Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

[229]: Anti-crisis energy and crisis energy, the linking power of the hanging point! (Second update,

Quantum Observer Dr. Manhattan, a proper multi-universe-level boss, this multi-universe level does not refer to one multi-universe, but multiple, or even all multi-universes!

If the monitor, anti-monitor, and world creator are considered as the innate gods, or the top innate gods in the first echelon, then Dr. Manhattan is the acquired top gods that can be compared with them.

Innate and acquired here refer to one's birth, not strength.

If Superman is a god on earth, then Dr. Manhattan is a god on earth!

God is the supreme of the DC universe, the proper Almighty Universe Level, Dr. Manhattan is called the God of the world, referring to the origin, not the strength, so the name of the God of the world, Roar, is almost except for the big man of the origin of creation. The ceiling is up!

New gods, old gods, gods of various systems are counted, and they should all be inferior.

Dr. Manhattan exists in all timelines, all time points, and is a collection of infinite selves.

If the person spying on him is really Dr. Manhattan, he should be observing from the timeline!

Dr. Manhattan is the real top-notch gift package. Apart from the powerful abilities he is familiar with, his real core ability, or the strongest power, is called the power of connection.

The power of connection, also known as the power of anti-crisis, has a powerful anti-crisis energy!

When it comes to anti-crisis energy, we have to talk about the composition of the multi-universe. The multi-universe is created by seven cosmic forces, and the seven cosmic forces are the dominant energy of the multi-universe, gathering at the two poles, one positive and one negative.

This positive and one negative can also be called anti-crisis energy and crisis energy.

The positive pole is the seven cosmic forces that make up the universe, and the negative pole is called the seven hidden energies.

The seven hidden energies are the energies corresponding to the seven cosmic forces.

The positive polarity is the anti-crisis energy, the anti-crisis energy is the basic energy that each multi-universe preserves for normal operation, ensuring that all elements in the multi-universe function harmoniously.

Dr. Manhattan's linking power is not one of the seven cosmic forces, but it is one of the anti-crisis energies!

Crisis energy is the dark counterpart of anti-crisis energy, derived from the fear and anger of all beings.

Anti-Life Equation and Origin Magic Power are not among the seven hidden energies, but they are crisis energies.

The seven cosmic forces and the seven hidden energies are:

Speed ​​Force / Stasis Force

Speed ​​force is one of the seven cosmic energies, giving the energy field of multi-universe operation. Speed ​​force is based on speed and motion, is the manifestation of reality in motion, and is the cosmic force that promotes the advancement of space and time.

The static force is the opposite of the speed force and is a cosmic force based on entropy and inertia, capable of counteracting motion, with the ability to induce and accelerate entropy.

Emotional Spectrum / Invisible Spectrum

The Emotional Spectrum is one of the seven cosmic forces, the energy field that imparts emotion to the universe.

The invisible spectrum is the opposite of the emotional spectrum, feeding on raw emotions, especially hatred.

Life Force/Tear of Extinction

The Life Force is one of the seven cosmic forces that allow beings to flourish and connect every being to their soul. A person with life force is able to communicate with other beings originally through objects or energy.

(Aquaman's Ability comes from the force of life)

The tear of extinction is the opposite of the force of life, bringing death to people and beings, even immortal gods, and sending them to the cemetery of the gods.

God's Realm/Void Wind

The realm of the gods is one of the seven cosmic powers, giving power to the gods and those with divine ability, the source of magical power in the universe. All gods, demons, angels and other abilities come from the realm of gods.

The wind of the void corresponds to the realm of the gods and is a cosmic force that stifles all magic and divine power. From the tomb of the gods.

Collective Unconscious/Black Apple

The collective unconscious is one of the seven cosmic forces that give life knowledge and wisdom. The power of the Telepathy comes from the collective unconscious.

The black apple, as opposed to the collective unconscious, is a forbidden power of knowledge.

Dimensional Hyperstructure / Sixth Notes

The extradimensional fabric is one of the seven cosmic forces that govern everything imaginable and unimaginable. Monitors, Anti-Monitors, and Worldmakers hold the power of the dimensional superstructure.

The sixth note, as opposed to dimensional superstructure, is the unimaginable cosmic force that is unleashed when the impossible glimpse occurs.


Loyalty is the seventh cosmic force, which is closely related to the essence of faith and comes from the kindness and bravery in people's hearts.

Untrustworthiness is the dark counterpart of loyalty, which also comes from the heart and depends on the evil and selfish and cruel nature in people's hearts. It is unlocked when people lose faith.

The DC universe likes to engage in this kind of one positive and one negative setting, such as God and beasts, monitors and anti-monitors, regular multi-universe and dark multi-universe and so on.

The same is true of anti-crisis energy and crisis energy, and Dr. Manhattan's connecting force is anti-crisis energy, which shows how strong it is!

If the power of connection is embodied, in simple terms, it can truly kill Death God-level characters.

Self-healing regeneration is considered a pediatrician. The real god-level characters can be called immortal and have a physical existence field. If you don’t blow up the existence field, you can’t really hurt or kill these top god-level people. .

In layman's terms, there are some similar laws or concepts, without these, conventional power and means are useless at all.

The power of connection can break the field of existence and truly annihilate these god-level characters.

For example, Lucifer, the king of hell!

If you kill him in the human world, it can only be regarded as driving him back to hell, and he is immortal in hell, there is no way to kill him, even if hell is destroyed, he will be fine!

But the power of connection can!

As long as the connection force is strong enough, even in hell, even in his territory or realm, he will still die!

Absolute death!

So Su Quan guessed that when Dr. Manhattan observed himself, he was not panic at all, but a little excited, because Dr. Manhattan's Ability was too strong!

If you get his Ability, you will be a veritable omnipotent and omnipotent, a veritable top boss!

It's just that - Dr. Mann's (Zhao's) Hatton can spy on him, but he can't see him, which is a bit tricky!

Su Quan is not worried about what Dr. Manhattan really spied on. After all, his observations are not absolute, and he also has the ability to deny time. He observes himself from the timeline, and there should be no gain.

But it is a bit difficult to plan the ability of Dr. Manhattan. Su Quan suspects that he may have been eyeing him very early, or that he knows his existence. After all, he has been to the Watchmen universe and took the second generation silk with him. Soul went to the void to participate in the brawl arena department.

At the time, I only felt that I had gone a little early, and I didn't meet him. Now that I think about it, time has no meaning to Dr. Manhattan. He doesn't know what happened in the past, present, and future?

So it's very likely that he didn't want to see himself? He avoided himself on purpose? And the reason is that he can't see his past, should he be able to see the future? Maybe it's because he sees the future that he has his Ability, so he avoids open yourself?.

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