Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

[485]: Xu Xutuzhi and the homeless? (The first update, please subscribe!)

Storm thought that Su Quan would kill him directly or use the Space Ability to take away the Mutant in the nursing home without knowing it.

After all, the person in charge and the energy field called Doctor Reyes is just four words to him: in name only!

As a result... Su Quan didn't take the usual path, and even planned to sneak into the sanatorium, and slowly plotted it.

Xu Xutuzhi?

With such a virtual sanatorium, what's there to do slowly?

Don't you just want to go ahead and get acquainted with them, it is best to get them, and then let them follow you willingly?

Think I don't know your tricks?

Everyone else is: the twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches thirst!

You are good, don't want to force, but you have to be sweet, and you have to quench your thirst!

man, you want it!

Heart, you want too!

That's what Su Quan used for Storm or the goals in the academy!

Based on almost endless life, no matter how long he stayed in which world, when he left, he could return to the time point he wanted to return to another world.

Time has no meaning to him, or even to his peers, and he has many ways to smooth out the effects of aging and longevity.

Storm asked speechlessly, "How do we get in?"

"It's not us, it's me! 230" Su Quan didn't want Storm to act with him.

Storm asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Besides this world, I still have a few goals in other worlds. After all of them are completed, I will take you back to my world. By then, you will have to be busy. Although it is not impossible to return, it is not so convenient. .

Storm understood what Su Quan meant, that is, to cherish the time he spent in the academy and in his own world.

"How long are you going to stay here?"

"It depends on the situation, when I get in, I will suggest a space door connecting the two worlds, you can come to me at any time, and I will find you too! 35

Su Quan admits that he likes the new, but he is never tired of the old. Besides, Storm is not old. After all, they have just been together, and it is the time when they are in love...

It's just... even if I don't come to this world, there is still a Qin Ge Lei in the academy, and even Shadowcat, there is not much chance to get tired of being together, it is better to take advantage of this gap to get the goal of this world.

Storm also knew this, without too much entanglement, and after getting dressed, he let Su Quan send him back to the academy.

Su Quan changed the position of the space outside the hotel (baee) door, Storm opened the door and went out and went directly back to her room in the academy.


Su Quan did not leave the hotel, but activated Ability with a little focus.

The surrounding space was slightly distorted, the layers of ripples oscillated, gradually blurred, and finally turned into a void!

Instead of teleporting back to the void, he connected the space of this world with the void after perceiving the position of the void, creating an overlapping space.

At the moment he was in the void, but not completely in the void!

"Void... Lord of the Void!"

A somewhat panicked voice sounded, and in Su Quan's sight, Laura Juspekzack knelt down in panic.

Laura Juspek Zack, the second generation of Silk Soul, from the world of Watchmen.

Like the secret guest, he was taken to the void by himself to participate in the first phase of the Void Brawl Arena.

"It is you……"

Seeing the second generation of Silk Soul reminded me of Dr. Manhattan, and Su Quan took a look at the Green Arrow multi-universe.

The flashpoint has not yet happened, and Dr. Manhattan has not yet taken the opportunity to restart the universe. Very good, there is enough time, and this big event should not be missed!


The situation of the second-generation Silk Soul is a bit troublesome.

She is different from Mirko, Eclipse, and the second-generation Green Goblin who were also brought to the void by herself.

It's easy for other people to return to their own world, as long as they travel back to the point in time when they left.

But the second-generation silk soul can't go back.

The World of Watchmen has been restarted countless times by Dr. Manhattan, and it has long been played out. Not to mention that there is a new version of her after the restart to replace her existence. Even if not, she will not return to the world she is familiar with.

It's my own pot, and Dr. Manhattan's, but overall my own!

If she hadn't taken her out of the Watchmen universe, she wouldn't have been homeless.

"Do you have any wishes?" Su Quan was ready to make up for her.

The second-generation Silk Soul kneeling on the ground was a little nervous. Hearing Su Quan's words, she raised her head slightly, and hesitationly asked, "Yes, can you take me home?"5

Su Quan shook his head: "Your home is gone.

What, what?

My home is gone?

"Jonathan will become the supremely powerful Dr. Manhattan in the future. In order to prevent your universe from going to destruction, after I took you away, he restarted the universe countless times."5

"Everything you are familiar with is gone, there may be another you in your place, so..."

"You can't go back."

Having lived in the void for so long, the second generation of Silk Soul can fully understand what it means to restart the universe and replace himself with another self.

"Yong... can I never go back..."

The second-generation Silk Soul murmured softly.

Maybe it was because she had been away for too long, and she was mentally prepared to not be able to go back. She did not collapse, nor was she too excited.

"Change a wish, and as compensation for making you homeless, I'll help you make it happen!

The second generation of Silk Soul shook his head dazedly: "I, I don't know.

Su Quan asked, "Don't you want to leave the void?

"Think! 35

The second generation of Silk Soul said with emotion: " world, everything I am familiar with no longer exists, even if I leave the void, I don't know where to go.""

"I'm used to the life here, the people here, it's the only thing I'm familiar with now.

"Then follow me and truly become a part of the void." Su Quan said.

Second Generation Silk Soul nodded and said softly: "Okay.

"Go and call the secret visitor and tell her that I am in her world.


The second generation of Silk Soul responded and went to find the secret guest.

Ten minutes later, the second generation of Silk Soul came over with an excited secret guest.

"I... can I go home?" As soon as they got close, the secret guest couldn't help but excitedly asked Su Quan.

Su Quan said: "I'm a little interested in the nursing home you stayed in, and I'm going to take you back to the old days."

The excitement on Mi Ke's face instantly froze: "You want to take me back to the sanatorium? God, that ghost place is no different from a prison, what's so good about it?"

"Can you not go back to the nursing home?"

PS: The last picture of the second generation of Silk Soul.

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