Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 19 Twilight Wolf

Many people think that people who practice traditional Chinese martial arts boxing will not practice the basic strength training of this Western system.

In fact, this kind of training can, to a certain extent, most directly test and improve a person's physical strength level. Since ancient times, Chinese people have also used tools such as stone locks and stone mills to exercise their bodies, which have the same effect as modern strength equipment.

Chinese boxing emphasizes the use of force, which is basically a skill. It is like an algorithmic formula. One part of energy is input and converted into two or even three parts through a special method of exerting force, doubling the destructive power.

But what if the input base is two or even three? Therefore, the ancient boxing systems for thousands of years have all studied how to amplify their own limited power and defeat the strong with the weak. Fighting styles such as jujitsu and joint techniques that appeared in later generations especially used the leverage amplification effect.

If a physically gifted mutant masters Chinese boxing, then due to his higher physical quality, he will definitely be more destructive than a human boxer of the same level, or even far beyond it.

However, over the years, Chinese martial arts have long been integrated with obscure culture and ideas. Not to mention the people of other countries who have huge intellectual disabilities, even the Chinese people have difficulty in having the talent and talent to peek into the secret door of martial arts. This has also led to the decline of martial arts fighting skills to a certain extent.

And James Howlett, the former martial arts master Bai Feng, this unimaginable anomaly, made all kinds of impossible conditions come together, making the pinnacle of martial arts become confusing again.

After twenty sets of maximal weight squats, deadlifts and a series of strength training. James staggered into the weight-bearing armor, added a hundred kilograms of lead weight, and officially started today's training.

Only after squeezing out all your physical energy and strength can you feel the power that penetrates deep into the texture of your fists. Nowadays, James is no longer bound by the boxing sect. The steps of Baguazhang may be the hammering method of Tai Chi, and the Xingyi Bengquan may be paired with the "shrinking the ground into an inch" Yu step.

In terms of technique, he has reached the peak. James has a feeling that his practice of boxing after becoming a human being may enter a completely new realm, and there may even be no shadow of the traditional Chinese boxing.

The clock in the secret room reminded him that almost five hours had passed since noon. James stopped slowly, slowly shaking his muscles and relaxing his skin, closing his pores tightly, allowing the sweat vapor that was constantly erupting to slow down. Sinking, the breath sank down and returned to the dantian of the lower abdomen. Suddenly, a long breath came out like the fireworks in the brazier swaying with white waves. The two streams of air finally slowly hit the temples and stopped the energy.

From the initial warm-up with blows to the strength training and the final boxing practice, he was naked all the time but not a drop of sweat broke out. This is one of the essences of internal boxing, to attack the skin.

Along the long stone staircase that stretched upward, the cabinets in the study filled with various types of muskets were slowly pushed open. James, who had changed his clothes, walked out calmly and went downstairs to dine.


Victor has not found new special traces in the forest for a long time. Since the unusual discovery in late autumn last year, he has been paying attention to the changes in the forest. Unfortunately, the "monster" that can cause such destructive power seems to be He completely left here and never appeared again.

With the instinct and intuition of the beast, Victor vaguely felt that this was his "kind", and firmly believed that they would meet one day. In the study of mutant genes more than a century later, scholars called this instinctive desire for group tropism the "therian mutant community effect."

Mutant humans with similar blood or the same lycanthropic mutant genes will have a natural group phenomenon originating from the deepest level. This is the group instinct of beast groups to hunt and survive. This instinct will induce them to be close to each other and rely on each other.

At the same time, the group pattern of animals determines that they must have their own leader, the king of beasts in this hunting area. Therefore, this desire to attract each other to be close and dependent has an extremely contradictory side, that is, in the end, they must have a duel to find the king of the group. . The beasts that are often at the top of the food chain either hunt alone or become the "alpha wolf", and rarely succumb to others.

Victor is eager to find his "kind" and his "herd" both mentally and physically. And his powerful mutant talent will mean that he will be called the "Sabre-toothed Tiger" in the future, which means that only by becoming the Beast King can he coexist with other compatriots...


