Marvel: Opening Sign In Man Of Steel

Chapter 100 Obadiah and his ultimate iron king! 【Seeking flowers】

"Hey hey, Eddie Bullock, we meet again...,

Just as Eddie and Little Venom left with the red-haired woman in their arms.

a pair of eyes.

Suddenly, a slight scarlet glow appeared.

The corners of his mouth curled into a cold smile:

"I hope you can like the gift I gave you, and when the time comes, you will discover the true face of this gift... Hehe, don't faint in surprise, my dear Eddie Bullock... "

The flames are constantly burning.

As the distant sirens sounded closer.

In this street that had just experienced a terrifying explosion, among the ruins full of high temperature, and even the air was distorted, a bloody hand suddenly stretched out:

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled..."


Constantly struggling.

The hand seemed to be trying to crawl out.

It can be seen that there are magma-like cracks all over this hand at the moment, as if it is about to burst completely, but the cracked flesh seems to have been injected with life and vitality by a self-healing force, and it began to be constantly Self stitched up.

Just as and constantly self-cracking and stitching, another dark symbiote tissue spreads out, covering the hand.

It seems to continue to condense into the shape of the armor.

But right now.

A mysterious black aura rushed in, completely engulfing this palm.

District 16.

This is a state-of-the-art weapons manufacturing laboratory in Stark Industries.

Although the scope of Stark Industries is very wide, as a super business group, the field of making money that it specializes in covers almost all industries, otherwise Tony would not have become a well-known billionaire.

But Stark Industries is the most important business.

Or cutting-edge technology research.

Especially the cutting-edge technology of weapons.

Making a fortune in the war years can be said to be more profitable than any business activity. After all, war was originally a super beast that devoured money.

The present era is peaceful.

On the surface, it doesn't seem that there are many disputes, and it can't compare with the world war, but the undercurrent in the interior is even more surging.

At this time, cutting-edge technology, especially the cutting-edge technology research in weapons, mainly turned to the direction of individual soldiers, elites, secret invasion, assassination of high-level officers, etc.

This is the field that Obadiah is mainly responsible for.

Tony is responsible for the high-power missile weapons in the general direction, after all, this is the card of Stark Industries.

And Obadiah is mainly responsible, and he is more loyal to some sophisticated weapons. In addition, because he is old, Obadiah also began to secretly invest in some technology to study biological genes. In order to live longer, even, to return to the state of youth.

Therefore, Obadiah invested in a company called "A.I.M", which is Pioneer Technology.

"But now, with Joker as a backer, everything I've done before is not worth mentioning at all, right?"

Obadiah stared in front of him with extremely bright eyes.

right in front of him.

Is a very tall figure.

About three meters high.

The whole body is covered with extremely thick metal armor.

The scarlet light radiated from the front of the tall armored figure, which was so dazzling, but Obadiah stared directly at the light, which made his eyes also stained with scarlet, looking at it. It looks very Liao and strange.

- Iron Overlord!

This is what Joker calls a "gift" to him


Originally, Obadiah was a little puzzled by this. After all, with Joker's weird temperament, he wouldn't give him something reassuring anyway, right?

Obadiah was afraid that Joker was playing him at all.

But after reading the design drawings of the Iron Overlord and finding someone in the Sixteenth District to build it, Obadiah's doubts were swept away.

"Speaking of the recent news, it is often shown that there is an 'Iron Man' wearing a steel battle suit next to Superman, and I don't know what kind of guy he is, but the other party's battle suit is similar to my 'Ultimate Iron Overlord' battle suit. than, obviously more than a little bit inferior. 99

In Obadiah's view.

The gifts given by Joker's weird and powerful guy, as long as he's not joking and specially made to make fun of people, are naturally the best of the best.

And he also felt that the Iron Overlord alone was not domineering enough.

Changed the armor code name of Iron Overlord to "Ultimate Iron Overlord", which is the kind that will scare people into pissing!

"Let me try the power of this ultimate iron king. 99

Obadiah couldn't hold back.

He raised his palm.

Touch the icy surface of the Iron King's armor.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

And just as his palm touched it, a living thing-like "tissue" appeared from the surface of Tiebawang's armor and wrapped around his palm.

The next moment, the entire Iron Overlord armor seemed to "melt".


The tissue flow that turned into a living thing completely clings to Obadiah, covering his whole person.

follow closely.

Once again turned into the appearance of Iron Overlord.

The whole process takes less than a second.

With this, Obadiah entered the Iron Overlord's armor, and the Iron Overlord's eyes suddenly radiated scarlet light.

Take a big step forward.


The whole ground shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

This made the researchers in the entire Sixteenth District startled, and they ran over to see it. When they saw the fierce appearance of the Iron Overlord, they all gasped:

"my God!"

"This is so majestic!

"With this armor, it is estimated that even Superman can't do anything, right? 55

This Iron Overlord is the joint effort of these researchers.

Naturally, they would not be frightened by the fierce threat of Iron Overlord.

On the contrary, there is a sense of joy that his child can finally walk, and everyone starts to praise them.

And Obadiah couldn't help but feel a little proud when he heard the praises of the researchers and felt a powerful force coming from his body.

But soon.

Obadiah's eyes shrank suddenly.

He immediately saw that among those researchers, one... was wearing Joker makeup!

That's Joker!

Obadiah subconsciously made a thud in his heart, feeling very scared, and even made a defensive posture.

And right now.

I saw the Joker among the researchers with a slight smile, with a light wave of his hand, and slowly walked towards Obadiah.


At this moment, the space suddenly shattered like a mirror.

Obadiah didn't move for a while, didn't move, just felt nervous, and suddenly, he saw that Joker had come to him at some point, showing that iconic dangerous smile.

He raised his hand and pushed him gently.

Towards the mirrored space shattered like glass:

"Tsk tsk, Obadiah, why are you so serious?" Five.

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