Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

[524]: The Strakers and the Sentry Secret Service (Second Update, please subscribe!)

Washington, Bellevue.

At the moment, the two mutant children of the Bellevue High School terror attack reported in the news are at home panicking and telling their mother what happened.

The two mutant children are siblings, their sister is Lauren Strucker, and the younger brother is Andy Strucker. Their mother, Caitlin Strucker, is a nurse, and their father, Reed Strucker, is amazing. .

He was a district attorney specializing in the Mutant case and occasionally dealing with the Sentry Secret Service.

Andy shrugged his shoulders and said in a choked voice: "I...I don't know what happened and it started like that, I couldn't control it, I was just too angry at the time.

" didn't feel at all before? Why is there no sign."

Caitlin was at a loss, too suddenly.

Sister Lauren looked at her mother's unacceptable appearance, and calmly said: "Mom, accept the fact that Andy is a Mutant, and the mutant super ability appeared like this at the beginning. At the moment of stress or anger, Dad always said these things.

"Lauren, we all know your dad's job, I just don't're an expert on it because of that."

"Mom, I understand because..." Lauren took a deep breath and said solemnly: "How do you think we escaped from the gym?"

Caitlin froze, staring straight at her daughter, and asked unwillingly, "What do you mean?

"I got away with it.

"You too?"

"Remember when we got back from a church concert? A truck nearly hit us."

Caitlin's situation, it was at night, just as the truck was about to hit them, she swerved out of the way.

"You've been talking, for weeks, that it's a miracle we didn't die. Mom, that's not a miracle!"

Caitlin had tears in her eyes: "That was three years ago, dear, why didn't you tell me at that time~~? 35

"I want it too.

"You can tell your mom anything you want, and you can tell your dad, no matter what trouble you have."

Lauren excitedly said, "Aren't you? Dad puts people like us in jail."

Caitlin defended: "No no, he's prosecuting criminals, he...he's not fighting Mutants, he's dealing with Mutants who hurt others.

Andy suddenly took the seat by the code name: "You mean someone like me?

Caitlin was speechless and didn't know how to explain it. Andy's ability exploded and collapsed the gym and hurt a lot of people. This is a fact!

If you deny it, her words that your dads only deal with Mutants who hurt others won't hold up, because these Mutants may not want to hurt others subjectively either.

"Beep... Beep... Beep..."

The doorbell rang suddenly, and the mother and daughter looked in the direction of the door and suddenly became nervous.

Caitlin wiped her tears, forced herself to calm down, and said to the siblings soothingly, "I'll open the door, you stay here."

Came to the door, opened the door, and stood outside the door were two young men, a man and a woman.

Caitlin was stunned, then heaved a sigh of relief, and asked the two of them suspiciously: "Who are you...? 55"

Su Quan smiled and said, "The people from the Sentry Secret Service are coming, you can invite us in, or you can invite them in.

Caitlin's eyes widened for a moment, and she whispered cautiously, " are Mutants?"

Sonia nodded and admitted: "The two mutant children in Bellevue are inside, right? We are here to help you, if you don't want them to be taken away, let us go in.

Caitlin's fear of Mutant has been reduced a lot because of her children, but she is also afraid to invite Mutant into her home rashly.


Although the identity of Mutant is a bit sudden and difficult for her to accept for a while, her husband is the district attorney specializing in the Mutant case, so the Sentry Secret Service should not mess around, right?

"Sorry, husband is..."

"Reed Strucker, I know who he is. If you expect his identity to protect your children, I can only tell you to think too much."

"This time the Sentry Secret Service is led by Jess Turner, whose daughter died in a Mutant-related bombing, and whose hatred and prejudice against Mutant is not something a mere District Attorney can stop."

With that said, Su Quan turned to look at the road, two SUVs with the Sentry Secret Service logo parked on the side of the road, and a few men in uniform came down.

Leading the team was a bald head with strong facial features: "Mrs. Strucker, right? My name is Jess Turner, and I'm from the Sentry Secret Service.

As he spoke, he led the team over.

Caitlin panicked to death. She didn't expect that someone from the Sentry Secret Service would really come, and she didn't expect that the person who led the team was really this man named Jester.

They must have come for their own children, but they were bumping into Mutant when they were talking to them, what should I do?

".`Mrs. Strucker? We are government agents, specializing in genetics..."

Seeing Jestner take out the documents and explain to herself, Caitlin subconsciously glanced at the two Mutants who had stepped back.

These two Mutants are too daring, they don't run away in the face of the Sentry Secret Service, aren't they afraid of being caught?

Wait, something is not right.

Why did the Sentry Secret Service seem like they didn't see them at all? And this Jester, who didn't even glance at them.

Could it be... could it be a variant super ability?

"We came to Andy and Lauren, did you know there was an accident at school tonight..."

"Well, I heard." Caitlin responded calmly.

"You've got to get them," Jestner said.

Caitlin (Ha Zhao) had a bad feeling and said in a deep voice: "They won't go anywhere, they need a lawyer, and my husband is a prosecutor.

Jestner nodded. "We know that, actually, under the Patriot Amendment Act, we have to keep this neighborhood safe first."

"What does this mean?"

"Meaning they're going with us," someone said.

"It's only for now," Jestner added.

Caitlin panicked: "They are my children, you can't just take them away by force."

Jestner took a deep breath: "Listen, Mrs. Strucker, I'm a father too, and I know how hard this is for you, but you have to understand, it's just for their safety.

If that Mutant hadn't said that his daughter's death had something to do with Mutant, Caitlin might have been calm, but now...

Her first reaction was to close the door!

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