Marvel: Opening Sign In Man Of Steel

Chapter 161 A serious punch! A punch to the timeline!

Lin Yu's serious punch this time is not of the same order of magnitude as when he was under all things.

Because "Ripple Qigong" can produce energy similar to the sun from the body, and the solar energy can strengthen Superman's steel body, and a stronger physique can make the energy generated by "Ripple Qigong" more powerful. Therefore, in this Under the sky-defying effect that can be called "human flesh perpetual motion machine", Lin Yu's body can be said to be getting stronger every moment with an incredible efficiency.


After breaking away from the suppression and bondage of the "metaverse".

This effect is stronger.

It is even possible to use the Time Gem to speed this up.

Coupled with the "Origin Magic Power Essence" and "Gamma Magic Power Essence" obtained from the copy of the place where the Hulk was born, both are good strengthening media.

Under the stack of heavy buffs.

Even Lin Yu himself doesn't know how powerful he is at the moment.

What kind of power can be produced when a serious punch is used.

"I hope the black Doctor Strange won't be knocked down by me with 31 punches, after all, even a serious punch, it's not my real full strength at the moment.

When thoughts flashed.

Lin Yu's serious punch had already collided fiercely with the huge fist of Doctor Black Strange, which shattered dozens of parallel universe space-time barriers with only Yu Wei!

In an instant.

Like eternity.

Everything was at this moment, and suddenly became silent.

Those dozens of people in parallel universes who were penetrated by the barriers of time and space and were on different time lines, all opened their eyes inconceivably.

in their eyes.

can be seen.

A man wearing a red cloak and a dark blue tight battle suit with a big "S" in front of him appeared under the broken sky, and he was actually facing the indescribable huge face!

They don't know who this is, but they know that compared to the strange monster that exists in the broken sky, this man is too small.

But at the moment.

The man threw a punch against the monster.


He also raised his fist?

This, this is simply courting death, right?

It's just a mantra!

Do not!

It's a million times more outrageous than a mans arm!

But just when everyone thought that the man was bound to die and was about to be shattered, an unbelievable scene appeared——

One punch!

Just one punch!

The sky that was originally just a broken corner suddenly burst, and the huge monster let out a shrill wailing sound, and it was suddenly scattered. A whole piece turned into powder, time became distorted, reality gradually collapsed, and everything and everything appeared to be disintegrating!

People haven't reacted much yet.

I was surprised to find out.

Although the huge monsters in the sky were scattered, the reality that they existed was also collapsed by the punch of the mysterious man, the entire time line began to annihilate, and everyone's body seemed to disintegrate. do.

"This... this, this, blowing up a timeline with one punch, forcibly annihilating the reality of an entire universe? Is this Superman so terrifying?""

Star-Lord T'Challa strengthened his protective spell because of being hacked by Doctor Strange.

So even if it is affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Didn't get much damage either.

But his mind.

At the moment is already shocking to the extreme!

In his eyes, he could see that with the fists of the Superman and the black Doctor Strange colliding, all of a sudden, the black Doctor Strange, whose body had turned into a pure energy body, was completely dissipated, and at the same time, the aftermath of the aftermath was forceful. Born to annihilate a parallel universe as a branch of time!

It's's really terrifying!

Having worked in the Time Variation Administration for so many years and dealing with many time cases, Star Lord T'Challa fully understands that it is not difficult to delete a time branch if he really wants to.

To erase a small branch line like a bud, only a "time cutting device" is needed.

To erase a timeline branch with many branches, you only need to find the "absolute time point" that is the source of this time branch and destroy it, then all the branch universes on this time branch will be annihilated.


These are not relying on specialized technology in the surgery industry, or relying on the ingenuity that can produce four or two thousand-pound effects.

But that Superman, he just relied on the brute force of one punch, and it was just the aftermath, and he forcibly annihilated a time branch with its own branch.

What kind of terrifying strength is it to be able to do this?

"The multi-universe level battle is really terrifying..."

Star-Lord T'Challa couldn't help swallowing.

Clipping the timeline for this kind of thing.

He has done a lot in the first place.

Therefore, seeing the annihilation and disappearance of the branch universes that are not so critical and important to the balance of the entire multi-universe, I have no feelings in my heart.

The huge multi-universe is like a towering giant tree with luxuriant branches. The falling of branches and leaves is a common occurrence, and there are different parallel universes that are born or died every moment.

Star-Lord T'Challa was mainly afraid of the Superman's 087 power.

"I didn't expect that Strange forced himself to be like this, and he still couldn't gain the upper hand in the battle with this Superman. Who is this Superman, he is so powerful, I should have never heard of it before." "

Star-Lord T'Challa was thinking.

Look up.

Seeing that with the time-space barrier constantly shattering like glass, under the frenzy generated by the annihilation of the timeline, he fell into a branch universe that looked very desolate.

this universe.

It's utterly devastated.

Broken planets float around in space.

There are very few traces of life.

Almost no.

"It seems that this is a doomsday timeline where life has come to an end in the first place, and it will soon annihilate itself like withered leaves.

Among the multi-universe.

Such doomsday timelines are not rare.

Star-Lord T'Challa is not surprised.

He looked into the depths of space not far away.

On a broken Fixed Star fragment, Superman was standing above, and Christine was always behind him. At the same time, a large amount of dark energy gathered to form the indescribable huge black Doctor Strange. Alien body.

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