Marvel: One Answer, The Avengers All Cried

Chapter 124 The problem occurs, again malicious editing

"Members, please be prepared, the answering questions will now officially begin!"

As everyone chatted and time passed, after Strange finished the operation, the answering system announced that the answering officially started!

After the answering chat room was silenced by all members, everyone imagined that the future screen did not appear directly.

First of all, the entire screen is first black.

Then a sound filled with magnetic sound slowly sounded in the unplayed picture!

"The flow of time is like a new life, but everything is like a reincarnation!

As this voice sounded, everyone in the answering alliance base looked at Su Qing!

Hearing this voice, Su Qing was also taken aback.

Because, isn't this really your own voice?

Co-authoring myself as an administrator has become a voice-over to announce the scene!

This system has to give itself processing capital!

When everyone heard this voice, they hadn't waited to ask Su Qing, the next moment, the fragment began to appear slowly!

First of all, it was Strange that caught everyone's eyes.

Strange in the picture is infinitely beautiful at the moment.

Not only is he hailed as a genius in the medical field, but he is also proud and conceited.

Living in a mansion, driving a luxury car, and carrying a famous watch, he is like an extremely successful upper class person.

The opening fragments show the luxury of Strange's life.

But the next second, Strange in the picture was driving the car on a rainy night.

While 507 was chatting with his assistant Billy about the next patient, while looking down at the X-ray picture of the patient sent by the assistant!

One accidentally, the car ran directly into the car next to it, and then the out of control car broke the guardrail and rolled over from the highway!

In the real world hospital!


Strange, who had just finished the operation and returned to his office, couldn't help frowning after seeing this scene.

Although this is only a fragment of the future, seeing himself in the picture actually had such a big car accident, Strange still subconsciously surprised Roar!

Especially in the clips, the scenes showing the cars constantly colliding and falling in slow motion made Strange grin!

The screen continues.

When Strange opened his eyes again in the clip, he looked at the eleven steel nails as his fixed hands.

And after hearing that no one can do this surgery better, and that he cannot be cured, Strange's whole person collapsed a bit!

"Cut, I can do it!"

Seeing the trembling of his hands in the video, Strange couldn't help but curl his lips.

But when I thought that this would be what he would look like in the future, the inexplicable Strange (cdfa) felt that his hands were a little numb!

It's hard to imagine what a person like himself would be like if he couldn't pick up the scalpel with both hands.


Don't have to think about Strange, the picture that continues to play has already given the future!

In the clip, Strange is constantly treating and constantly rehabilitating, but his hands cannot be really healed.

In the operation after operation, the world is looking for the best doctor again and again. But after always in vain.

Strange completely abandoned himself!

Especially those hands that could hold the scalpel steadily.

At this moment, even when he can't hold the scalpel, Strange feels that his life is over!

Under self-defeating, Strange will use angry and vicious language to push out their lives again and again by all those who care about him!

Until the end, after hearing about a man with a broken spine and withered legs, he stood up again.

As if seeing the hope of a new life, the Wizards of Strand found that person, then came to the Kamar-Taj holy place, and found the supreme magician Ancient One.

Then I started learning magic in the Kamar-Taj holy place.

From the very beginning, I couldn't learn even the simplest magic. In the end, all kinds of magic can be mastered very skillfully!

Even the Supreme Magician Ancient One praised him, he was a disciple with outstanding magical abilities, and he was also the one with the most abilities among the Supreme Magician of all generations!

The screen stops playing.

The next moment is on the streets of New York, Strange, who has turned into Doctor Strange, is fighting Ebony Maw!

At the beginning of the picture, the two people used magic to fight very well, and then Strange was controlled by Ebony Maw and flew towards the battleship!

Watching Strange was captured by Ebony Maw, little Spider-Man Peter.Parker and Tony-Stark went to the rescue, and then went to Titan together!

On Titan.

Strange first sat cross-legged, his head constantly swaying to look at the future.

Then, with Peter-Parker, Iron Man Tony, and the members of Guardians of Galaxy led by the true father-worried star, fight against Thanos Thanos!

Then, Thanos, who was already under control, could win as long as he grabbed Infinity Gauntlet.

As a result, Thanos was woken up by Xing Jue's fist!

After that, Thanos gave a beating to the crowd.

Seeing that Tony was about to be killed by Thanos, in order to save Tony, it was also because of seeing the "future".

Strange "helplessly" handed over Time Gem!

The picture stops, and the third clip appears again!

On a strange street!

Seeing Dormammu coming with the Dark Dimension, Doctor Strange turned his head and looked at the king beside him: "After playing the small ones, the people behind them are here again!"

"Dormammu, spray, Lord of Darkness, if you can't stop him, I'm afraid the entire earth will be swallowed by darkness!"

"Then what can you do?"

Upon hearing Strange's words, Wang frowned and asked!

"Although this is the responsibility of the supreme magician in the past, according to my current strength, what can I do! Unless the teacher is still there, if the teacher is still there, then a mere Dormammu is nothing at all!"

Although that was the case, Strange started to be blessed by the magic cloak.

Flew towards the Dormammu domain that slowly descended into the sky!

Entering the domain of Dormammu, looking at the colorful planets one after another, they have now become ruins in the dark domain of Dormammu.

Strange found a place directly and landed!

The picture stopped abruptly at this moment. Then the sound of the system sounded again!

"Attention members, at the beginning of the answer, may I ask "Doctor Strange", in what way did you stop Dormammu in the end!"

[Option 1: Use magic to light up the dark dimension, and then make Dormammu helpless to withdraw from the earth!]

[Option 2: Use the Time Gem guarded by the supreme magician of the past to trap yourself and Dormammu in the same time dimension, and finally let Dormammu reluctantly quit!]

[Option 3: After failing the battle with Dormammu, Doctor Strange asks for help from the previous supreme magician Ancient One and knocks Dormammu back!]

"Attention all members, you have 30 minutes for discussion. After the time is over, if no one answers, then the system will randomly designate one person to answer."

"Those who mistyped the question will be deducted including but not limited to life span, wealth, Ability, life, etc.!"

As the voice of the system fell, the mute state was solved in the answering chat room!

Listening to this question, Su Qing glanced at the people who were still immersed in the gorgeous magic just now, and shook his head subconsciously.

Yes, it's the second time. This is the second time that the answering system has carried out malicious editing!.

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