Marvel: Opening Sign In Man Of Steel

Chapter 102 This is Joker's first gorgeous show!

"Obadia, what do you think of this terrorist bombing attack?"

Lin Yu's eyes glanced at the scorched black and cold explosion "scene" around him. Here is the scene he constructed in the mirrored space by means of magic projection. All the details are exactly the same as the scene a few days ago.

The explosion at that time was so loud, it was naturally impossible for Lin Yu not to notice.

What's more, there was a faint voice from Tony.


After Lin Yu heard Tony's Roar's help, he came.

Apart from the wreckage after the explosion, the only thing that caught Lin Yu's attention was a carbonized corpse covered in charred black and shards of metal armor attached to it.

Is that... Tony?

Tony is dead?

Died in the explosion that destroyed several blocks?

The whole scene looks like this.

There is still a certain degree of symbiont fiber material in the broken metal armor fragments that have not been destroyed.

The entire carbonized corpse's genes have been burned, and DNA cannot be detected naturally, but the metal armor fragments attached to the corpse can prove Tony's identity, which is undoubtedly Tony's technology.


Youhabach's "all-knowing and omnipotent" power + Joker's thinking can give Lin Yu a strong premonition and intuition. With a move of his mind, he "sees" that the future evolves in front of him like a sand table, and "sees" that Tony's figure is vaguely looming Swipe through the fissures of the future.


Tony was indeed in some sort of near-death situation.

But not really dead.

It's just that the state of the whole person seems a bit strange.

At that time, in order to ensure the perception of Tony's specific location, Lin Yu also directly used the Time Gem given to him by Ancient One, plus the "Dark God Book", but... the result was still the same.

He could only vaguely sense Tony's presence.

Where exactly is Tony.

What kind of state is it in.

As if it was completely shielded by some kind of force, it was vague and unable to locate clearly.

This made Lin Yu suddenly a little dignified and vigilant.

"Being able to shield me from the existence of perception is more or less multi-universe, at least equivalent to ten Dormammu, is there a guy like this who is eyeing me? Tony was taken away by him. Just to take a hostage and try to threaten me at a critical moment?

Lin Yu knew that sooner or later he would be targeted by those tyrannical existences at the multi-universe level. After all, in the Marvel world, one mountain was taller than the other, so he naturally wouldn't think that he was invincible now.

However, I didn't expect this to happen so quickly.


Things may not necessarily be as Lin Yu thinks.

Maybe something strange happened to Tony? Tony was originally a being that blocked Lin Yu's perception? Or was he in some bizarre place that blocked everything?

All in all, everything is still inconclusive.

"Speaking of which, after the end of the Life Foundation, Ancient One gave me the Time Gem so easily. With the urination of Aunt Ancient One, everything should be done with a purpose.

"Ancient One gave me the Time Gem for some kind of purpose?"

Lin Yu's thoughts turned.

After obtaining the Time Gem, Lin Yu actually used the power of time to predict the future right away. Combined with the omnipotent and omnipotent power of Youhabach, he saw his future development possibilities more than a billion times. It all indicates that he will become extremely powerful in the future - he spread the name of Superman to the whole universe, he became the Lord of the Nine Realms, and became the real God of the world above the Father of God, Skuru People worship him as Lord, the Kree Empire bows to him, Dormammu is held by his hand, Mephisto respectfully dedicates the entire dimension of hell to him...


He became the sixth "creation god" and challenged the all-knowing and almighty court of life. He will come to the supreme throne under the admiration of countless creatures in the multi-universe...

And this is just one of the possibilities for him to become stronger.

The rest are a billion ways to eventually become the supreme ruler.


These futures can be said to reflect YY incisively and vividly.

None of them could be against Lin Yu.

At that time, Lin Yu was very happy when he saw that his future was so strong and so cool, but after watching a lot, he felt a little weird in his heart... Isn't it, all his future seems to be too smooth and routine ?

Lin Yu had already faintly felt something was wrong.

Until it was discovered that Tony was suspected of being killed in the bombing.

Lin Yu confirmed what he was thinking.

At least……

The matter of Tony's death was never mentioned in the billion futures, or in other words, those futures seemed to make Lin Yu ignore Tony's existence, and all futures were centered on him , as for all the rest, they are but puppets and nothingness.

It seems that in the eyes of God, everything is nothing but dust, and there is no meaning to talk about.

"Obviously, my future has been manipulated to some extent by a certain existence, and has a very high personality, but... who is it? Is there any connection with Tony's 'death' event? '

in a second.

Lin Yu's mind moves very fast, he thinks a lot, and the amount of information he thinks is almost equivalent to an hour of exhaustion for others.

Obadiah naturally didn't know what Mr. Joker was thinking in front of him.

Hear questions.

Suddenly he felt troubled.

What do you think about this terrorist bombing?

The first thought that popped up in Obadiah's heart was "None of my business."

