Marvel: One Answer, The Avengers All Cried

Chapter 136 Loki: I just want to prove myself

Inside Asgard.

Looking at Odin who was lying there, Loki didn't expect that anyway, his own words would make him faint with anger!

Seeing where his mother Frigga was taking care of Odin, Loki stood aside, silent at the moment!

"For so many years, he has been very tired, maybe this time, he should have a good rest!"

Gently stroking Odin's forehead, Queen Frigga said softly!

"I have never seen him like this!"

Listening to his mother Frigga, Loki looked at Odin lying in the golden defense mechanism, and said with a mixed emotion: "He looks very weak now. How long will he be able to wake up?"

"I am not sure as well!"

Upon hearing Loki's inquiry, Queen Frigga shook her head: "This time the situation is different from before. None of us are prepared!"

"But why does he keep lying to me?"

"Five One Three"

Walking slowly to Odin's side, Loki looked at Odin who was in a coma.

"He doesn't let you know the truth, so you will never think of yourself as an outsider!"

Holding Odin's hand, Frigga looked at Loki with the same expression in her eyes as before, full of love for her son: "You will always be our son, Loki. We will always be your family!"


Listening to Frigga's words, Thor nodded slowly.

"I see!"

Standing up, he glanced at Odin who was lying here unconscious, Loki clenched his fists, and then said to Friga: "I will prove it!"


Looking at Loki who was about to get up and leave, Frigga stopped him!

After Loki turned around, he saw Frigga handing over the weapon that originally belonged to Odin, the Eternal Spear!

"Mother "

Looking at the Eternal Gun handed over, Loki was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Frigga.

I wanted to say something, but I saw Friega's face full of trust and a kind smile!

"During your father's coma, you temporarily took over the throne of Asgard and exercise your father's rights!"

"Thor is on Earth and is learning how to grow at this moment. I know that he is already very good now.

"I also know that the truth of some things makes it difficult for you to accept for a while, but I am willing to trust you as before! My child, you must remember that you will always be the prince of Asgard!"

"You will always be my favorite son of Friga!"

Looking at the eternal gun handed to me, listening to the gentle and kind voice of my mother.

For a while, Loki didn't notice it, and his hands that took the Eternal Spear were a little trembling!

"I understand! I also know what I should do!"

Nodding lightly, Loki looked at Odin, who was lying there, and then looked at Friga again: "I will prove it, for Asgard!"

With that, he nodded to Friga, and Loki turned and walked out!

Even if I know, I am not the biological son of Odin and Friga.

Even if I knew it, I was the heir of Lauf, the King of Ice.

But what Loki had in his mind at the moment was not to destroy Asgard.

But during the time he was in charge of Asgard.

One thing to accomplish is to destroy Jotonheim and destroy Asgard, the enemy that has always been!

Perhaps, this will prove that I am worthy of being in Asgard and worthy of being loved by my mother and father!

At least, that's what Loki thinks at this moment!

Seeing turning and leaving, Loki's footsteps are a little heavy!

Queen Frigga couldn't help sighing!

Turning around, slowly walk towards the place where Odin was unconscious and sleeping!

Raising Odin's hand gently, Frigga sighed and said, "I know that everything you do has your own purpose."

"But I don't know, is it right or wrong for you to do this!"

"But no matter what, Loki is always our son, my favorite child, isn't it?"

Gently wiped Odin's forehead, Queen Frigga seemed to know nothing.

It also seems to know everything!

"What happened to the King of Gods?"

Bifrost terminal.

Seeing Loki walking over with the Gun of Eternity, Heldham asked!

"Still in a coma, my mother asked me to temporarily become the king of Asgard and exercise my rights as a king!"

Looking at Heldam, Loki said!

"Then next, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Loki's words, Heldam nodded.

"I want to prove that my love for Asgard is no worse than Thor!"

After a moment of silence, Loki raised his head and looked at Heldham: "Now, as a king, I give you an order!"

Holding the Eternal Gun, Loki's eyes seemed to flash with determination: "From now on, no one is allowed to leave Asgard and go to Earth without my order!'

"From now on, without my order, Thor cannot return to Asgard until I complete this matter completely!"

Facing Loki giving orders to himself as a king

Although Heldham wondered why Loki did not allow Thor to return to Asgard, he still knelt on one knee and followed the king's instructions!

"Send me to the earth in a while, the guy Thor asked me to bring two bottles of wine over!

Looking at Heldham who stood up, Loki showed a smile on his face: "It just so happens, I also see how he's doing on the earth!"

"As long as it doesn't disturb my plan, he can do whatever he wants!


Listening to Loki's words, Heldam nodded gently!

For the order given by Loki just now, not to let Thor return to Asgard.

In fact, Heldham still wants to argue, he thinks that since the king Odin has fallen into a coma, he should let Thor come back!

But after listening to Loki's order as a king, Heldham couldn't oppose it!

As if seeing Heldham's thoughts, Loki smiled indifferently: "I know what you are thinking, Heldham!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about the identity of this god king, I just want to prove something!"

5.0 "Relax, I have no plans to exile Thor, nor do I plan to let him never return to Asgard!"

"I just want to take advantage of this time, to get rid of all our Asgard enemies.

"Thor is too impulsive and reckless. He is not suitable for participating in this matter!"

Having said this, Loki laughed at himself: "What's more, he needs a clean identity to become the future king of Asgard. Doesn't he?

"As for things like carrying this charge and swearing, I am more suitable!"

In my mind, I think of Odin pulling Thor and Thor pulling his arm.

Loki couldn't help but smile!

This time, as long as he succeeds, then father should know that his love for Asgard is no less than Thor!

Even if he is the son of the Ice giant Lauf!

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