Marvel: One Answer, The Avengers All Cried

Chapter 146 .. The strength of this earthling is so strong

Answer the questions in the chat room.

Seeing this scene, almost everyone was excited!

They either knew each other's strengths, or they had fought side by side like Natasha Romanoff and Barton!

But apart from Thor, these people have never seen Su Qing make a move.

Even if Tony and Stark were once rescued by Su in that restaurant, they still don't know what Su Qing's real strength is!

So when I saw Su Qing receiving the sword, he immediately boiled!

[Natasha Romanoff (Stop fighting, I jump off the cliff): Is Su finally going to make a move? God, you know, in the past, Su always lied to me that he was an ordinary person. This time, I can finally see how strong he is!]

[Barton (I can win the battle): Watch the same, I only know that Su is very strong, but I don't know his fighting methods and various abilities!! I know that Su is an undead magician!]

[Steve- Rogers (the little prince who wants to dance with her "May 17"): Shouldn’t the undead magician be a magician? Shouldn’t magician be the magic wand?]

[Tony- Stark (She said that she loves me three thousand times): The last time Su rescued me in the restaurant, he showed great strength, so Su is not only a magician, but also a warrior!]

[Strange (I'm here to negotiate): Captain, the magician may not all have magic wands, you read too many novels! At least I asked the teacher, the teacher said that although the magician will use some magic Thing, but you don’t need a magic wand!]

[Nick- Fury (I really want to go to the moon on holiday): Don’t bother you guys, watch Su’s performance! Fortunately, the third-view live broadcast has been opened, otherwise we will not see Su’s action until now, can you believe it?]

Asgard, Bifrost!

He looked at Vostag who was serious and serious, and offered his long sword with both hands.

Su Qing was not polite, and after nodding, he took the long sword over!

After holding a sword flower at random, Su Qing laughed and said: "Although it is a little light, it is considered a good hand."

Hearing Su Qing's words, Vostag was obviously taken aback.

You must know that this long sword seems light, but in fact it weighs a hundred catties.

This is the Asgard Weapon Store specially forged for Asgard Warriors!

After all, not everyone is eligible to use weapons made by the dwarf clan!

How could earthlings feel relaxed?


The long sword came out, and Sif looked at Su Qing and said, "As one of the fighters of Asgard, let me meet the enemy first!"

"no need!"

Seeing Sif look seriously at the two Ice giants walking towards this side, Su Qing stopped Ximei who wanted to rush forward!

"You can stay here and watch the show. I just want to try it too, the strength of the Giant Ice!

With that said, Su Qing took the long sword and walked directly in the direction of the two Ice giants on the opposite side!

"This... will this earthling be a little bit bigger?"

Looking at Su Qing, he didn't care, it seemed that he didn't seem to be serious before fighting.

Hogan curiously asked Sif next to him!

"I don't know, but this earthling in front of me is definitely not that simple!"

Hearing Hogan's words, Vostag shook his head: "As one of the three warriors of Asgard, you know, my strength is greater than all of you, but he still feels lighter with my sword. You say, this Will it be an ordinary person?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out!

Sif looked relaxed, as if he didn't put the two tall Ice giants in his eyes at all, Su Qing.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "How can someone who can be seen by Thor be an ordinary person?"

"He is stronger than you, and he is much stronger!'

Heldham, who had never spoken on the side, heard the conversation between Sif and the other three people, and said directly!

Come on Bifrost!

The two Ice giants looked at the sword and walked towards them. Su Qing, who didn't seem to put them in his eyes, suddenly picked up the giant sword and speeded up the attack.

The two long swords suddenly swung, and they slashed directly at Su Qing!

Looking at the Ice giant carrying a long sword nearly two meters long, he attacked him.

Su Qing didn't care.When the long sword was about to smash in front of him, it was almost an instant that Su Qing disappeared in front of two people!


Seeing that the target of the attack disappeared directly, the two Ice giants suddenly stunned.

Then, the two people heard Su Qing's voice behind them!

"Hey, two big guys, here I am!"

Before the two sea ice giants could react, the next moment Su Qing suddenly jumped up, and then the air was like a dance, jumping directly on the shoulders of one of the Ice giants!


One of the Ice giants was kicked out by Su Qing, and the other was pressed by Su Qing with his feet on his shoulders.

Because he couldn't bear the weight used by Su Qing, he knelt on the ground with a plop!

Seeing this scene, not only the three Asgard Warriors and Sif were shocked, but also Su Qing was shocked!

I originally thought that the strength of the Ice giant should be very strong, so Su Qing is still going to test it!

As a result, as soon as they met, Su Qing discovered that these two guys were also taller and stronger!

But the true strength is definitely not more than about four times the peak of the physical fitness of ordinary people!

-After calculating the strength of the two Ice giants, Su Qing originally had an eager to try, and disappeared in an instant!

No wonder that under the leadership of Odin, ordinary Ice giants weren't the opponents of Asgard fighters at all!

Even if Thor took Sif Loki and others to attack and enter Jotonheim, they did not leave these people behind!

Co-authoring, because of their alien identity, I gave them a high look!

A jumped, leap off the shoulders of the Ice giant

Seeing to stand up again, the two Ice giants roared towards themselves, Su Qing held the long sword, and immediately laughed!

"Just right, let you test my sword skills!"

Well, after Strange answered correctly, he acquired the skill of swordsmanship.

Su Qing naturally obtained the perfect version of two absolute swordsmanship skills!

Facing the Ice giant who rushed over with the long sword, Su Qing flicked the long sword in his hand, and the cold light instantly covered the sword!


Following Su Qing's low groan, the next moment the long sword exuding cold light shook, and the blossoming cold light sword flower leaped out, like a sword shadow exuding the beauty of death, instantly bringing two Ice The giant is shrouded in it!

The humming sword intent and the blossoming sword flowers floated in the air.

It's like a beautiful splash ink landscape painting.

But the dreadful sword intent instantly drifted away, and the Ice giant, who had rushed over with a two-meter long sword, knelt on the ground in an instant!



The azure blue Ice giant sword that seems to be exuding a cold breath, the sound of cracking continues to explode!

And the two Ice giants, also in the crash of the sword, crashed to the ground!


Seeing this scene, the three warriors, Sif and Asgard, took a breath of air at the same time!

It's not that they haven't fought the Ice giant before.

However, this method of fighting, this method of attack, has never been seen in their long lives!

Obviously, the blooming of the sword flower is so beautiful, but, like a Death God dance, it has harvested the lives of two Ice giants cleanly!

This is simply incredible!

For the three warriors Sif and Asgard, who have always liked to cut flat, they have never seen this attack method!

This earthling is so strong!

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