After dinner, Butler Wayne sent letters sent back from the Howlett family in the United States, detailing the recent circumstances of John Brown's uprising and Republican leader Abraham Lincoln. James read it carefully in the study, thought for a moment, wrote a reply carefully and explained the follow-up layout tasks.

The prelude to the American Civil War is about to begin.

The night is deep, and the Canadian winter night is so quiet that it seems like I have lost my hearing. Thick snow clung to the vast Rocky Mountains, and the firewood in Mr. Howlett's bedroom crackled softly with just the right amount of firewood. The room was warm but not hot.

James was sitting cross-legged and meditating on the thick Persian rug in the left corner of the room, next to the fireplace, with the firelight on his handsome face. Being with his grandfather made him feel at ease. In this world that did not belong to him, he needed some persistence and bonds to make him less hesitant.


Mr. Howlett coughed intermittently and turned over with some struggle. When James heard the noise, he opened his eyes and stood up, went to the bedside, rubbed his grandfather's back, and held a glass of warm water for him to take two sips slowly. The old man seemed to be more energetic than before, and motioned to James to help him up and sit on the bed.

"'s okay, Jamie, it's okay, I'll sit down for a while and just want to talk to you." He nuzzled left and right on the pillows prepared by his grandson, and found a comfortable place. posture.

"Have you been feeling uncomfortable these days? You stay with me, an old guy, every night, doing things that servants do."

"You are joking again. These things should not be done by others." James sat next to Mr. Howlett, lit the oil lamp, and looked at the old man's withered face with a flush of red, and seemed to be a little angry. The once sharp and deep brilliance can be vaguely seen in the cloudy eyes.

Instead, he became uneasy and responded to his grandfather's words in a panic.

"Sigh... I haven't been able to speak for a while, and I'm feeling drowsy, but I can also feel that you are here with me every night, feeding me, bringing water, cleaning the toilet... When people get old, they are afraid of giving birth to their children. I want to cause trouble to them, but I don’t want to go away. I know you are by my side... just..."

Mr. Howlett rambled on to his grandson about what he had been unable to express for a long time. The more James listened, the deeper his heart sank, as a pair of invisible hands twisted his heart inch by inch.

"Grandpa...please stop talking and save some energy to have a good sleep." He pleadingly tried to interrupt Mr. Howlett, and the old man held his hand tightly.

"I know when I have reached a certain age. If I miss some words, I will never get another chance." He took a slow breath and then said: "You are smart enough and more capable than me. You don't have to follow me about what you should and shouldn't do in the future. You are talking nonsense. Whether this family is prosperous or declining, people must be good!"

James nodded, taking his grandfather's hand and stroking it gently.

"I'm just worried that you are too aloof. I know you have been unwilling to trust anyone since you were a child. I can see it, but remember, no matter how powerful a lone wolf is, it cannot defeat a lion. Only a pack of wolves can be invincible! You have to have your own 'wolf pack' to deal with the storms in the future, don't carry everything on your own."

"I remember, Grandpa"

“The root of a family is not blood, but an inheritance, an inheritance of spirit and persistence. Everyone who identifies with and surrounds you can become a member of this family. The same blood does not necessarily have the same heart! The only thing I want to entrust to you is the 'Howlett' family, so that this family that started with me can continue, this is my only wish."

James nodded heavily: "Don't worry, the Howlett family will definitely pass it on!"

"Also... Although you don't have to be obsessed with blood, you still have to have more children! I can't see the day when you have children. Don't think about so many messy things. How many children will you give birth to? The sky and the earth are so generous. s life……"

After more than ten minutes, Mr. Howlett thought about what he said again, and gradually became as tired as before. He gradually lost strength and seemed to have fallen asleep. James helped him lie down, held the old man's hand and knelt down beside the bed, his face pressed against the back of his grandfather's hand. His keen awareness and powerful hearing felt the old man's heart beating slowly and tenaciously...

Slowly there was no sound.

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