day, there is not much difference from his past.

Oh, besides this street corner, a new video store has opened.

The decoration of the new store is a bit special.

The owner looked like a new face in Hell's Kitchen.

But Nick Fury didn't think much.

In this place, there will be more new faces every day, and definitely some people will die unclearly.

So when I glanced at it, I left directly.

And things he didn't know.

The owner of this newly opened video room is not someone else, but he and the whole S.H.I.E.L.D, what he wants to find, defeats Apocalypse's "strongest Mutant"!

That horrible guy who can control the power of meteorites in rumors!

That is Lu Yan!


Two months ago, after Lu Yan left Pyramids, he traveled the world with the piano.

After spending nearly two months, after walking through most of the historical sites.

They are back to New York again,

thought long time.

Finally decided to open a small shop in Manhattan.

Prepare to live a happy and leisurely life for yourself.

The reason why I chose the regional kitchen area is because there are so many three teachers and nine students here, and the identification of idlers is not so strict, and it is more suitable for him to hide.

As for why the videotape should be opened, the reason is even simpler.

That is Lu Yan. Compared to camping fishing or golfing in his spare time, he prefers to sit on the couch and watch a movie.

So this video store, he is not so much open to the outside world, it is better for him to come to his own private movie hall.

Anyway, I inherited more than 100 million US dollars.

During this time, I bought a lot of stocks of Starck.

If there is no accident, the rest of your life can be said to be worry-free.

So Lu Yan didn't even intend to count on the video studio to make money.

Choose the remote corner of Hell's Kitchen to open a store.

I also thought that no one came over, so he could be quieter.

It was true at first.

Recently, however, it has given him some headaches.

Because every night, there is always a familiar bear kid who comes to make trouble...*

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