Marvel: Opening Sign In Man Of Steel

Chapter 134 Who is blinding me? It turned out to be him...

"Time Asgardian, don't do do you have such a special hobby?"

"This kind of thing is a long story. In fact, I have always had this slightly perverted idea, but I have never been shy to implement it. No, you have appeared, and you have come, so let's do it. ""

"You make me a little shy.

"What's so shy, come on, put this in your mouth..."


Under the crimson light.

Wanda quietly uses Origin Magic Power Psychokinesis to fly to the door of the master bedroom of the Ocean View Villa.

The voices of men and women suddenly became clearer.

Wanda's pretty face turned red.

She didn't know what Superman was talking about with the woman who seemed to be his girlfriend, but she always felt that the scene in the room might be exciting.

What was that girl called Superman just now?

Time Asgardian?

Does Superman still have such a nickname?

Wanda tilted her head, slightly puzzled.

The door of the master bedroom was now closed. Wanda stretched her neck and gradually cast her curious gaze into the bedroom. Then, she saw two figures, a man and a woman.

This look.

Wanda's pupils shrank slightly.

Subconsciously, he covered his mouth with his hand.

She...she she actually saw...Superman...he actually...holds a giant smooth tentacle in his hand that is constantly twisting, showing a ghostly state.

It appears to be an octopus tentacle.

Then Superman opened his mouth.


Just swallow it alive.

At the end, he wiped the corners of his mouth and said with an unfinished expression:

"Well, eating the tentacle sashimi of Sumagoras raw, I have to say it's really exciting, fresh, sweet, and springy, and after eating it, it will jump around and give my stomach a meal. , is simply a necessary medicine to aid digestion.


Superman also looked at the woman beside him in a green leotard and a metal horn headdress with a broken horn.

The corner of the woman's mouth was still twisting the end of a smaller tentacle.

She tried to suck.

Immediately, he sucked the tentacle-like noodles into his mouth.

Then she closed her eyes and made a chewing sound as if she was wearing a mask of pain, but soon, her eyes opened, and there was a sparkle in them:

"Delicious, it really is fresh, sweet, and chewy! Absolutely!

Wanda outside the door watched this scene.

The whole person can't help but be a little messy in the wind.


It seems to be a million points different from what she imagined, but it seems to be equally exciting...

What are those octopus-like tentacles?

It looks like an octopus.


Wanda subconsciously activated his Scarlet Witch Ability, and immediately felt that the tentacle contained an extremely terrifying consciousness. It was corrupt, depraved, and indescribable.

And this moment.

This god.

It was eaten by Superman...

"Huh? Wanda, you're awake."

Lin Yu raised his hand.

Immediately, another tentacle belonging to Shumagoras, the beholder brother, appeared in his hand.

The Cthulhu god who chased down the female Loki Hillwei was not only driven away by him with "time ghosts", but also left some souvenirs by him.

It is a bunch of tentacles condensed from the cosmic Mephista energy.

The beholder brother who just appeared is not the real body.

It can only be regarded as a projection.

But still contains incredible energy.

It would be a pity to waste it.

It just so happens that Lin Yu has a little hobby and likes to eat some different sashimi. After all, there is a saying that everything can be sashimi.

Therefore, he decided to taste it after the incident with Hillville, and he had to say that the taste was really good, and it was definitely a delicacy in the world.


It must be an unusual physique.

If an ordinary person eats the flesh and blood of the beholder Shumagoras, his cells will be mutated and distorted in an instant, becoming an indescribably ugly monster whose will is Possessing other's body, and to some extent will become possessed by the beholder. Body.

"Come on, Wanda, you also come to taste, tonic.

Lin Yu smiled and waved to Wanda.



Wanda couldn't help but have a black line on her face when she looked at the smooth and lively tentacle that was constantly ghosting.


Is this edible?

And it's delicious?

I don't read much, so don't lie to me...

However, she had absolute trust in Superman. After a little hesitation, she bit her lip and nodded her head.

Then come over.

The hands touch the tentacles.

Hesitation glanced at the tentacle.

then closed his eyes.

He opened his mouth and bit down:


Seeing this, Lin Yu showed a doting smile on his face, and he couldn't help recalling the scene of Wanda as his wife in the world of sitcoms.

"Scarlet Witch" is a kind of existence specially recorded in the Book of Dark Gods.

There are literally countless Scarlet Witches in the multi-universe.

But there is only one that can become the only "core life", and this is commonly known as the unique body.

He now wants to train Wanda to be the only one.

Devouring the universe Mephista, the beholder, is the first step.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・

"Speaking of which, I remember a universe where Doctor Strange also devoured the Beholder, and then Blacken, but Black Strange is obviously stronger, almost on par with the six Infinite Gems.

"I don't know when I will be able to experience that Hei Wei's strength."

"Definitely, the more important thing right now is the information I just got from Hillville..."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes.

Started to have thoughts.

The message from female Loki Hillville is actually quite simple.

Why does he feel that his destiny seems to be blinded by a pair of hands?

Why can't he perceive the real future?

What kind of existence is targeting him?


Because the person against him is himself.

This "self" is not only the past him, but also the future him.

This may seem absurd.


But it's actually quite understandable.

Because he is now on a specially created "time loop", this "time loop" is shrouded in a fog of time, and it is difficult for anyone to find it, so it has never been detected by the Time Variation Administration of any period. detected.

And as for why female Loki Hillville calls Roar a time Asgardian.

That's because the most initial Time Variation Administration was founded by him, but it was later usurped by Kang the Conqueror.

That's right.

He Lin Yu actually traveled to the Marvel world a long time ago.

And the very distant future of the Marvel universe.

He discovered the parallel universe, created the Time Mutation Authority, and became the well-deserved Time Asgardian, the end, everything became the fruit of victory for Conqueror Kang.

"After that, I created this 'time loop' to protect myself, but... because of Kang the Conqueror, the time line became disordered, like a domino effect, and a lot of time was triggered. online problem.

"Hill Wei is the successor I specially cultivated. I didn't take her away from a young age like Kang the Conqueror in the "Loki" drama and let her wander on the timeline, but let her have a happy life childhood, so she trusted me a lot."

"According to Hill Wei, the current external timeline has long since become a mess, and it has even affected the hidden 'time loop' I created, and as a result, a series of changes have gradually begun to occur. .

"And the beginning of the accident was the moment I obtained the system.

"What terrifying existence is waking up in the chaotic timeline, all the changes are the precursors of its waking up, it... no, if he wakes up completely, all things in the universe will be completely destroyed..." Six.

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