However, in the face of Joker's strange temper, he naturally did not dare to pretend, and after turning his eyes and thinking for a while, he cautiously and tentatively replied:

"Regarding this explosion, I think... a big art show of yours, Mr. Joker?35

In Obadiah's view, Joker is obviously an absolute top-level pervert and villain, not to mention the information revealed when Joker had a conversation with him before - "Joker and Superman are mortal enemies".

So after a little reasoning, it should not be difficult to come to the following conclusion:

This explosion was done by Joker.

In order to demonstrate to Superman!


Obadiah didn't dare to directly say "Joker, this is the case you committed", he embellished his words very emotionally, saying that this was a grand art performance by Joker.

Check it out.

How beautiful is this.

Obadiah couldn't help but give himself a compliment.

However, Obadiah was not happy yet, when he heard a "pop", Joker gave him a favorite ear scratch.


Seeing that Obadiah's "Ultimate Iron King" armor burst open, the whole person flew out like a bullet, and it stopped until it hit the barrier of the mirror space, and the whole body seemed to fall apart.

Fortunately, Lin Yu strengthened Obadiah's Iron Overlord armor before, and integrated the armor with his body, which greatly improved Obadiah's physical quality.

Otherwise this slap.

Obadiah may have died on the spot.

"I was wrong! I was wrong! Mr. Joker!"

However, being shot by Lin Yu, Obadiah did not dare to have any complaints, and the anger only flashed in his eyes. The next moment, he immediately got up and bowed to Lin Yu, showing a very sincere look attitude of admitting mistakes.

"Are you wrong? Oh no no no, you are very right, yes, this is indeed an art performance of mine, in order to announce to the world that Joker will enter the world in this gorgeous fireworks. stage!

Lin Yu's footsteps moved.

He came to Obadiah who was photographed and said with a smile.


Suddenly, Obadiah was stunned.

I'm Fafafa...Fuck!

Then why are you giving me an ear scraper!

Lin Yu, however, seemed to know Obadiah's inner thoughts, patted Obadiah's face, and continued with a smile: "As for giving you an ear scratch, it's naturally a reward for you, how about it, this ear scratch is good. eat?

Obadiah was completely speechless.

Depend on!

Joker you lunatic!

"Dang, definitely, definitely delicious, I love to eat Mr. Joker's ear scraper, it is my supreme honor to be able to let your hand touch my face.

Obadiah did not dare to show dissatisfaction at all, and even had an intoxicated look, as if he had tasted the unparalleled delicacy.

Be reasonable.

This rainbow fart, and this scene, really made Lin Yu vomit.

I have to say that Obadiah is really forgiving, and it's no wonder that he worked for the Stark family for decades, and didn't kill Tony until he was completely sure.

Definitely, Lin Yu made things so difficult for Obadiah, of course, not just to show Joker's eccentric temperament.

At the scene of this explosion, what was weird was not only Tony's mysterious trace of life and death, but also the surrounding atmosphere, which gave Lin Yu a very strong sense of 970 dark energy. If nothing else, it should be Dormammu. Conspiracy behind.

Since the last Symbiote Nest incident at the Life Foundation, Lin Yu didn't have to think about it and knew that Dormammu would definitely be eyeing "Superman"

In order to deal with Superman and achieve his goal of invading and devouring the earth, Dormammu should select one or several new spokespersons to help him do things on earth. At that time, all existences that are enemies of Superman will have a certain chance to be given by Dormammu. Checked.

And Obadiah.

It is a "seed player" deliberately created by Lin Yu

If it is said that Lin Yu originally wanted to turn Obadiah into a player with Stockholm Syndrome, make him a Joker fanatic, never dare to betray, and was beaten to death by Superman when he introduced the existence of Joker and Injustice to the world. Take the lunch, so now, Lin Yu decided to revise the script, he wanted to let Obadiah have more scenes.

In an ear scraping just now, Lin Yu injected the soul gift of his friend Habach Ability into Obadiah, and imprinted a good Ability ability.

Yuha Bach had to make someone drink the blood wine dripping with his blood, so with Lin Yu's Ability, he didn't need it.

As such.

Obadiah would become a "genius" especially in the realm of dark magic.


want to come.

This should catch Dormammu's attention.

Dormammu has always been in the dark dimension. To be honest, Lin Yu really doesn't have much way to deal with that guy, but he can make a "bait" to "fish".

"Okay, I'll assign you a task next, Obadiah.

The more Lin Yu looked at Obadiah, the more intense the smile on his face.

"What, what mission?"

Obadiah looked furious.


I was afraid that Mr. Joker in front of him was going to play with him again.

But fortunately this time Joker is a little more normal, with a bloody smile floating on his face, he slowly said: "The task is very simple, use all your means, and declare to the world as the spokesperson 'Iron Overlord'. —"

"Joker, and his Injustice, will be held responsible for this terrorist bombing.

"And in the future, there will be more exciting 'performances'.

"Stay tuned.

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