Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

[414]: Raven enters the urn, Mora is heartbroken (the second update, please subscribe!)

"Can we talk alone?" Raven glanced at Mora Marktag.

Mora Marktag didn't understand the meaning in her eyes, but it was not easy to ask now, so he nodded in agreement, turned around and went out.


Raven regained his original appearance, red hair, golden eyes, blue skin, at first glance like a bewitching Smurf.

Su Quan was not frightened, but looked up and down with interest.

Fear comes from the unknown, Su Quan has a deep-rooted understanding of her impression, how could she be frightened by her sudden transformation.

Su Quan's calm attitude made Raven secretly relieved, she was afraid that Su Quan would be frightened or show disgust.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Su Quan asked her with a smile.

Raven said with hesitation: "Actually..."

"You like me?" Su Quan said suddenly.


Raven was stunned, and nodded subconsciously to admit it, and then she reacted, and she felt a kind of panic about being told, and hurriedly shook her head to deny it.

Su Quan teased deliberately: "I think you are hesitant, I thought you liked me and wanted to confess to me."

Raven dared to ask, "If I confessed to you, would you... how would you be?"

Su Quan said calmly: "What else can I do? I must accept it. After all, you are beautiful from the beginning, and you can still look like someone else."

"Have Mora told you? In fact, the person I want to recruit the most is you, but we have nothing to do with each other, and you want to eliminate Ability, so I can only give up.

Maura didn't tell me, but you did.

Raven hesitation pointed to himself: "I, I look like this, do you really think it's beautiful? 35

Su Quan shrugged: "Don't you think it's very unique and beautiful?"

He is not fooling Raven, although Raven's appearance is indeed a bit deviating from the public's aesthetics, and Su Quan has no abnormal aesthetic hobbies.

However, Raven's appearance was really ingrained in his heart and accepted.

To put it bluntly, Su Quan's aesthetic perception of her is based on the film.

With the character halo and filters established by the movie, it is naturally different from the aesthetic standard code that was first known when there was no preparation.

In addition to Raven, there is the same blue-skinned, cyborg Nebula, which is also very beautiful.

Let's just say, anyone who's seen the movie won't be intimidated by Raven and Nebula, right?

At least not in terms of appearance!

With this kind of aesthetic cognition, the contact time is long, and the viewing time is long, and it will naturally become accustomed to it.

It's like now, if Su Quan really thinks Raven is the kind of beauty that the public aesthetic perceives, it's a bit ridiculous.

But from the point of view of bewitching beauty, Raven is really beautiful, at least she doesn't have a strange shape, which goes against the most basic aesthetic cognition of human beings.

Moreover, the strange creature Su Quan has been seen quite a lot, compared with that, Raven's appearance is indeed normal!

"You, can you accept me like this~~?" Raven asked excitedly.

Su Quan pouted: "Isn't this nonsense? If I couldn't accept it, I would have let you go.

It's rude, but Raven likes it.

Taking a deep breath, she said firmly: "I don't want to eliminate Ability!"


Su Quan unexpectedly refused.

Raven was stunned: "Why?"

"It's my deal with Mora to help you eliminate Ability. Mora has already paid the price, and I can't break my promise.""

"I don't care if you can convince Maura. 35

Su Quan wasn't going to let Raven and Mora Marktag go away just like that.

Although Raven has always dealt with herself, but she is wearing the appearance of Mora Marktag after all, she said that the end will end, how can there be such a good thing?

And Maura Marktag, if she doesn't know the inside story, it's fine, and if she knows the inside story and helps Raven to cheat together, then don't want to stay out of it and get out of the way.

I want to see how you lie next!

How else can you lie?

Tell the truth!

Raven nervously prepared to confess, she just seemed to confess, only to be interrupted by Su Quan.


"Do you like me?!"

Su Quan saw what she meant and interrupted her again.

Just kidding, you have to confess, how can this game of true and false continue to play?

Su Quan deliberately said playfully: "You care so much about what I think of your appearance, I said that you have a seductive beauty, and you are beautiful, you will not eliminate Ability."5

"And you said you don't like me?

Raven's train of thought was interrupted, and the courage that had finally been raised was also somewhat dissipated.

What if I confess the truth and he can't accept it?

The mentality of worrying about gains and losses aggravated, and Raven hesitated to decide not to confess for the time being.

"I-I do like you!

Su Quan said with a smile: ".`Then you can follow me in the future."

Raven's eyes lit up and happily said, "Okay.

"Come here, I'm very interested in the tattoos on your body, let me take a closer look. 35

Su Quan waved to Raven and studied it carefully.

This research is a few hours.

Outside the palace, Mora Marktag looked at the blue Raven who came out, and frowned, "You didn't eliminate Ability?

Raven shook his head.

"Have you confessed? 35

Raven shook his head again.

Mora Marktag was a little anxious: "You, you have already told him...why haven't you confessed?

For what else?

Afraid of losing it!

Raven explained apologetically: "I already told him that even if I didn't remove Ability, I would advise you to accept the end of the deal. 99

"I'm sorry, I know it's unfair to you and hurts you, but the deal is over, he, he won't look for you again in the future.

"I owe you a favor. If you need anything, I will help you (Zhao Hao)!"

With an apology and a promise of kindness, and no real loss, Maura Marktag has no reason to disagree.

In fact, she was ready to agree.

But inexplicably, she always had an unpleasant feeling in her heart, as if she was excluded from others, or...abandoned by others.

Recalling how Su Quan behaved to herself when she was in front of everyone, and the sentence that you are my person, I should protect you. Even though she knew that he didn't say it to her, it made her feel that someone was relying on her. Feel.

At least what I felt at the time was real.

And now, all of this will have nothing to do with her, this feeling is very complicated, so complicated that she has a ridiculous idea.

If it was really me, how wonderful!

Out of nowhere, she said to Raven, "I can forgive you, but if he ever comes to me again, you must let me know!"

Raven's expression gradually became odd when he heard this.

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