Marvel: One Answer, The Avengers All Cried

Chapter 238 Loki: Get married? Get married... get married!

[Loki (I am not my own): I am in Asgard now, and I am familiar with Asgard with Hill Wei, but I should be able to participate!]

[Natasha Romanoff (the answering league is my home): How is your relationship with Hillview? Loki!]

[Loki: Not bad. I found that Hill Wei, who is wearing women's clothing, is more beautiful, and do you know? After seeing me taking Hill Wei back, my mother gave Hill Wei a hug with excitement, and said children, these She suffered from something like that in 2009, and Hill Wei's eyes were tearful. Now, her relationship with her mother and queen is very good!

Moreover, according to the mother's opinion, after she got acquainted with Asgard thoroughly, the mother's queen held a very happy wedding for me and Hill Wei! It was the first time I saw Hill Wei that she was shy, but she did not object, this It's simply awesome!

In addition, this is the wedding of Asgard's first prince, so it is bound to be very lively and joyous, haha, Thor, this time I finally grabbed you in front of you!

In addition, Thor, Sif's expression is not very good after hearing that you have an earth girlfriend! So, you have to be careful!]

[Thor (With Loki, I don’t have nothing): Watt? What does this have to do with me... No, what does it have to do with Sif? I have a girlfriend, shouldn’t Ximei feel happy?】

[Loki: Idiot... fools can see that Sif actually likes you a little bit over the years, and the queen has always thought that you and Sif are more suitable, even the father thinks so.

So after hearing that you have a girlfriend of the earth, you will naturally be a little angry! Haha, so happy!

The thought of my love affair being blessed by my father and queen, and blessed by the people of Asgard, and your love affair was opposed by everyone, I am so happy!

I found that everything in my life has become so beautiful since I had the answering system. God King Odin is here, thank God. Thank you for the answering system, thank you for the answering alliance!]

[Thor: What, I don’t want to go back to Asgard recently!]

Thinking that the queen mother and his father Odin objected to being with Jane Foster, Thor made up his mind that he would die on Earth and not return!

Well, luckily this time Loki and Hill Wei didn't bring themselves back to Asgard together!

However, the god king is on, and his own feelings towards Sif are his feelings towards his companions!

[Su Qing (the person who is extremely greedy by death): Loki, congratulations! When you and Hill Wei get married, I will definitely come and congratulate you!]

[Tony Stark (she said that she loves me three thousand times): There is still me and me, how can this kind of thing miss me? Loki, congratulations! I didn’t expect you to be the first of these people in our answering league married!

Um, what, Barton doesn't count, after all, the kids are quite old!]

[Barton (I can win the battle if I have a fight):??? When I got married and had children, the answering system hadn’t appeared yet, and none of us knew each other! What can I do, I can’t do it, I can’t Divorce Laura, let's get married again!]

[Su Qing: Haha, Barton, don’t listen to Tony’s nonsense, but Loki’s wedding with Hill Wei this time is indeed the first marriage since the establishment of our answering alliance, so the scene must be lively!]

[Loki: Seriously, I can bring Hill Wei back. It's all up to you, thank you, everyone! Just like my mother said, she never thought that she could see my wedding in her lifetime (with emotion) !), this sentence makes my heart sour!

In addition, Thor, although the father's body is very strong, but I have had a deep chat with him for a long time, this is the first time that I have a real heart-to-heart talk with my father!

I found that the father had such great hope for the two of us, but the two of us were too naive, Thor, hurry up and mature, I am not sure, father can still support it for a few years!

Therefore, I plan to wait for a while, and wait until the wedding of Hill Wei and I is finished, plus our three brothers Sue, to deal with the biggest regret of the father, that is, the eldest sister Hela who was sealed by his father in hell. !

Otherwise, I'm afraid my father won't be able to wait for many years! I don't want him to enter the eternal sleep with regrets!

This may be the only thing we can do for our father as heirs of man, even if I am not his own, but)

【Thor: .. I’m fine, Loki, I agree with your idea, maybe we should really handle the matter of sister Hela satisfactorily, otherwise even if the father enters the eternal sleep, I’m afraid it will be deeply Unfortunately!

Also, don't mention in front of me that you are not your own person. In my heart, Loki, you are my Thor's brother, understand?]

[Loki: (Shangs hand) Okay, my fault, I won’t say it later!]

[Su Qing:.. The topic suddenly became a little serious, but I understand and agree with the thoughts of the two of you, but why is it "々plus Su our brother/ren"? Why must I bring me? no )

[Thor: Kang Mongsu, is there a problem? We are not brothers! Brothers do not say these foreign words (smile)]

[Loki: Yes, Su, this matter is naturally indispensable for you, not to mention the relationship between you and our sister Hela based on what Wanda said in the future that we saw in the answering chat room!

The most important thing is that Thor and I can't beat my sister Hela! How can we negotiate if we can't beat him! So naturally you have to help with this matter! (Be confident!)]

[Su Qing:.. Why is my life so good, I actually met you two guys? (Wang Tian!), OK, since you are for the sake of your parents, I will help (Li Wang Zhao) you This time! (Shang Shou)!]

[Thor: Hmm, I also think that Su, your life is very good, you can actually know our two brothers! (seriously!)]

[Natasha Romanoff: Hanhan, you didn't realize it, doesn't Su mean this?]

[Thor: Blind, it doesn't matter! We are all our own, fools are kind!]

[Si Kurt-Lang: By the way, I really envy you, alas, when can I really join you! Looking at the conversations of you people, I almost cried with envy! Shaking]

[Strange: Lang, do you want to join our answering league? So, when you and me face the Dormammu negotiation, I recommend you to join us, how?]

[S. Kurt-Lang: Okay? Is it really okay? (Excited)!]

[Natasha Romanoff: .. Kurt, don’t listen to Strange, he is cheating you! (Helpless!)],

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